EPSY 5318: School Counseling Internship

Academic Year 2008-2009

NeagSchool of Education

Professor Orv C. Karan

Office Hours: Tuesdays and Wednesday 9 AM to 12 noon

Other times by appointment

Office: Room 306 GentryBuilding

Telephone: 860 486-0207

Fax: 860 657-2618


Course Description: This two-semester course is generally your final step in our CACREP approved program. It is also a core requirement in becoming certified as a school counselor. To be in this course you must simultaneously be participating in either a full or part-time internship within a school setting under the supervision of a certified school counselor with at least two years experience.

This course is designed to allow you to share and reflect on your internship experiences, to gain support and feedback from your peers, to problem solve on challenging situations, and to integrate your clinical experiences with theory. It is intended to be a safe place where you are with others who are going through similar experiences, where you can maintain a connection to UConn, and where you have direct access to a senior member of the faculty. For each seminar, you should be prepared to present some topic, issue or concern emanating from your internship experience that you want to discuss with the others.

This course is also aligned with several of the basic tenants/elements of the Neag School of Education’s conceptual framework. The tenants addressed in this course and their relationship to the skills, competencies and knowledge to be expected from the totality of the internship experience are described in the section below on course objectives.

Text: There is no text for this course. Instead, you will receive a copy of “The Standards for a School Counseling Internship Program-Guidelines for the Supervision of School Counselor Interns,2004. The Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (CACES) along with the Connecticut School Counselor Association (CSCA) in cooperation with the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) developed these Standards.

Course Objectives: The purpose of the internship is to actively participate in real world school settings/situations within which you are expected to demonstrate certain foundational skills, competencies and knowledge before leaving our graduate training program. These are described within the “Standards for a School Counseling Internship Program”. The skills and competencies noted in the Standards are consistent with those described in Best Practices for School Counseling in Connecticut (2001).

The skills, competencies, competencies and knowledge listed below are taken from the Best Practices document. Some of these will be discussed and monitored during the on-campus meetings of this course and others will be observed, monitored and recognized in the internship site.

These are also aligned with several of the basic tenants/elements of the Neag School of Education’s conceptual framework. The tenants addressed in this course are drawn from the themes of learning and leading and include those related to the professional knowledge base (PKB), evidence-based professional practice (EBPP), inquiry(I) and leadership(L). These tenants are identified by their abbreviationswhich follow each of skills, competencies and knowledge identified below.


The beginning school counselor will:

. demonstrate knowledge of theory, practice and ethical standards relative to

individual and group counseling (PKB) and (EBPP);

. articulate the theoretical basis for one's own counseling practice (PKB);

. demonstrate appropriate counseling techniques and interventions for use within

the academic, career and personal/social domains (PKB);

. demonstrate the ability to provide individual and group counseling services that

are appropriate to the interests, needs, and developmental levels of diverse

populations and cultures (PKB);

. demonstrate the ability to evaluate and assess the effectiveness of one's

counseling interventions and to modify accordingly (EBPP) and (I); and

. demonstrate the ability to interpret tests, student data and other appraisal results

appropriately in the counseling environment (I) and (L).


The beginning school counselor will:

. demonstrate knowledge of the theory and practice of school-based consultation (PKB);

. demonstrate the ability to consult and collaborate with teachers, staff,.

administrators and community-based organizations in understanding and meeting

the needs of all students (I);.

. make appropriate referrals to school and community support personnel (EBPP); and

. demonstrate knowledge of a wide variety of appraisal instruments and techniques to

enhance decision-making and planning (I).


The beginning school counselor will:

. demonstrate knowledge of the school and community resources that complement

the provision of counseling services (PKB).

. initiate and maintain productive working relationships with students, staff,

parents, administration and community-based organizations (PKB) and (EBPP).

Curriculum Management

The beginning school counselor will:

. demonstrate the ability to design and implement a planned, sequential and

developmentally appropriate school counseling curriculum (PNB) and (EBPP);

. demonstrate the ability to deliver the curriculum using systematic approaches (I);

. promote understanding and appreciation for diverse populations and cultures (PNB);

. demonstrate the ability to evaluate the impact of instruction (I); and

. demonstrate the ability to modify teaching methods based on feedback and

Evaluation (I)

Individual Planning

The beginning school counselor will:

. demonstrate the ability to assist students in establishing personal goals and

developing future plans (L); and

. articulate a method of systematic delivery of individual planning to all students

appropriate to their age and grade level (L).


The beginning school counselor will:

. manage time, space, materials and equipment for the provision of the counseling

program (PKB);

. understand, organize and facilitate the use of technology (I);

. conduct periodic evaluations of the counseling program (I); and

. use evaluations of the counseling program to modify programs/activities (I) and (L)


The beginning school counselor will:

demonstrate knowledge of the ethical standards of the American School Counselor

Association (ASCA) (EBPP);

.demonstrate knowledge of the ethical standards of the American Counseling

Association (ACA) (EBPP);

.demonstrate knowledge of state and national program standards (EBPP);

.demonstrate knowledge of the Federal and state laws pertinent to the role, function

and services of the school counselor (EBPP); and

.participate in professional development activities (I)

Expectations: Connecticut Statutes Section 10-145d-556 specifies that“to receive the initial educator certificate to serve as a school counselor one must complete a full-time supervised school internship of 10 school months in a school (Pre K through 12) setting unless the individual holds or is eligible to hold an initial educator certificate and has had 30 school months of successful teaching experience”.As such, unless you can fulfill this latter requirement you must complete the 10-month full-time supervised internship in which a typical workweek is between 30 to 32.5 hours. Under Connecticut Statute, those that meet this requirement are able to waive the 10-month requirement. However, because our program is CACREP accredited, even those able to waive Connecticut’s internship requirements must still complete a CACREP required 600-hour internship in a school setting.

Throughout the internship you are expected to document your activities on the attached monthly log titled School Counseling Internship Client Contact/Supervision Record Form (make multiple copies for your use). This form summarizes direct, indirect and supervision hours, and is signed by your site supervisor. At least 360 hours of the internship period must be devoted to direct services to students. A copy of this form can also be found on page 2 in the Appendicesof the Standards for a School Counseling Internship Program.

You and your site supervisor are expected to review the Internship Requirements and Responsibilities (pages 7-9)within the Standards for a School Counseling Internship Program and each sign theattached Internship Agreement Form, which must be returned to Dr. Karan by the next class meeting on campus.

Grading: At the end of the semester, you must provide your site supervisor with the attached Intern Evaluation Form so that s/he can review the activities in which you have been involved and rate you on each activity. One copy of this rating is to go to you and the other is to be sent to Dr. Karan. Your site supervisor’s ratings carry considerable weight in determining your final grade. They will count for 75% of your final grade whereas the remaining 25% will be based on the on-campusseminars





On-site supervisor:On-campus supervisor:

WEEK 1 /


/ WEEK 3 / WEEK 4
Testing (Individ.)
Team meetings/
PPT, SAT, etc
Report writing
or system
Total hours for
Total direct
hours for week

Total hours for month: ______Total direct hours for month: ______

Cumulative hours to date: ______Cumulative direct hours to date: ______

Signature/Site Supervisor: ______

Signature/Campus Supervisor:______


Directions: The intern and site supervisor must both review this document, agree that each will make a sincere effort to meet the spirit and intent of their identified responsibilities (making sure to identify any areas in which the specified responsibility can not be fulfilled) and then sign and date it. The original document should be returned to Dr. Orv Karan at UConn by the second class meeting with copies for the intern and site supervisor.

Responsibilities of the Cooperating SiteSchool Counselor

  1. Provide the student intern with opportunities to engage in the full variety of counseling activities provided at the school site, such as individual and group counseling, developmental guidance lessons, testing & report writing, consultation, career counseling, individual supervision, group or peer supervision, case conferences, intake interviewing, orientation programs, PPT/504 and other administrative meetings, etc.
  1. Provide the student with adequate workspace, telephone, computer, office supplies,

storage space for confidential materials, and staff to conduct professional activities;

  1. Provide the intern with a caseload of students equivalent to approximately 25% of the

average caseload of other school counselors in that school but no more than 40-45


  1. Provide a minimum of one hour of face-to-face supervisory contact each week, which

involves a review of student work using audio/video tapes, live observation, modeling, and discussion of salient clinical issues;

  1. Sign the intern's weekly and monthly logs, which summarize the intern’s direct and indirect service hours to students, and supervision hours you’ve provided;
  1. Provide a written evaluation of the intern based on criteria established by the

University of Connecticut;

  1. Maintain contact with the university professor (Dr. Orv C. Karan-860 486-0207 or ) on issues or concerns about the intern or the internship program;
  1. Provide a wide variety of school counseling experiences as described in the Standards

for a School Counseling Internship Program.

9. Support the fulfillment of these standards

Responsibilities of the School Counselor Intern

1.Provide your site supervisor with a résumé and an introductory letter for distribution to the faculty;

2.Review this agreement form and present it to your site supervisor for discussion and

signature and submit it to Dr. Karan by the second seminar class meeting;

  1. Obtain professional liability insurance, which is available through ASCA or ACA;
  1. Obtain appropriate immunizations and tuberculosis testing and provide evidence that you have received immunization for Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Hepatitis B. These documented immunizations must be on file with the University;
  1. Maintain a weekly and monthly log of internship hours. These must be co-signed by your site supervisor and will be eventually used for documenting and verifying your hours;
  1. Complete the specified number of hours that UConn requires for a school counseling internship. The hours will include direct, indirect and supervisory hours;
  1. Develop positive professional relationships with teachers, parents and administrators, and function in helpful and caring ways;
  1. Engage in the supervisory process by constructing an agenda of issues, problems and questions that need to be addressed and that will contribute to professional growth;
  1. Maintain professional conduct during coursework and the internship experience (appropriate dress, decorum, respect for confidentiality);
  1. Maintain standards of professional performance at all times;
  1. Become familiar with the school's policies pertaining to ethical, legal and administrative procedures and regulations;
  1. Seek supervision whenever there is any doubt or confusion regarding the ethical or legal requirements;
  1. Attend the scheduled seminar class, i.e., EPSY 5491, at the university; and
  1. Understand and demonstrate the skills and competencies set forth in the Standards for a School Counseling Internship Program.




Supervising School Counselor Date


Directions: Site supervisor is to complete this form in duplicate at the end of the semester. One copy is to go to the student; the other is sent to the faculty liaison, Dr. Orv C. Karan, University of Connecticut, Neag School of Education, 249 Glenbrook Road, U-2064, Storrs, CT.06269–2064 or they may be faxed to Dr. Karan at 860 486-0180.

The areas listed below serve as a general guide for the activities typically engaged in during counselor training. Please rate the intern on the activities in which s/he has been involved using the following scale:

A--Functions extremely well and/or independently

B--Functions adequately and/or requires occasional supervision

C--Requires close supervision in this area

NA-Not applicable to this training experience


Intern’s NameSupervisor’s signature


Site Date

Training Activities

______1.Developmental guidance lessons in classroom

______2.Educational/Career counseling

______3.Testing/Assessment (Individual)

______4.Group Counseling

______5.Crisis Counseling

______6.Consultation with staff

______7.Consultation with parent/guardian

______8.Case conferences

______9.Team meetings/PPT, SAT, etc.

______10.Report writing


______12.Professional development

______13.Testing/school or system

______14.Program development

______15. Other (please list):______



Final Evaluation

In comparison to other graduate students in school counseling at this level of training and experience, in my opinion this intern performs overall at the following level (check one):

_____0-19th %tile_____20-39th %tile _____40-59th %tile _____60-79th %tile _____80-99th%tile

I recommend a final grade of (circle one): A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, or C-

Additional Comments:

Please use the additional space for any comments that would help us evaluate this student’s progress. Student may comment upon exceptions to ratings, if any.