SAC/SAF Minutes: September 1, 2016
School Advisory Forum: Meeting called to order at 6:35p.m.
Mrs. Bravo reviewed mission of Advisory: for School Board to receive feedback from the shareholders. District meetings monthly to bring information back to the parents.
Parents sit on the calendar committee. Attached to the agenda are two options for the 2017-2018 calendars. Voting is usually in December.
BCPS has a free mobile app. If you go to the with your student ID you can register with your email address. You will be able to see outstanding balances, live time where your child’s bus is, Pinnacle grades, and a plethora of resources.
(Have flyer for Open House)
The district is going through the accreditation process this year. A national team comes in and talks to all types of stakeholders.
Mrs. Bravo will bring the SAF bylaws for next month.
No one volunteered to be recording secretary
SAF meeting was adjourned at 7:01p.m.
School Advisory Council: Meeting called to order at 7:05p.m.
Mr. Campbell gave the Principal’s report.
We need a School Advisory Chairperson. That person gets one official vote on School Improvement Decisions.
Mrs. Monroe stated that the 2016-SAC Orientation Meeting is the week of September 12th. The new SAC Chair and school staff attend. Our Pines Portfolio is due September 26th
Open House is next Thursday, September 8th. We are having soccer try-outs at this time. Illustrators Club starts next week. Other sports will be starting soon. We have the HERO program to reinforce positive behavior.
Ms. Spotts reported on Literacy. We are working to improve our grade of a C. Last year we adopted Achieve3000 school-wide so students can read content area articles at their own Lexile level. We are working with the company to gather data on the effectiveness of this program. The County also purchased and students will be “playing a game” practicing vocabulary words. We have added a Learning Strategies class for our ESE students, have opened more sections of Reading, and ELA teachers are using the County Pathways for Collections to cover all of the standards.
Mr. Campbell explained to parents that due to our dropped enrollment, some of their students may be getting schedule changes as part of the balancing process. We are also in the Diagnostic process in many classes so we can start teaching where the students are.
Mrs. Shaller encouraged everyone to join PTSA and attend the first meeting on September 19th at 6:30p.m.
SAC has $9,311.00 in Accountability funds.
Mr. Campbell opened nominations for SAC Chair. ______nominated herself for SAC Chair. Terrence Wilson has also expressed an interest but could not be here tonight. Mr. Campbell placed his name in nomination. No one volunteered for recording secretary.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.