United States Army
Warrant Officers Association
Oberpfalz-Franken Chapter
NEXT MEETING 1700 HRS, 12 November 1998
1.After leading the pledge of allegiance, the president called the meeting of the Oberpfalz-Franken Chapter to order at 1730 hours, 8 October 1998.
2.ROLL CALL: 10 members and 24 proxies were present.
*CWO Petrak*CWO (R) Martell
*CWO (R) Wrede*CWO Fambrough P CWO Gordon, R. * CWO M. Davis
* CWO Miller*CWO Hendrickson
*CWO Colon*CWO (R) Haine
*CWO Dehnel*CWO (R) Manzo
* WO1 Turner*CWO Larson
*CWO Porter*CWO Nicholas
* WO1 StewartPCWO Nelson
*CWO TorresPCWO Thomas
PCWO Morris*CWO (R) Eby
* CWO Walters*WO1 A. Thomas
*CWO BienusaPWO1 Johnson
*CWO CampbellPCWO Lewis
*WO1 Scott*WO1 Ramnarine
P CWO Giuliano P CWO Pustola
* Denotes proxies, V denotes visiting
3. SECRETARY’S REPORT:CWO Drigo presented September’s minutes which were reviewed and accepted as read. Motioned by CWO Thomas and seconded by CWO Lewis. Motion carried.
4.TREASURER’S REPORT: The Treasurer distributed copies of the treasury statement for the previous financial period. The report was accepted subject to audit. Motioned by CWO Harr and seconded by CWO Thomas. Motion carried.
The president announced that the next Committee of Presidents (COP) will be held in Hanau during the Columbus Day week end.
The president informed the secretary to attempt to contact CWO Petrak for a biography in order that the chapter submits him as the nominee for “Warrant Officer of the Quarter”.
The president provided members extracts on Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) maintenance that explained required actions for keeping the OMPF up to date.
The vice president welcomed members and announced that the Stiver print “The Quiet Professional” had been received and was positioned in the hut. He continued by requesting reports from the committees.
The vice president noted that we need to have a system to sense family pulse. He noted that special events such as birth and hospitalization of membership’s families should be recognized.
COMMITTEES: There are currently three active committees; the Hut upgrade, chaired by CWO Morris, the web site committee, chaired by CWO Lewis, and the Ways and Means Committee, chaired by CWO Thomas and WO1 Johnson.
The web site. Committee chairman, CWO Lewis reported that updates to the chapter’s web site has been3/4th finished. It can be found at CWO Lewis informed membership that he needed input for the site. He mentioned that the input could include topics on what’s new or community events.
The hut upgrade committee. Committee chairman, CWO Morris reported that the television and stand donated by CWO Colon was now in the TV room and that the Stiver print “The Quiet Professional” is on display in the hut.
The Ways and Means Committee. CWO Thomas and WO1 Johnson are co-chairpersons. They reported that new crystal had been ordered and that they were in the process of doing a comparison between the cost and selling price of the inventory in and effort to increase sales. CWO Thomas further mentioned that they were looking into getting a display case for the crystal.
WO1 Johnson reported his findings with regards to the request for funds to support the scholarship for the “Top 12 Installation Volunteers”. He stated that Merris Ed Grier informed him that the donation could be a one-time amount instead of incremental payments.
Motioned by CWO Nelson, seconded by CWO Lewis, to donate $200.00 to the Scholarship fund in support of the “Top 12 Installation Volunteers”. Motion carried.
Motioned by CWO Thomas, seconded by CWO Nelson, to donate $200.00 to the Boy Scout of America, Grafenwoehr. Motion carried.
The president congratulated CWO Nelson on the occasion of his promotion to CW2.
Next meeting will be held 12 November 1998 at 1700 at the Hut.
Motioned by CWO Thomas, seconded by CWO Lewis, to adjourn. Motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 1815 hours.
/S/ /S/
Chapter SecretaryChapter President