School Council Meeting #2 - 2015
Monday, 8th June 2015
Venue School Library
Time 5:30 pm
Chair Dale Harris
Attendees Kevin Saunders, Bet Fisher, Belinda Beeson, Margot Salter, Rob Pyne, Tracey-Ann Doe, Caroline Mudd, Megan Hudston, Lou Castle
Apologies Denise Bird
Meeting Open: 5:35pm
Agenda Item 1: Minutes of previous meeting
· Review of Minutes from previous meeting
· Approval of previous minutes:
o Moved: Belinda Seconded: Bet
Agenda Item 2: Business arising from Minutes
· Grounds keeping (Dale Harris)
o Nothing to report until meet with City of South Perth
· Fundraising options for maintenance of tennis courts/basketball courts (Lou Castle)
o Kevin: getting a costing from the Dept for the resurfacing with new upright posts ($40k estimate at this stage). Can put in a funding request into the Dept but on a needs basis, so not very likely.
o Bet: City of South Perth community grants might be an option.
o Lou: Lake Monger got a $100k grant for resurfacing all their courts recently. Kevin to try and found out what this grant was.
o Tracey-Ann: crowd funding website investigated was not really set up for what we are looking for.
o Lou: there are some junior basketball groups that might want to use the undercover area with the lower hoops we have. Kevin and Lou to look at sending out a letter to see if we can attract them.
o Kevin: if we want to upgrade our resources need a plan on how to get revenue in but not overuse them and degrade them too quickly.
o Dale: look at technology for a code lock they can SMS payment for the code.
o Kevin: put in a heavy duty, secure locked box for donations, but might get targeted for robbery.
o Lou: donation can in the IGA for the courts might be an option. Put a sign on the courts about the tin at the IGA.
o Belinda: Grilled in Vic Park have a choice of 3 charity options. Belinda to investigate.
· School events, carnivals and activities as part of the school business plan and in particular the distinctive school approach (Dale Harris)
o Dale: the parent community want to know what the school is developing and focusing on in terms of athletic and artistic elements, as well as the academic.
o Lou: we have an offer to do a performance at Carols by Candlelight for the choir at the end of the year at Lifestream (?).
o Kevin: need to put this to Anna and Rose to see if that is something to work towards.
o Caroline: at the Celebrating Collier assembly to show all the achievements, including academic, athletic and artistic throughout the year.
o Dale: idea is for every member of Council to talk to 6 members of the school community about things they want to see our school do well. Then table the ideas at the next meeting to try and develop a short list of possible areas of focus. This needs to align with the Business Plan.
o Lou: some of the parent community had strong opinions on the swimming carnival.
· Update on implementation of SOE v4 ICT (Kevin Saunders)
o Kevin: fully in place but some issues with printers, but TFX are working through the issues at present. Need to reconvene the ICT committee and if not all members present then need to advertise for new members. Has cost $80k from Dept and school had to put in $37k for things not covered by Dept. By the end of term should be all finalised and running correctly. Need a new usage policy and a scope and sequence for skill implementation across the school.
o Lou: is there a cyber-safety plan?
o Kevin: yes and it will be circulated to parents. Committee member applications advertised in newsletter. Lou to post on Facebook.
Agenda Item 3: Matters for Decision
· Decision on the formation of a marketing committee to plan, budget and deliver on marketing activities associated with the school (Dale Harris)
o Unanimous decision to form a Marketing Committee once the Business Plan review is completed to make decisions on marketing direction, spend and outcomes.
o Kevin: there is a reserve with $13k for start up the marketing budget. There are the enrolment banners, and 3 pull up banners for promotional.
o Lou: to talk to Alan to get bibs if need the P&C to fund something pronto.
o Belinda: look at type of shirts that can be used all interschool events.
· Ratification of Finance Report (Kevin Saunders / Denise Bird)
o Update of classroom furniture in another year or two, so saving for that continuously.
o Photocopier contract is not ideal – looking at that in 18mths.
o Going to need minimum of $80k left in bank at the end of the year.
o Need to allocate and justify all reserve accounts at audit.
o Moved: Belinda Seconded: Rob
(Bet and Tracey-Ann left the meeting)
Agenda Item 4: Matters for Discussion
· Outline the plan for the review of the 2014-2015 Business Plan and feedback from parent community (Kevin Saunders/Dale Harris)
o Kevin:
§ Between now and end of Term, creating 3 surveys – one for staff, one for students and one for parents to gauge feedback on how we are going. Set up as an e-Survey but if cannot access can be done manually/hard copy. Survey to go out by the end of Term 2. Content, curriculum, health and wellbeing, way kids are feeling, improvements, satisfaction rates. Kevin to send an example for the Dept survey to Council members for feedback. Dale suggested the questions need some explanation
§ Term 3, meeting 1 - Analysis: assess feedback and see where that sits into the past Business Plan.
§ Term 3, meeting 2 – start drafting new Business Plan based on performance, budgets, community feedback, etc. with key components of the plan by end of Term 3.
§ Term 4, meeting 1 – ratification of new Business Plan. Then printing.
o Margot: don’t forget the younger kids in the survey. Kevin okay to get survey out to all students, not just older kids.
o Kevin: do we assess as a whole, or break into groups? Consensus to do as a whole. Check with Bet to see if we have the Business Plan on electronic editable version.
o Dale: to get surveys back, look at a prize.
Agenda Item 5: Other Business (time permitting)
· No new business.
Agenda Item 6: Next meeting date
· Set date and time for next meeting
o Meeting 1: Monday 3rd August (week 3) – Objectives 2-5 and surveys
o Meeting 2: Monday 24th August (week 6) – Objective 1 and initial draft
Meeting Close 7:17pm