KINE 4360

Date: February 27, 2012

Teacher: Mary Kathryn Wheeler

School: Auburn Early Education Center

Grade: Kindergarten

Focus (Skill Theme): Dribbling

Sub-Focus (Movement Concepts): self and general space

Objective: At the end of the lesson students will be able to dribble while traveling in a general space.

Cues: 1. Switch balls

2. Switch hands

3. Knees bent

4. Look up

5. Spider fingers


-1.  Playground balls one per child

-1.  Basketballs one per child

-1.  Circles or poly spots (10-12)

Protocols: Freeze; 3-2-1 Go (clap)

When I say “FREEZE!” I want you to stop what you’re doing and hold your equipment.

You will know to begin a task when I count down 3, 2, 1, clap, and say “GO”.

Set Induction: Has anyone ever seen a basketball game? As the basketball players move around the court with the ball they have to bounce the ball. This is called dribbling. Today we are going to learn how to dribble in your own personal space.

Content Development:

-1.  Let me show you how I dribble. I’m using my coloring hand, which for me is my right hand. See how I’m using the tips of my fingers instead of my whole hand? We’re going to call this spider fingers. When I do this [model incorrect dribbling] I am not dribbling but just hitting the ball to the floor.

-1.  It’s really important that we all stay standing on our own poly spot so that everyone has enough space to do the activity.

-1.  Everyone grab a playground ball and begin to dribble.

-1.  The children will switch balls every 30 seconds. The switching of the balls will be for the children to see which types of balls bounce the best.

-1.  Everyone return your playground ball and grab a basketball.

-1.  Begin dribbling using spider fingers.

-1.  Dribble with your knees bent.

-1.  Dribble with your knees bent and look up.

-1.  Turn to your partner and dribble with your knees bent, looking at your partner, and using spider fingers.

-1.  Turn back and face the front, and dribble with the ball bouncing no higher than your waist.

-1.  Freeze and hold your ball.

-1.  Now I want you to step off of your spot and begin dribbling. Try to hit your spot.

-1.  Now turn in a circle around your spot to the right.

-1.  Now turn in a circle around your spot to the left.

-1.  Travel around while dribbling. Do not run into each other.

-1.  Return to your personal space while dribbling.

-1.  Dribble with your left hand.

-1.  Dribble with your right hand.

-1.  Dribble high.

-1.  Dribble low.

-1.  Dribble while saying your ABCs.

Culminating Activity:

[Have Holly stand by the first poly spot.]

Okay students, you now have permission to not stand on your poly spot. I want you to go

stand by Miss Johnson.

Now I want you to dribble, using your spider fingers, and walk around. Try to hit all the

spots with your ball. Be careful not to run into another person. Count the number of

spots that you are able to bounce the ball on while dribbling.

If time, have students stand in a circle and have one ball. Have students dribble the ball and pass it around the circle.


-1.  What skill were you trying to improve today?

-1.  Which type of ball worked best when dribbling?

-1.  When dribbling where should you keep your eyes?


-1.  Do the children dribble in their personal space and at waist high?

-1.  Can the children travel and dribble without losing control of the ball?

-1.  Is the group ready to move forward with dribbling, or is there any thing that I need to re-teach?