Exhibit 4.4d2

Scholarly and Service Productivity by UNO Professors and Students related to Diversity from 2008-2013, including aspects of ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, gender, exceptionalities, language, physical differences, and sexual orientation,

Scholarly Publications

Austin, P. (2010). Opening the door to tolerance. Booklinks. 19(2). 42-45.

Beabout, B. R. (2011). Issues in Education: Portfolio management districts and rebuilding inequality. Childhood Education, 87(5), 354-356.

Beabout, B. R. (in press). Community leadership and "expert" leadership in post-Katrina New Orleans public schools. In I. Bogotch & C. Shields (Eds.), International handbook of social justice and educational leadership. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

Beabout, B. R., & Cambre, B. M. (2010, April 30-May 4). Parental voucher enrollment decisions: Choice within choice in New Orleans. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.

Beabout, B. R., & Jakiel, L. B. (2011). Family engagement in charter schools. In S. Redding, M. Murphy & P. Sheley (Eds.), Handbook on family and community engagement (pp. 147-151). Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age Publishing.

Beabout, B. R., Jakiel, L. B., & Ward, D. M. (2012). Family and community engagement in urban charter schools: A document analysis. Paper presented at the Southern Regional Council on Educational Administration, New Orleans.

Bedford, A. W. (in press). Lessons for elementary teacher educators: A conversation with gay and lesbian teachers. In Killoran, I., & Jimenez, K. P. (Eds). Talking about sexual orientation and gender diversity in education. Olney, MD: Association of Childhood Education International.Bedford, A. Chapter on the literature in a book on African American literature Parent book club

Bedford, A., & Casbergue, R. M. (2015). Sharing culturally relevant literature with preschool children and their families. Academia.edu.

Bedford, A., & Albright, L. K. (Eds.). (201i). AMaster class in Children’s literature: Trends and Issues in an Evolving Field. Urbana, IL: NCTE.

Bedford, A. (2011). Nurturing Acceptance of Gender Diversity in A Master class in Children’s Literature: Trends and Issues in an Evolving Field, ed. By April Whatley Bedford and Lettie Albright. National Council of Teachers of English.

Cambre, Causey-Konate’ (with doctoral student Tamara Warner). (2011). It’s good enough for me: The role of religion in school choice in post-Katrina New Orleans. Religion & Education (peer-reviewed journal)

Cambre, B. (2012) Educators’ guide to school law 2012. (N. Roberts & A. Osborne, Eds.),Dayton, OH: Education Law Association.

Cambre, B., & Bathon, J. (2012) Yearbook of education law 2012 (pp. 69-105). Dayton, OH: Education Law Association. (C. Russo, Ed.)

Causey-Konaté, T. M. (Spring 2011). A theoretical framework for examining the experiences and needs of leaders in crisis: Enabling leadership in a troubled state. In Illinois Committee on Black Concerns in Higher Education (ICBCHE).

Causey-Konaté, T. M., & Cambre, B. (Fall 2010). Networking for excellence: How partners in a professionally-managed, public charter school network support the development of school leaders. In Southern Regional Council on Educational Administration (SRCEA) 2010 Yearbook, 75-84.

Causey-Konaté, T. M. (2011). Implications of changing demographics for schooling in Louisiana. In M. Richardson, K. E.Lane, & N. Roberts (Eds.). Education in Louisiana. (New York, NY: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company

Causey-Konaté, T. M., Bauer, S., Oescher, J., & Reidlinger, B. (In Press). Mentoring new principals: What help did leaders seek post Katrina? Illinois Committee on Black Concerns In Higher Education (ICBCHE) Journal.

Culver, L. M., McKinney, B. L., & Paradise, L. V. (2011).Mental health professionals’ experiences of vicarious traumatization in post-Hurricane Katrina New Orleans. Journal of Loss and Trauma. 16, 33-42. DOI: 10.1080/15325024.2010.519279

Fernando, D., & Herlihy. B. (2010). Infusing the spirit of social justice into the supervision of group work. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 35, 281-289.

Herlihy, B., Hermann, M.A., & Greden, H. (2014). Legal and ethical implications of using religious beliefs as the basis for refusing to counsel certain clients. Journal of Counseling & Development, 92, 148-153.

Herlihy, B. R., & Watson, Z. E. (2010). Counseling survivors of Hurricane Katrina. In Webber, J., & Mascari, J.B. (Eds.). Terrorism, Trauma, and Tragedies: A Counselor’s Guide to Preparing and Responding. Alexandria, VA. ACA Foundation.

Herlihy, B. & Watson, Z. E. (2012.) Gender issues in career counseling. In D. Capuzzi & M.D. Stauffer (Eds.), Career counseling: Foundations, perspectives, and applications (pp. 497-523). New York: Routledge.

Herlihy, B., & Corey, G. (2013). Feminist therapy. In G. Corey, Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy (9th ed.; pp. 360-394). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Herlihy, B., & Watson, Z. E. (2010). Self esteem among African American adolescent girls. In M. Guindon (Ed.), (pp. 173-185), Self-esteem across the life span. New York: Routledge.

Herlihy, B., James, A., & Taheri, K. (In press.) Social justice and counseling ethics. In C. C. Lee (Ed.), Counseling for social justice (3rd ed.). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.

Himelstein, A. S., Bruenlin, R., & Nelson, (2008). A. “Our Stories Told By Us,” in Telling Stories to Change the World, edited by Rickie Solinger, Maddy Fox and Kayhan Irani, Routledge,.

Himelstein, A. S. (2008). Cornerstones, edited by Rachel Breunlin, New Orleans, LA: UNO Press.

Johnson, J. M., & Lambie, G. W. (2012). Multicultural personal growth groups with counselor

education students: An exploratory investigation. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching

and Learning, 12(3), 125-141.

Kieff, J. (2008). Informed Advocacy in Early Childhood Care and Education. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson

Kieff, J. (2014). Advocacy chapter in Reutzel, (Ed). Handbook of Research-Based Practice in Early Education. New York, NY: Guilford Press

Kocet, M., & Herlihy, B. (2014). Addressing values-based conflicts within the counseling relationship: A decision-making model. Journal of Counseling & Development, 92, 180-186.

O’Morain, P., McAuliffe, G. J., Conroy, K. Johnson, J. M., & Michel, B. (2012). Counseling in Ireland. Journal of Counseling and Development, 90(3), 367-372.

Pierce, L. A., & Herlihy, B. (2013). The experience of wellness for counselor education doctoral students who are mothers. Journal of International Women’s Studies, 14(3), 108-120.

Remley, T. P., Jr., & Herlihy, B. (2014). Ethical, legal, and professional issues in counseling (4th ed.).Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice Hall.

Reynolds, K., Richburg, C. M., , Klein, D. H., & Parfitt, M. (2014). Children with audiological needs: From identification to rehabilitation. Beverton, OR: Butte Publications.

Strong, D. E., Causey-Konate, T. M., & Burrell, B. (2010).Black women in the professoriate: Enlightened, emancipated, and empowered. In J. Jackson & R. G. Johnson III (Eds.). The Black Professorate: Negotiating a Habitable Space in the Academy.NY, NY: Peter Lang Publishing


Austin, P., & Ward, B. (2008, November). Behind the Closet Door: How gay-themed literature is presented in textbooks used to instruct pre-service teachers about children’s and young adult literature. Research session presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, San Antonio.

Austin, P. & Wright, T. D. (2008). The promise and problems of introducing gay-themed literature in K-12 classrooms. Presented to the National Association of Multicultural Education. New Orleans, LA.

Austin, P. (2008, April). Nudging the Closet Door Open: How gay-themed literature is presented in textbooks used to instruct pre-service teachers about children’s and young adult literature. Presented research in progress to the Research Network Forum at CCCC Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Banbury, M. & Janz, J. (2011). Increase Academic Engaged Time through Flexible Grouping. Paper presented at the 50th International Conference of the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders (CCBD). New Orleans, LA.

Banbury, M. & Janz, J. (2010). Flexible Grouping: Differentiating Students’ Learning Styles, Interests, and Readiness Skills. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Super Conference, Baton Rouge, LA.

Bole, P., Burrell, B., Cronin, M., & Janz, J. (2008). Using Constructivist views of Learning in a Teacher Education Program to Promote Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices. Paper presented at the 18th International National Association of Multicultural Education (NAME) Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Bole, P. (2012). Tear Down That Wall: Higher Ed Addresses the Inclusion Model. Curriculum and Pedagogy National Conference.

Bole, P. (2012). Using Learning Walks to Forge University-School Partnerships. Curriculum and Pedagogy National Conference.

Bole, P. (2011). Culturally responsive teaching in teacher education programs. Council for Exceptional Children, Division of Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders (CCBD) National Conference.

Bole, P. (2009). Louisiana Transition Outcome Data. Council for Exceptional Children, Division of Career and Development and Transition, National Conference.

Bole, P. (2011). What’s happening with transition services in the State of Louisiana? Louisiana Chapter of CEC, Annual Conference.

Bole, P. (2009). Inclusion & Positive Behavior Support. University of New Orleans, College of Education and Human Development, charter schools summer institute.

Caesar, P., Williams, J., Henderson, K., & Dufrene, R. L. (2011, Mar.). Facilitating family and community resilience in the wake of trauma. American Counseling Association (ACA) National Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Cambre, B., & Mason, K. (2010). Bully proofing our schools. Presentation to the administration and faculty of the UNO-Capital One Charter Network at the Summer Institute

Cambre, B. (2011). Peer Coaching. Presentation to the administration and faculty of the UNO-Capital One Charter Network at the Winter Institute.

Cambre, B. with Jonathon Szymanski, West Baton Rouge Parish Schools, Monica Mancuso, and Dianne Taylor, Louisiana State University. (2010). Using critical race theory as a lens for interpreting Louisiana’s Accountability Policy. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the 2010 American Educational Research Association annual meeting, Denver, CO.

Cambre (with Causey-Konate’, Dana Bickmore and Margaret Mary Sulentic Dowell from Louisiana State University). (2010). All that jazz: Concerns of charter principals in storm impacted communities. Paper presented at the Post-Katrina Conference, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA.

Cambre (with Jonathon Szymanski, West Baton Rouge Parish Schools, and Dianne Taylor, Louisiana State University). (2010). The state of education in Louisiana: Trend analyses of student achievement, student matriculation, andstudent behavior in the accountability era. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration, New Orleans, LA.

Cambre, B. (2010). State actor? Political subdivisions? How charter school operators are defined under state and2federal law. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Educational Law Association, Hilton Head, SC

Cambre, Causey-Konate’ (with doctoral student Tamara Warner). It’s good enough for me: The role of religion in school choice in post-Katrina New Orleans. Paper presented at the Mid-South Educational Research Association annual meeting, Oxford, MS (2011)

Chaddock, S. & Flynn, L. (2013, October). Mothers’ Experiences and Outcomes of Children Who are Deaf. Poster presented at the 28th DEC International Early Childhood Conference on Children with Special Needs, San Francisco, CA.

Eckart, E. C., Lyons, M. L. Dufrene, R. L. (2014). Exploring the messages men and womenreceivethrough the media. Louisiana Counseling Association Conference 2014. New Orleans, LA.

Fernando, D., & Herlihy, B. (2010, Feb.). Infusing the spirit of social justice into group work supervision. Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW) Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Flynn, L. (2011). Families: Mothers and fathers of children with autism.

Flynn, L. (2011 & 2012) Training in development ages birth to five in Micronesia; Phonpei.

Flynn, L. (2012, May). Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Personnel Development in Early Intervention and Deaf Education. Workshop presentation at Pohnpei, FSM.

Flynn, L. (2013, August). Infants and Toddlers Who are At-Risk. Invited presentation at the 2013 FSM Interagency Leadership Conference, Pohnpei, FSM.

Flynn, L. (2013, August). Strategies to Support the Growth and Development of Young Children Birth to Five Years Old. Invited presentation at the 2013 FSM Interagency Leadership Conference, Pohnpei, FSM.

Flynn, L. (2013, August). Let’s Talk about Natural Environments. Invited presentation at the 2013 FSM Interagency Leadership Conference, Pohnpei, FSM.

Flynn, L. (2013, August). Early Intervention Planning and Follow-up. Invited presentation at the 2013 FSM Interagency Leadership Conference, Pohnpei, FSM.

Frazier, K. N., & Watson, Z. E. (2011, Mar.). Cultural competence and ethical practice: A deeper need for understanding diversity. American Counseling Association Conference and Exposition. New Orleans, LA.

Giovingo, L., Flynn-Wilson, L., Wilson, P. & Ruiz, M. (2013). Value Added: Interdisciplinary Graduate Education and University-based Training for Health and Education Professional. Paper presented at the 11th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HA.

Henderson, K. L., & Dufrene, R. L. (2011, Oct.). The remediation of students in counseling graduate programs: Behaviors displayed by students which need remediation. Association of Counselor Education & Supervision 2011 National Conference, Nashville, TN.

Hermann, M.A., Kocet, M.M., Herlihy, B., & Kaplan, D. (2011, Oct.). Ward vs. Wilbanks et al., continued: Can counselors use religious beliefs as the basis for refusing to see a homosexual client? Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) Conference, Nashville, TN.

Herlihy, B.(2011, Mar.). Post-Katrina reflections on disaster recovery and social justice. (ACES luncheon keynote presentation). American Counseling Association (ACA) Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Herlihy, B., Hermann, M.A., Kaplan, D., & Kocet, M. (Invited presidential session, 2011, Mar.). Ward vs. Wilbanks et al.: Can counselors use religious beliefs as the basis for refusing to see a homosexual client? American Counseling Association (ACA) Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Herlihy, B., James, A., Park, C., Raddler, L., & Taheri, K. ( October, 2014). The counselor’s role in promoting social justice advocacy on a global scale. SouthernAssociation for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES) Conference, Birmingham, AL.

Herlihy, B. (keynote presentation, September, 2014). Conflicts between personal and professional values: Legal, ethical, and professional responses to the issue. inaugural Conference of Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues in Counseling (ALGBTIC), New Orleans, LA.

Himelstein, A. S. (June2011) “Many Voices, One Nation.” Presentation at American Library Association, New Orleans, LA.

Himelstein, A. S. (April 2011) ”Neighborhod Story Project: History and Curriculum.” Invited Session at the American Association of Curriculum.

Himelstein, A. S. (February 2009). “The Neighborhood Story Project: Community Voices in the Classroom.” Invited session at the American Montessori Society Conference. New Orleans, LA.

Himelstein, A. S. (April 2008). “Community Writing Projects: Literacy, Art, and Activism.” Invited Session, featuring Rachel Breunlin and Abram Himelstein of the Neighborhood Story Project, Anna West of Wordplay, Kalamu Ya Salaam of Students at the Center, Aaron Zimmerman of the New York Writers Coalition and Annie Knepler of the Journal for Ordinary Thought at the Conference on College Composition and Communication. New Orleans, LA.

Lee, C.C., Herlihy, B., & James, A. (March 2014). New perspectives on intersectionality Race, gender, and SES. Pre- conference Learning Institute, American Counseling Association Conference, Honolulu, HI.

Jackson, K., Elliott, E., Meng, S., & Herlihy, B. (2012, Oct.). Developing safe zones for LGBTQ students and clients. Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES) Conference, Savannah, GA.

Janz, J. (2008). Issues of Race, Socioeconomics, and Gender Related to Emotional Disturbance: The Perspectives of Appraisal Professionals. Paper presented at the 18th International Association of Multicultural Education (NAME) Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Janz, J. & Leaf, M. (2011). Academic Choice for Secondary Students. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Super Conference, Baton Rouge, LA

Johnson, J. M. (2013, Mar.).Promoting ethnic identity development in a therapeutic group experience: Implications for counselors and counselor educators. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Counseling Association (ACA), Cincinnati, OH.

Johnson, J. M. (2012, Sep.). Counselor education students’ ethnic identity and social-cognitive development: A multicultural self-awareness group experience. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES), Savannah, GA.

Johnson, J. & Lyons, M. L. (2014). Black males phenomenological experience in the aftermath of the Zimmerman trial. Northern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision Conference 2014. St. Louis, MO.

Lyons, M. L. & Deroche, M. (2014). Creative and innovative methods of integrating spirituality across the counselor education curriculum. Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision Conference 2014. Birmingham, AL.

Lyons, M. L. & Williams, M. A. (2012, March). Promoting thriving in adolescence with deployed parents. American Counseling Association Conference 2012. San Francisco, CA.

Lyons, M. L. & Koester, A. (2011, November). Integrating spirituality and wellness into counseling. Wisconsin Counseling Association, Summit 2011. Wisconsin Rapids, WI.

Mason, K. L. ( 2012, Jun.). Bullying in schools: Are service clubs an answer? The Kiwanis International Convention 2012, New Orleans, LA.

Mohler, M., Tseng, T., & Bonis, M. (2013, November). Poster presentation for the Public Health Education and Health Promotion program at the 141st American Public Health Association annual meeting “Racial disparities in sugary drink consumption in preschool children in Louisiana.” Boston, MA.

Mohler, M., Tseng, T., & Bonis, M. (2013, November). Poster presentation for the Public Health Education and Health Promotion program at the 141st American Public Health Association annual meeting “Increased obesity prevalence in black preschool girls in Louisiana child care centers.” Boston, MA.

Ruiz, M., & Flynn, L. (2012, October). Experiences of Latino Families with the Special Education Process. Paper presented at the 27th DEC International Early Childhood Conference on Children with Special Needs, Minneapolis, MN.

Ruiz, M. & Flynn-Wilson, L. (2013, April). Factors Influencing the Participation of Latinos in their Children’s Special Education Process. Paper presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo 2013, San Antonio, TX.

Ruiz, M., & Flynn-Wilson, L. (2013, January). Parental Participation in the Special Education Process: Understanding the Factors that Really Make a Difference for Latino Parents. Paper presented at the11th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HA.

Speaker, R., Speaker, P., Reynolds, K., Anders, S., & Edelman-Canon, L. (2011). New Orleans Schools six years after Katrina. Paris, France.

Watson, Z. E. (2012, Feb.). Elements of cultural competence in effective organizational

leadership. Invited Lecture/ Mardi Gras Series. Grambling State University, the United Methodist Church and the UNO Research Center for Multiculturalism & Counseling. New Orleans, LA.

Watson, Z. E. (2011, Jun.). Culture-centered leadership within church-based organizations: Effective engagement for ministers and pastors. United Methodist Church Pastoral Seminar. New Orleans, LA

West-Olatunji, C. A., Goodman, R., Rivera, E. T., & Watson, Z. E. (February, 2010). Use of story circle groups to foster critical consciousness and advocacy skills. Association for Specialists in Group Work. New Orleans, LA.


Bedford, A., & Casbergue, R. (2008-2013). Early reading first grant. Total of 9 prek classes, all in public schools in N.O. requirement of grant that they be high poverty school. Over the 5 year period, 100% self-identified as African American, so no racial diversity. We learned as much as possible about families and had PD for teachers. Had lots of money to buy books for classrooms. By and about African American cultural experience. Gave families books to keep as well as giving books to class. Did inventory of classes’ library, and she helped them build multicultural library. The inventory in 2008 yielded info that schools had brand new everything post Katrina. No conscious effort in how the books were bought in terms of cultural diversity. Caldecott winners, picture book classics. Such a range. Other classrooms, all of which has reading areas, had books falling apart, torn and dirty and junk, with no attention to quality.