School Council Minutes 05/11/16
Marshpoint School Council met in an additional session on Wednesday, May 11, 2-16. The meeting was held at MarshpointElementary School, 135 Whitemarsh Island Rd., Savannah, GA31410.
School Council members present:Holly Adams,Agie Connelly, James Devine, Melissa Olszewski, Patrick Williams, Aida Avendano, Ellen Lloyd, Carter Eubank, Lynne Phillips. Guests were Ms. Devine.
1. Call to Order:James Devine called the meeting to order at 7:39 am.
2. Introduction of members for 2016/2017: Lynne Phillips, new parent representatives are Susan Cobb and Patrick Williams.
3. Roll Call: Melissa Olszewski, Secretary
4. Inspiration:James Devine
5. Pledge of Allegiance:Ellen Lloyd, Teacher Representative
6. Approval of minutes from 4/20/16meeting: motion to approve Holly Adams, 2nd by Ellen Lloyd, unanimous 9-0.
7. Principal’s Report:
A. GMAS – Results no in yet, however it has been announced that the scores will NOT count towards promotion and retention. SRI and MAP scores will be used in addition to Attendance. Marshpoint has one of the best truancy records.
B. Marshpoint has a vacancy for a Teacher on Loan, i.e. a permanent in-house sub.
C. Marshpoint will be losing one PACE class for 2016/2017.
D. Science Olympiad – Marshpoint earned first place with Hesse, teachers Anna Kate Mahany and Sharon Cunningham will be taking the team to the state competition in Kennesaw on Friday, May 13. They made the WTOC news on May 10.
8. PTA Update: Holly Adams and Agie Connelly
A. Culture Fest, May 5, 2016. Although the event was a great success, PTA would still like to purue the idea of a school wide event where classrooms represent various cultures. We will look at holding the event in January/February 2017 versus waiting until end of year.
B. Teacher Grants are being widely used and getting positive feedback.
C. Fun Day – we received $200 back from Kona Ice.
D. Teacher Appreciation Week was reviewed.
9. Old Business:
A. Car Rider Line Update – Still need cones (12) and lines to be completed by Fall. Also working on a pledge to be printed on back of car rider signs that parents use. Ms. Devine to research options for this.
B. Need Assessments/Signatures – Ms. Phillips is putting in a budget request to district for professional development funds of $1200. This would allow us to send teacher for training and continue our focus on IB for 2016/2017.
C. Update Template of bylaws – we will do a vote via email to amend our School Council bylaws.
D. Office will be closing as of June 9 for summer.
10. New Business:
A. Meeting dates for next year: 8/17/16, 10/19/16, 01/18/17, 04/19/17. We will meet at 7:45am.
11. Adjournment – James Devine, Chair at 8:27am