international institute on peace education 2017

* You must first submit anIIPE 2017 general application form prior to completing this scholarship request application.

*Please do not complete this scholarship request if you do not require scholarship assistance.

Each year the IIPE receives many more requests for scholarship than can possibly be given – thus it is unlikely that we can support all requests. To be considered for scholarship, please provide detailed answers to all of the questions below.

Scholarships are allocated on the basis of follow-up plans to apply IIPE learning to the applicant's future work in peace education. Approximately 50% of scholarships will be given to regional participants, with the other 50% going to international participants. We provide both full and partial scholarships.

PLEASE NOTE: IIPE scholarships are for participation fees only (estimated at700 Euros for 2017). We do not provide any travel assistance. All participants must raise their own travel funds.


(Please provide the same contact information used on your general application form)

First Name: Last Name:

(given name)(family name)

Organization/Affiliation: E-mail:

Country of origin: Country of current residence:

What about IIPE do you expect will further your current work and life?

(maximum 300 words – 2000 characters)

How do you plan to implement and/or share the knowledge and skills you gain at the IIPE? Please be specific. (maximum 300 words – 2000 characters)

Amount of Assistance Required

The participation fees for IIPE 2017 are estimated to be 700 Euros per person. These fees cover most all expenses during the week of the IIPE including food, lodging and excursions.

IIPE scholarships are for participation fees only. We do not provide any travel assistance. All participants must raise their own travel funds.

Please let us know how much scholarship you require to participate in the 2017 IIPE (Choose only one):

I am unable to pay any fees and require a full scholarship of 700 Euros

I am able to pay half of the participant fees and require a partial scholarship of 350 Euros

I require€ toward my participation fees and will pay the balance on my own.

Financial Information

Please share with us your estimated annual income (in equivalent US dollars):

To be considered for a scholarship, you must demonstrate your ability to pay your own travel expenses (round-trip airfare plus local travel expenses to and from Innsbruck). Please take a moment to investigate costs of round-trip airfare before answering this question. Are you able to pay your travel expenses?

Yes No Maybe

If you answered “no” or “maybe” above, what sources of funding or support might you pursue to cover your travel?

Please provide us with any additional details to describe your financial situation.