A. Reporting Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses
1. Report all injuries, no matter how minor, to your supervisor or designated representativeimmediately upon realization that the injury or illness is work related.
2. If the work-related injury or illness is first recognized on a weekend or holiday, it shall be reported to your supervisor or designated representative at the start of the next workday.
3. Any incident which caused a work-related injury shall be reported even if no medical treatment was rendered at the time.
4. Provide the details of the incident and the nature of the injury.
B. Medical Treatment
- First aid for minor injuries such as cuts, scratches, burns or splinters may be administered at the school site by an appropriately trained individual.
- Injuries which require medical care by a physician.
EVALUATION form must be obtained from the district worker’s compensation clerk prior to medical care. Emergency medical attention should not be delayed though. If a medical emergency exists forms can be completed following emergency medical care. - After medical care has been rendered by the physician, you must return all appropriate paperwork to the district worker’s compensation clerk. At that time, you will be given the EMPLOYEE'S CLAIM FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION BENEFITS (Form DWC-l) within 24 hours of the injury. You should complete the "employee" section of the form and return it to the district workers' compensation clerk as soon as possible to avoid delays in any treatment.
C. Selecting a Physician
- If you have previously completed the PERSONAL PHYSICIAN PRE-DESIGNATION form, you may receive treatment from the doctor listed on the form.
- If you have not previously completed the PERSONAL PHYSICIAN PRE-DESIGNATIONform, the district worker’s compensation clerkwill provide a list of workers' compensation panel doctors. You may choose a doctor/clinic from the list.
D. Return to Work
- Following medical care from a physician, return the AUTHORIZATION TO RENDER MEDICAL CARE AND RETURN TO WORK EVALUATION form to the workers’ compensation clerk. This should be done immediately following medical care or the start of the next workday.
- If you are unable to return the form personally to the workers' compensation clerk because of the injury or transportation problems, you must still contact the clerk by phone as soon as possible.
A. Determine the nature and severity of the injury and ensure prompt medical attention. Do not delay medical treatment.
- If the employee requests to seek medical attention or you feel they need to seek medical attention due to a work related injury:
- Immediately notify the district workers' compensation clerk.
- Review with the injured employee his or her responsibility regarding use of an appropriate doctor. If the employee has previously completed the PERSONAL PHYSICIAN PRE-DESIGNATION form, he or she may see the doctor selected on the form. Otherwise, the employee must go to a doctor on the workers compensation panel list provided by the district. Check with the district workers' compensation clerk for a list of approved clinics.
- Direct the injured employee to the worker’s compensation clerk’s office to obtain the AUTHORIZATION TO RENDER MEDICAL CARE AND RETURN TO WORK EVALUATION form before going to the clinic. Drive the employee to the clerk’s office if necessary.
- If the injury will require immediate emergency room treatment, transportation should be arranged by the District. Employees with serious life threatening injuries should be transported by ambulance, call 911. Employees with non-life threatening injuries could be transported by District employees, however injured employees requiring emergency room treatment should not transport themselves to the medical facility.
- If medical treatment can be administered on site or is not necessary:
- Interview the injured employee to determine what happened and if there was potential for a serious injury.
- If the incident had potential for serious injury, it should be investigated and documented using the SIPE ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION form. Contact SIPE for assistance if necessary.
- If the incident did not have the potential for serious injury, document it on a school site first aid log and send it to the worker’s compensation clerk.
B. All work-related injuries or illnesses requiring medical care from a physician, or incidents with the potential for serious injury shall be thoroughly investigated IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE INCIDENT.
- Contact the district safety coordinator and provide the preliminary information.
- Interview injured employee and witnesses.
- Have the injured person and any witnesses provide a detailed account of the incident in writing. Have them sign and date the form.
- Investigate the scene of the injury.
- Take photos of the scene or the cause of the injury if necessary.
- The injured employee's supervisor should complete all sections, sign the form and have it approved and signed by a department director/administrator.
- With assistance from the safety coordinator, ensure that appropriate corrective action is taken to prevent recurrence of the incident.
- Send the completed report to the district safety coordinator
- Present the facts of the incident at a staff meeting.
- Discuss the accident with all site personnel during the next regularly scheduled safety meeting.
C. Return to work
- Be aware that every effort will be made to return the injured employee to work upon authorization from the physician.
- Temporary modification of existing jobs may be necessary to accommodate an injured employee with physical limitations and restrictions.
- A modified job which meets the employee's limitations may be provided in another department within the district. Temporary modified work will be provided through a joint effort of the Personnel Department, workers compensation clerk and the district safety coordinator.
A Notification of Injury
A.Upon notification of a work-related injury for which a doctor provided medical care, the clerk shall immediately notify the district safety coordinator.
C.Remind the employee to bring all paperwork received from the physician back to the clerk as soon as possible after the appointment.
D.Upon return from the clinic, provide the employee with an EMPLOYEE’S CLAIM FOR WORKERS’ COMPENSATION BENEFITS (DWC-l) form. This form must be given to the employee within 24 hours of the employee seeking medical attention from a physician. If no medical care was provided, but the employee requests a claim form (DWC-1), they should be given on within 24 hours of the request.
E.Collect all paperwork from the injured employee and provide copies if requested.
F.If the injured employee fails to return to work after the medical evaluation, the employee and physician shall be contacted for the necessary information.
G.If the injured employee was transported by ambulance, notify the SIPE office immediately.
B. Medical evaluation and return to work
- If a doctor has returned the injured employee to work without limitations, the employee should be instructed to report to his or her supervisor with a copy of the AUTHORIZATION TO RENDER MEDICAL CARE AND RETURN TO WORK EVALUATION confirming that the employee may return to his or her usual and customary job.
- If the medical evaluation indicates any physical limitations, the employee's supervisor shall be contacted immediately to determine if temporary, modified work is available.
- If temporary, modified work is not available in the employees department, contact other areas in the district to determine if modified work is available.
- If temporary, modified work is not available anywhere in the district, immediately notify the district safety coordinator for assistance.
C. Complete the EMPLOYERS REPORT OF OCCUPATIONAL INJURY OR ILLNESS form 5020. Information can be obtained from:
- interviewing the injured employee and;
- contacting the physician.
D. Work directly with York Insurance Services
- Send completed EMPLOYER’S REPORT OF OCCUPATIONAL INJURY OR ILLNESS form 5020 and the employees claim for workers compensation benefits (DWC-1) form to York within five days of the district's knowledge of the injury. The on-line 5020 reporting is recommended. If necessary, fax the information.
- Ensure that benefits are paid within the appropriate time frame.
- Provide additional information to assist in claims investigation.
- Act as liaison between the district and York.
A. Upon notification of a work-related injury from the workers’compensation clerk, the district safety coordinator will evaluate the need for further investigation based on the following information:
- Severity of the injury
- Potential for serious injury
- Probability for recurrence
- Violation of federal, state, or local regulations
- Possible unsafe conditions
- Time lost from work
B. If further investigation is justified; the district safety coordinator will conduct an independent investigation.
- The results of the investigation will be communicated to the appropriate personnel in the school district.
- If information is obtained through the investigation which could affect the safety of personnel in other school districts, the SIPE Risk Management Committee shall be informed.
- If the injury is fatal or serious (amputation, hospitalization, etc.), notify:
- SIPE Executive Director;
- Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH); and
- York Insurance Services.
- If the employee was transported by an ambulance or incident which occurred had the potential to cause serious injury or death, notify the SIPE Executive Director immediately.
C. Provide Assistance with accident investigation to all district personnel.
D. Evaluate all ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION forms completed by district personnel:
- Ensure that all information is appropriately documented and the form is complete including the proper signatures.
- Ensure that corrective action is appropriate.
- Ensure that corrective action is completed within an appropriate time frame.
- Return all incomplete accident investigation forms for the additional information as required.
E. Work directly with the district workers compensation clerk.
- Ensure that all employees who are returned to modified work by a physician are accommodated. It may be necessary to accommodate an injured employee in another department within the district.
- Provide assistance with difficult claims.
F. Ensure all appropriate personnel are trained.
- Procedures for accidents and injuries.
- Completion of appropriate forms.
- Accident investigation.
G. Work directly with SIPE for assistance and information.