Term 2 Newsletter- Room 18

Dear Families, May 1st2018

Welcome back to an eventful term 2!

School Events and dates to remember this term:

  • Wednesday 2nd May, excursion to Adelaide Festival Theatre and Central Markets.
  • Wednesday 9th of May, School Photo Day
  • Weeks 3 to 4 Naplan Period
  • Active 8 Program begins Wednesdays, Weeks 2-6 (Please ensure all consent notes are returned as soon as possible)
  • Premiers Be Active Challenge Weeks 1-4

Student health and wellbeing:

  • Hats do not need to be worn this term.
  • Students are encouraged to bring a fruit or vegetable daily for in class fruit snack.
  • Please ensure your child is getting enough sleep as it helps their learning and development.

Mobile Phones/Devices:

Students who bring their phones/devices to school will need to hand them in at the beginning of the school day to the teacher and they will be returned back at the end of the school day.


Please remember the main method of communication is through your child’s dairy. The diary will be checked on Monday each week by the teacher and must be overlooked by families each week and signed. Last term some students did forget to get it signed, however diaries will be looked at more thoroughly this term. It can be used for communication such as student notes, student absence and the recording of homework and due dates. I also welcome contact with you face to face after school besides Thursdays. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask 

Thanks Ms Jamal

Term 2

Subject overviews

English:Students will continue to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and creating. The major focus for writingthis term will be on historical narratives and narrative structure. Students will also focus on spelling, grammar and punctuation on a daily basis.

Mathematics:Students will continue to focus on Number and Algebra with a specific focus on Real numbers this term. Students will use the four operationsin fractions, decimals, percentage.Students will also learn about, locating fractions on a number line, equivalent fractions, fractions of a quantity and worded problems involving fractions.

Humanities and Social Sciences: The focus for this term is Geography. Students will be learning about Water in the world and Place and Livilibility through the seven geographical concepts of Place, Space, Environment, Interconnection, Sustainability, Scale and Change.

Health/Physical Education:This term students will focus on: Tag Games, Game Sense, Basketball and Australian Rules Football.

Skill development: Apply and refine strategies and tactics individually and as part of a team in modified game opportunities. Recognise connections and transfer movement and tactical skills between offensive and defensive sports and invasion games. Practise and design safe game play. Demonstrate and articulate fair play in specific sports and modified games. Practise and refine sport specific skills: offence, defence, ball dribbling, shooting, passing, catching, kicking (punt, drop punt, torpedo punt), hand-balling, marking and shepherding.

Performing Arts:In Term 2, students will explore the purpose of music and dance and focus on creating short musical/dance works to perform for a specific audience. They will develop their understanding of formal music notation using tuned and untuned instruments, and create dances using a range of movements, props and music styles.

Science:In term 2, students will be focusing on Chemical Sciences. Students will be conducting a number of experiments where they will be making predictions and evaluating outcomes. Students will be considering how substances change, can be mixed together, and react to each other. They will be observing our substances before and after chemical reactions, and determining if changes are reversible or irreversible.

Thanks Ms Jamal