School Fund Constitution
Committee Members
Head of Establishment:Martin Hardie
Chairperson:Eileen McSween
Secretary:Margaret Carmody
Treasurer:Liza Fraser
Staff Member:Janet Duguid
Parent Rep:Michelle Connelly
Following the first meeting of the School Fund Committee of St Paul’s (Whiteinch) Primary, held on
27.01.10, the following resolutions were proposed by the Head of Establishment, Mr Martin Hardie.
1The St Paul’s (Wh) Primary School Fund will be constituted to enhance theeducation provided by
the school.
The St Paul’s (Wh) School Fund Committee, after consultation as detailed below, is empowered to spend funds raised to obtain additional books, materials, equipment, treats, make donations to charities and friends of the school, and to finance educational curricular trips and extra-curricular activities which cannot be completely financed from public funds allocated to the school by Glasgow City Council in disposition of its statutory responsibility.
2The School fund will be administered by a School Fund Committee:
- the committee will comprise of 6 members
- the Committee will include:
Head of Establishment
Elected representatives of staff and parents/carers
Elections to the Committee will take place every two years at a meeting open to all staff and parents/carers.
-the committee will elect the following office-bearers:
3The Secretary will be responsible for taking minutes of all School Fund Committee
meetings and for processing all applications for support from the fund through the Committee.
4The treasurer will be responsible for the day-to-day administration of the fund including:
aArrange for the recording of all income and expenditure, the banking of cash and the signing
of cheques
bDistribute and receive through the secretary, all application forms requesting money money from the fund
cDistribute funds as approved by the School Fund Committee
dKeep subsidiary records for funds held on behalf of clients and groups within the School fund
eReport regularly to the committee on the state of the fund
fProduce an annual statement of account for the fund
gArrange for an annual independent audit of the School fund records
School Fund Constitution (Contd)
5The School Fund Petty Cash will maintain a cash float up to the value of £40 and will be replenished when its value drops below £5, or at appropriate times when Treasurer is going to bank.
There will be a “small change” float of £30 to be utilised for Bring ‘n Buy / School Enterprise events
6The Committee will meet 3 times per year – September, January and June, plus any
extraordinary meetings
74 Committee members will be required to be present for financial decisions to be valid
8Funds raised will be deposited in accounts with Bank of Scotland, 1475 Dumbarton Road, Glasgow G14 9XNand the account tobe designated St Paul’s (Wh) Primary School Fund
-Two signatories out of a possible three will be required for any account withdrawals
-Authority to incur expenditure which will reduce the capital amount in the Fund as follows
Amount per Transaction / Personnel Required for ApprovalUp to £200 / Treasurer / Secretary
More than £200 but less than £1000 / Committee Meeting
More than £1000 / Full staff meeting
9The annual statement of accounts must be signed by all bank account signatories. The accounts must be audited and a copy sent to the Finance Manager in Education or nominated officer by
30th November each year
10In the event of school closure, and the dissolution of the School Fund Committee, surplus funds
will be transferred to other schools in the locality as agreed between the Finance Manager in
Education Services and the School Fund Committee.
After discussions the resolutions were proposed by The Head of Establishment, Martin Hardie, seconded by Eileen McSween (Chairperson) and unanimously agreed by the Committee, and will be put in the next meeting of staff and parents/carers for approval.
Signature ______(Secretary) Date ______