WelcomeHealth History Form
NOTE: The parent of Guardian who accompanies the child is responsible for payment at the time of service.
1.Tell us About Your Child
Child’s Name______
Last First
Goes by:______Male____Female__Siblings that we treat______Child’s birthdate_____/_____/____age___
School______Grade___ Child’s Home#(_____)______
2. Who may we thank for referring you toour office?______
3. Mother’s Information
Home phone #______cell______SS#______
4. Father’s Information
5. Who is Accompanying the Child Today? Name______Realtionship______
6. Dental Insurance
Insurance Co.Name______
Insurance Co. Address______
Insurance Co. Phone #______
Group # (Plan, Local, or Policy #)______
Realtionship to Patient______
Policy Owner DOB______
Policy OwnerEmployer______
7. Dental History
Last Dental Visit______
For What Service______
Name of Previous Dentist______
Has the child had dental problems?______
Does the child brush teeth daily?______
Does the Child floss daily?_____
Is fluoride taken in any form? ___
Injuries to mouth, head, teeth? ______
Any unhappy dental experiences? ______
Any mouth habits-thumbsucking, pacifier, bottle sleeping?______
8. Medical History
Child’s Physician______
Phone #______
Date of last exam______
Is the child under care now____
If so for what reason______-
Is the child taking any medications?______
If yes, what type? ______
Ever been hospitalized? ______
If yes, what type?______
Is there excessive bleeding when cut?______
Has the child had any history or difficulty with any of the following? If yes please check (√)
___Aids/H.I.V.__Cerebral Palsy___Epilepsy___Anemia
__Chicken Pox__Fainting__ADD ___Convulsion __Hearing Prob
___Autism__Diabetes_Heart Prob
___BladderProb__Drug/alcohol abuse_Hepatitis__Cancer
__Kidney Disease_Liver Disease
__LatexAllergy_Mononucleosis __Mumps__Rheumatic Fever
__Sinus Prob__Thyroid Dis
In the event of an emergency, whom should we contact?
Insurance Assignment and Release
I certify that my dependent(s) is covered by insurance with ______and assigned directly to Dr.______
Name of Insurance Co.
all insurance benefits, if any, otherwise payable to me for services rendered. I understand that I am financially responsible for all charges whether or not paid by insurance. I authorize the use of my signature on all insurance submissions.
The above –named doctor may use my child’s health care information and may disclose such information to the above named Insurance Co and their agents for the purpose of obtaining payment for services and determining insurance benefits payable for related services. This consent will end when the current treatment plan is completed or one year from the date signed below.
Signature of Parent or GuardianDate
Print NameDate
To be completed at later Date
Has there been any change in patient’s health since last appointment ___yes___no
If so please describe______
Is patient taking any new medications___yes___no
If so list______
Parent Signature______
Dentist Signature______