William on how psychics can predict the future. Sep tember 15, 2006

William: As I mentioned the earth vibration vibrates at one stage of being, the next vibration is the spirit world, and of course beyond the spirit world is the other dimensions. It is uh…let me find the correct name…..the celestial vibrations, that is a good name I think that we should use, and between the celestial vibrations and the spirit vibrations are subsidiary vibrations between the vibration of the earth and the vibration of the spirit world are sudsidiary vibrations as well. Within the subsidiary vibrations there is of course……..

Sitter: There’s noise upstairs….there’s people, it’s annoying as hell.

William: May I continue, it’s safe?

Sitter : It seems so

Mitch: Yes, it’s safe.

William: As I was saying, there are subsidiary vibrations between the earth vibration and the spirit vibration. Now, understand this my friends, as you are within this séance room now, this same vibration is being played, the same scene is being played in a subsidiary vibration slightly ahead of what is taking place now. So If I say the word “Now” this has already been said in a subsidiary vibration.

Mitch: Wow

William: You understand?

Mitch: Yeah

Sitter: Hmmm

William: And of course, this Victor, my friend is where quite often people pick up on vibrations that have taken place prior to the taking place within the earth vibration. So my friends your consciousness is always slightly ahead of what is taking place. This is what is termed as intuition.

Mitch: Oh yeah, I knew you were going to say that.

William: That is the proof of this, subsidiary vibration taking place. Now, of course, people that you speak of have the ability to create a psychic vibration that allows them to tap into the subsidiary vibrations to be aware of what will take place. Of course, this is only a short span of time. And of course, sometimes they can be incorrect and sometimes the interpretation of what is to be to be greater than that of the events themselves.

Now, my friends, let me tell you this: As to the individuals taking vast sums of money for this, that is up to them, that is their vibration, that is their spirituality.

That, in my mind, does not have any reflection, what has a reflection is the person’s inner vibration and motivation, their truth and their application of their ability, as well as the application of the vibration of money which is part of the vibration and application of the initial ability that they display. You understand?