School Advisory Council Meeting (SAC)

Title One Public Meeting

September 22, 2016

Agenda and Minutes

Welcome / Introduction

  • All persons present at the meeting introduced themselves and shared their relationship to Sanders Park Elementary School (i.e. teacher, parent, etc.).Ms. Nesbeth welcomed and thanked everyone for coming out.
  • Ms. Mann was introduced as the new SAC Chairperson.

SAC – School Advisory Council

  • Purpose - Ms. Nesbeth explained the purpose and requirements of the SAC committee. She explained that members of the SAC are crucial in helping with decisions related to the School Improvement Plan (SIP) and the monitoring of the school improvement activities. The SIP development began.
  • Requirements - The SAC must be comprised of 51% non-school board employed members. Representatives from various sub-groups are also required to be members - ESOL parent, ESE parent, Pre-K parent or teacher, non-instructional staff member, and a community and business representative.
  • Meeting Dates - The next SAC meeting is scheduled for October 19,2016 at 7:30am. Meetings will continue thereafter every third Wednesday of the month at 7:30am. Parents were encouraged to continue attending the meetings and to bring along other parents.

By Laws Review/Approval

  • The 2016-2017 Bylawswere reviewed and approved

School Grades

  • State Assessment Results – Ms. Nesbeth shared the new school grade of a “B” based on the 2015-2016 FSA results. We had increases in the number of students scoring level 3 and higher in ELA, Math and Science.

School Improvement Plan (SIP)and Title 1 Addendum (2016/2017)

  • The SIP and Title 1 Addendum developmentbegan with Ms. Nesbeth reviewing the SIP and Title 1 Addendum requirements.
  • School improvement activities were discussed and parents were invited to share and provide feedback.
  • Currently, planning is being completed for Afterschool Academic Camps targeting students in the lowest 30 percentile.
  • Push In’s - Push In’s are already in full force. As of September 6, 2016, Resource Teachers, Academic Coaches, and other Support Staff have been working intensely in the classrooms with small groups of targeted students in both ELA and Math based on baseline data results.
  • The school wide Olympicsis scheduled for later this school year. The school wide Olympics will consist of Olympic themed activities and will be used as an incentive for deserving students.
  • Game room – Currently, a game room is being organized as a reward for students eligible. Donations are being solicited in that of a gaming system, video games, board games, monetary gifts, etc.
  • Ms. Nesbeth entertained questions and asked for suggestions from parents for additional school improvement activities for both the SIP and Title 1 Addendum.


  • Additional Reward ceremonies
  • Attendance Incentives – students should recite a catchy slogan daily reiterating the importance of attendance. This will assist in motivating students to attend school daily in hopes of improving attendance. Additionally, an attendance contest should be incorporated monthly or quarterly for perfect attendance. Suggested incentives – Mc Donald’s gift cards or students should be rewarded with a McDonald’s breakfast here at school.

Title One

  • Ms. Nesbeth is the Title 1 liaison and will provide updates at each meeting. She gave a brief explanation on how the Title 1 funds are used to support Sanders Park. The Annual Title 1 meeting was held in conjunction with Open House and information regarding Title 1 was also presented. She also shared that parent participation in developing Title 1 plans will be crucial.
  • Ms. Nesbeth had a copy of the 2016/2017 School Parent Compact and Parent Involvement Plan available at the meeting. She shared that copies are available to parents if needed.
  • The 2016/2017 School Parent Compact was sent home and is due back September 26th.


  • Ms. Nesbeth reviewed the process and steps of accreditation. She shared that the District and schools will be going through accreditation in October.

Magnet: Communication and Broadcast Journalism

  • Magnet Open House - Magnet Open House is scheduled for November 3, 2016 at 6pm here at Sanders Park Elementary. We will showcase our school magnet at this event through student work and performance sharing the wonderful things our Magnet is doing with our students.
  • Block Party - Sanders Park will participate in the 4th Annual Block Party for Higher Education on Tuesday, October 18, 2016 from 5-8pm in downtown Fort Lauderdale. The event is free and open to the public. There will be Art Exhibits, Family Activities, Food Trucks, Entertainment, and much more. Sanders Park students will MC for the evening as we are a Communication and Broadcast Journalism magnet.
  • In ordinance with the Magnet Schools of America grant, letters in support of Sander’s Park Magnet were solicited. Both, Ms. Q. Thomas and Ms. E. Rucker agreed to compose a letter on our behalf.

Questions/ Concerns

  • PTO – Mrs. Blakey briefly spoke regarding PTO sharing its purpose and need for parent support.


Next Meeting – October 19th, 2016