School Council November 2017

Present / Mrs Hall, Mrs Evans,Tiya, Chloe, Seth, Harrison, Olivia, Emmie, Bodei, Oakley
Agenda / Minutes / Actions
Welcome / Mrs Evans was welcomed to the school council meeting by the chair Tiya.
School Development Plan / The children shared the pupil development plan with Mrs Evans and asked how she could support them with their final target of community engagement in her role as foundation Governor.
Mrs Evans explained her role in the community and church to the children and discussed their suggestions with them.
The children all contributed ideas for a community thank you event for all the work they do. Seth felt it important that the Lions be invited as the Hornsea Lions do a lot for the school.
After discussion with Mrs Evans it was agreed that a refreshment afternoon would be offered and that the older children on the council would host the afternoon.
All children would be asked to share something with the community in their classes. Emmie asked if they could sing songs. Harrison suggested they sing the Christmas play songs and this was agreed by all.
Tiya said her class would make additional Christmas cards for the visitors from the school.
Mrs Hall said she would organise the hot drinks at the afternoon and help serve refreshments.
Mrs Evans will deliver the invitation to community groups. The school office will then give the team the final numbers. / December planning meeting needed with Mrs Hall, Tiya, Seth, Chloe and Harrison to finalise the plans for the afternoon once numbers are known.
Mrs Hall to purchase refreshments.
Mrs Evans to send out invites.
  1. Sports premium funding – a discussion was held around the funding plan and how it is planned to be spent.
Following on from the play leader training children will speak to their classes and make a list of sports equipment needed. Mrs Hall will pass the list to Miss Groom who will purchase equipment.
  1. Development item 1 – all children were thrilled with the new books. They loved the new selection and it had been well received by all children in all classes. The school council will monitor how this progresses. It was suggested by Bodei that Robins may need more books.
/ Sports equipment to be purchased by Miss Groom.
Next Meeting / December 2017 for the Community thank you event.
January 2018 whole school council.