W-1002 Report

Scholarly Activity 2004


Prasain, J.K., Jones, K., Kirk, M., Wilson, K., Smith-Johnson, M., Weaver, C. and Barnes, S. 2003. Profiling and quantification of isoflavonoids in Kudzu dietary supplements by high-performance liquid chromatrography and electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. J Ag Food Chem, 51:4213-4218.

Shahin, A.M., McGuire, M.K., McGuire, M.A., Ritzenthaler, K.L. and Shultz, T.D. 2003. Determination of c9,t11-CLA in major human plasma lipid classes using a combination of methylating methodologies. Lipids, 38:793-800.

Weaver, C.M. 2003. Use of isotopic tracers for measuring calcium metabolism in humans. In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on the Synthesis and Applications of Isotopes and Isotopically Labeled Compounds. (Dean, D., Filer, C. and K. McCarthy, eds.), Boston, MA.

Weaver, C.M. 2003. Calcium retention in adolescents as a function of calcium intake: Influence of race and gender. In: Nutritional Aspects of Osteoporosis, Second Edition. Proceedings of the Symposium on Nutritional Aspects of Osteoporosis. (Burckhardt, P., Dawson-Hughes, B. and R. P. Heaney, eds.). Lausanne,Switzerland. Elsevier. CA 2003.

Alam, MS, Ritzenthaler, K, McGuire, MA, McGuire, MK, and Shultz, TD. Determination of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in human plasma lipid classes using a combination of methylating methodologies. Fed Proc, 2003; 17:522.6.

Hansen, CM, Shultz, TD, Hunt, KC, Hardin, K, Leklem, JE, Huang, A, and Ames, BN Vitamin B-6 (B-6) intake and smoking status influence lymphocyte serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) activity in healthy adults. Fed Proc, 2003;17:178.6.

Scholarly Activity 2004

Journal Articles

Burri, B.Y. and Clifford, A.J. 2004. Carotenoid and retinoid metabolism: Insights from isotope studies. Arch Biochem Biophys, 430:110-119.

Cai, J. Zhang, Q., Wastney, M.E. and Weaver, C.M. 2004. Calcium bioavailability and kinetics of calcium ascorbate and calcium acetate in rats. Exp Biol Med, 229:40-45.

Chen, X., Jennings, D. and Medeiros, D.M. 2004. Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Is Reduced in Copper-Deficient C2C12 Cells in the Absence of Apoptosis. Biol Tr El Res, in press.

Clifford, A.J., Lin, Y., Noceti, E.M., Block-Joy, A., Ho, C.C., Block, T. and Block, G. 2004. Erythrocyte folate and its response to folic acid supplementation is assay dependent in women. J Nutr,in press.

Drewel, B.T., Giraud, D.W. and Driskell, J.A. 2004. Dietary and plasma vitamin E status of apparently healthy boys and girls, two to five years of age. FASEB J, 18:A159.

Lin, Y., Dueker, S.R., Follett, J.R., Fadel, J.G., Arjomand, A., Schneider, P.D., Miller, J.A., Green, R., Buchholz, B.A., Vogel, J.S., Phair, R.D. and Clifford, A.J. 2004. Quantitation of in vivo human folate metabolism. Am J Clin Nutr, 80:680-691.

Lowe, N. M., Woodhouse, L. R., Sutherland, B., Shames, D. H., Burri, B. J., Abrams, S. A., Turnlund, J. R., Jackson, M. C. and King, J.C. 2004. Kinetic parameters and plasma zinc concentration correlate well with net loss and gain of zinc in men. J Nutr, 134: 2178-2181.

Manore, M.M. 2004. Nutritional recommendations and athletic menstrual dysfunction. Internatl Sport Med J,5:45-55.

Mayo, J.J., Kohlhepp, P., Zhang, D., and Winzerling, J.J. 2004. Effects of sham air and cigarette smoke on A549 lung cells: implications for iron-mediated oxidative damage. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 286:L866-76.

McCabe, L.D., Martin, B.R., McCabe, G.P., Johnston, C.C., Weaver, C.M. and Peacock, M. 2004. Dairy intakes affect bone density in the elderly. Am J Clin Nutr, 80:1066-1074.

Medeiros, D., Stoecker, B., Plattner, A., Jennings, D. and Haub, M. 2004. Iron deficiency negatively effects vertebrae and femurs of rats independent of energy intake and body weight. J. Nutr, in press.

Meyer, N.L., Shaw, J.M., Manore, M.M., Dolan, S., Subudhi, A.W., Shultz, B.B. and Walker, J.A. 2004. Bone mineral density of Olympic-level female winter sport athletes. Med Sci Sports and Exerc, 36:1594-1601.

Palacios, C., Wigertz, K., Martin, B.R., Jackman, L., Pratt, J.H., Peacock, M., McCabe, G. and Weaver, C.M. 2004. Sodium retention in black and white female adolescents in response to salt intake. JCE&M, 89:1858-1863.

Ritzenthaler, K.L., McGuire, M.K., Shultz, T.D., McGuire, M.A., Koepp, A.E., Luedecke, L.O., Hanson, T.W., Dasgupta, N. and Chew, B.P. 2004. Consumption of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) from CLA-enriched cheese does not alter milk fat or immunity in lactating women. J Nutr, in press.

Ross, S.A, Srinivas, P.R, Clifford, A.J., Lee, S.C., Philbert, M.A. and Hettich, R.L. 2004. New technologies for nutrition research. J Nutr, 134:681-685.

Sulaeman, A., Giraud, D.W., Keeler, L., Taylor, S.L. and Driskell, J.A. 2004. Effect of moisture content of carrot slices on the fat content, carotenoid content, and sensory characteristics of deep-fried carrot chips. J Food Sci, 69:450-455.

Tamura, T. and Turnlund, J.R. 2004. Effect of long-term, high-copper intake on the concentrations of plasma homocysteine and B vitamins in young men. Nutrition, 20: 757-759.

Turnlund, J. R. and Keyes, W. R. 2004. Plasma molybdenum reflects dietary molybdenum intake. J Nutr Biochem, 15: 90-95.

Turnlund, J. R., Jacob, R. A., Keen, C. L., Strain, J. J., Kelley, D. S., Domek, J. M., Keyes, W. R., Ensunsa, J. L., Lykkesfeldt, J. and Coulter, J. 2004. Long-term high copper intake: effects on indices of copper status, antioxidant status, and immune function in young men. Am J Clin Nutr, 79: 1037-1044.

Viscidi, K.A., Dougherty, M.P., Briggs, J., and Camire, M.E. 2004. Complex phenolic compounds reduce lipid oxidation in extruded oat cereals. Lebensm Wiss Technol,37:789-796.

Winzerling, J.J. and Pham, D.Q-P. 2004. Iron Metabolism in Insect Disease Vectors: Mining the Anopheles gambiae Database. Insect Biochem Mole Biol, in press.

Zafar, T.A., Weaver, C.M., Jones, K., Moore, D.R. and Barnes, S. 2004. Inulin effects on bioavailability of soy isoflavones and their calcium absorption enhancing ability. J Ag Food Chem, 52:2827-2831.

Zafar, T.A., Weaver, C.M., Zhao, Y., Martin, B.R. and Wastney, M.E. 2004. Nondigestible oligosaccharides increase calcium absorption and suppress bone resorption in ovariectomized rats. J Nutr, 123:399-402.

Bulletins And Lay Publications

Driskell JA, Pohlman HD, Naslund MM. Value of an educational program on osteoporosis. J Extn 2003;41(5), 6 pages. Available online at

Driskell JA. Upper safe levels of intake for adults: Vitamins, macrominerals, and trace minerals. NebFact NF03-580. Lincoln, NE: Cooperative Extension, 2003. Available online as a Food and Nutrition Publication at

Manore MM. Weight loss supplements: Where is the evidence? ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal, in press for January 2005.

Manore MM, Mason M, Skoog I. Applying the concepts of glycemic index and glycemic load to active individuals. ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal. 2004;8(5):1-3.

Manore MM. Nutrition and Physical Activity: Fueling the active individual. Research Digest: President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sport. 2004, Series 5 (1);1-8.

Manore MM. Keeping the weight off: How can you maintain weight loss after the diet is over? ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal. 2004;8(3):23-24.

Manore MM. Using Glycemic Index to Improve Athletic Performance. GSSI Sports Science News (Web series), 2004. URL:

Manore MM, Vannoy J. Finding the Perfect Diet: Revisiting the Pyramid II. ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal. 2004;8(1):23-26.

Manore MM, Vannoy J. Finding the Perfect Diet: Revisiting the PyramidI.ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal. 2003;7(5):22-24.


Braun, M, Jiang, Z, Palacios, C, Wigertz, K, Jackman, LA, Bryant, RJ, Martin, BR, McCabe, G, Peacock, M, and Weaver, C.M. Racial differences in calcium retention in adolescent girls on a range of controlled calcium intakes. JBMR, 2004; 19(1):S173.

Braun, M, Martin, B, Kern, M, McCabe, G, Jiang, Z, Peacock, M, and Weaver, CM Influence of circulating hormones and biomarkers of bone metabolism on calcium retention in adolescent boys and girls. FASEB J, 2004; 18:A525.

Cheong, J, Nolan, J, Jackson, G, Martin, B, Elmore, D, McCabe, G, Barnes, S, Peacock, M, and Weaver, CM. Dose response study of soy isoflavones on bone resorption in postmenopausal women. JBMR, 2004;19(1):S173.

Clark, RM, Herron, KL, Waters, D, and Fernandez, M-L. Classification of the response to dietary cholesterol provided by eggs and gender predict lutein and zeaxanthin plasma

concentrations. FASEB J, 2004;18: 131.5.

Clifford, AJ, Lin, Y, Ho, CC, Noceti, EM, Joy,AB, Block, T, and Block, G. Erythrocyte folate concentrations and folate intake in low-income women. The FASEB J, 2004;18:A883 (588.6).

Cunningham, G, Ho, C, Noble, RE, and Clifford, AJ. Effect of DL-amphetamine on glucose metabolism in Mycobacterium smegmatis. The FASEB J, 2004;18:A870 (581.14).

Drewel, BT, Giraud, DW, and Driskell, JA. Dietary and plasma vitamin E status of apparently healthy boys and girls, two to five years of age. The FASEB J, 2004;18(4):A159.

Hansen, CM, Shultz, TD, James, SJ, Melnyk, S, Leklem, JE, Hardin, K and Ames, BN. Effects of smoking and vitamin B-6 intake on plasma thiol concentrations.

Fed Proc, 2004;18:138.26.

Ho, CC, Dueker, SR, Lin, Y, Follett, JR, Carkeet, C, Buchholz, BB, Vogel, JS, and Clifford, AJ. Absorption and lipoprotein kinetics of 14C--carotene when consumed in the absence of dietary fat using accelerator mass spectrometry. The FASEB J, 2004;18:A479 (341.3).

Jiang, Y. Kudzu isoflavones reduce bone loss in ovariectomized rats. JBMR, 2004; 19(1):S110.

Shultz, TD, Hansen, CM, Hunt, KC, Hardin, K, Leklem, JE, Huang, A, and Ames, BN. Lymphocyte DNA strand breaks in smokers and nonsmokers are related to vitamin B-6 (B-6) intake and metabolite concentrations in plasma and urine. Fed Proc, 2003;17:711.19.

Vogel, JS and Clifford, AJ. AMS kinetic analysis of slowly cleared compartments: implications for nutraceuticals. The FASEB J, 2004;18:A603 (405.1).

Welch, JM, Weaver, CM, and Sojka, JE. A moderately low magnesium diet exerts few changes in the leg bones of growing rats. JBMR, 2004; 19(1):S291.

Zhao, YD, Cheong, JMK, Martin, BR, and Weaver, C. Mathematical modeling of 3H-tetracycline and 45Ca metabolism as bone resorption markers in rats. JBMR, 2004; 19(1):S211.

Zhao, YD, Martin, B, Weaver, CM, Wastney, ME, and Schollum, L. Whey proteins enhanced calcium absorption in growing rats. FASEB J, 2004; 18:A525.

Books and Book Chapters.

Bagley, P. and B. Shane. 2004. Folate. In: Encyclopedia of Dietary Supplements. (Coates, P., Blackman, M. R., Cragg, G., Levine, M., Moss, J. and J. White, eds.) Marcel Dekker, New York.

Furr, H.C. and R.M. Clark. 2004. Transport, Uptake and Tissue Storage of Carotenoids. In: Carotenoids in Health and Disease. (Krinsky, N., Mayne, S. and H. Sies, eds.), vol 13, ch 13. Marcel Dekker, New York.

Thompson, J.L. and M.M. Manore (Eds.). 2005. Nutrition: An Applied Approach. Benjamin Cummings Publishers, San Francisco, CA:

Turnlund, J. R. and W. R. Keyes. 2004. Nutritional and biomedical applications of thermal ionization mass spectrometry. In: Elemental and Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (Houk, R. S., ed.), vol. 5, Elsevier, Oxford, UK.

J. R. Turnlund. 2004. Copper. In: Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease (Shils, M. E., Shike, M., Ross, A. C., Caballero, B., Weinsier, R. I., & Cousins, R. J., eds.), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD.

Committee on Metabolic Monitoring for Military Field Applications: Vanderveen, J.E., Bistrain, B.R., Caldwell, J.A., Dwyer, J.T., Erdman, J.W., Lane, H.W., Manore, M.M., Morgan, W.P., O’Neil, P.M., Sternberg, E.M., Tepper, B.J. andJ. Thayer. 2004. Monitoring Metabolic Status: Predicting Decrements in Physiological and Cognitive Performance. Standing Committee on Military Nutrition Research, Institute of Medicine. National Academies Press, WashintonDC.

Weaver, C.M., Wastney, M.E. and L.A.Spence. 2004. Quantitative clinical nutrition approaches to the study of calcium and bone metabolism. In: Nutrition and Bone Health. (Holick, M.F. and B. Dawson-Hughes, eds.) pp 307-326. Humana Press.

Winzerling, J and Pham, D. Q-D. 2004. Ferritin. In: Comprehensive Insect Molecular Science. (L.I. Gilbert, K. Iatrou and S.Gill,eds) vol. IV, Elsevier, Oxford, UK.

Wolinsky, I. and J. A. Driskell (Eds). 2004. Nutritional Ergogenic Aids. CRC Press,Boca Raton, FL:


Carkeet, C. Novel synthesis of 14C-labeled vitamin B12. PhD. 2004 (Clifford)

Welch, J.. Impact exercise, dietary calcium and growing bone. Ph.D. 2004. (Weaver)

Braun, M. Relationship of calcium intake and calcium retention in adolescent boys. M.S. 2003. (Weaver)

Geiser, D. Iron Metabolism In Mosquitos. PhD. 2004. (Winzerling)



Folic acid and safety, FDA Advisory Committee for Reproductive Health Drugs, Gaithersburg, Maryland, December 2003.

Folate nutrition and metabolism and influence on neural tube defects, FDA Advisory Committee for Reproductive Health Drugs, Gaithersburg, Maryland, December 2003.

Molecular-genetic models to study the regulation of one-carbon metabolism, FASEB Summer Conference on Folic Acid, Vitamin B12 and One-Carbon Metabolism, SnowMass, Colorado, August 2004

Molecular-genetic models for studying the regulation of folate-mediated one-carbon metabolism, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Illinois, Champaigne-Urbana, Illonois, October 2004


The Dr. Atkin’s Diet and the Active Individual: Where to we go from here? British Association of Sport & Exercise Sciences (BASES) Annual Meeting, Liverpool, England, Sept, 2004,

Treatment Recommendations: Energy Availability/Disordered Eating American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual, Indianapolis, IN,May 2004,.

High-Protein, Low-Carbohydrate Diets and Long-term Weight Loss: Where do we go from here? NorthwestAmericanCollege of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA,March 2004.

What’s Fat Got to do with it? 20th Annual ADA Sport and Cardiovascular Nutritionists (SCAN) Symposium, Colorado Springs, CO,April 2004.

High Protein Diets: Where do we go from here? AmericanCollege of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Health and Fitness Summit, Orlando, FL,April 2004.

Metabolic Syndrome. Session Chair and Moderator. American Dietetic Association (ADA) Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX,October 2003.

Ideals that Heal: Eating Wisely Means Aging Well! OregonStateUniversity Extension Services FCD Annual “Ideas That Heal Symposium”, Medford, OR, October, 2004. “

Community Based Research: It is do-able. OregonStateUniversity Extension Service Annual Conference, FCD Research Workshop, Albany, OR,Sept, 2004.

Low-carbohydrate Diets: Where do we go from here? Oregon Society of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (OSCVPR) Annual Meeting, Newport, OR,May, 2004..

Sport Nutrition in the Trenches. National Association of Athletic Trainers Region 10 Annual Meeting, Seaside, OR,March 2004.

The Female Athlete Triad in winter sport athletes. Meyer NL, Manore MM, Estes HM, and Shaw J. Congress of Science and Skiing, Aspen CO, 2004.

Meyer NL, Manore MM, Shaw JM, Subudhi AW, Askew EW, and Walker JA. Dietary intake, iron status, and supplement use in female winter sport athletes during the preparation for the 2002 Olympic Winter Games. 8th Annual Congress of the EuropeanCollege of Sports Science, Salzbrug Austria, July 2003.

Meyer NL, Shaw J, and Manore MM. Bone mineral density in elite male winter sport athletes. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2004;36(5):S13. AmericanCollege of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Meeting, May 2004.

Meyer NL, Shaw JM, Manore MM, Subudhi AW, Askew EW, Sultz BB, and

Walker JA. Bone mineral density in female Olympic winter sport athletes. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2003;35(5):S364. ACSM Annual Meeting, May 2003.

Woolf, K, and Manore MM. Iron status in non-supplementing, older women with and without rheumatoid arthritis.Experimental Biology Annual Meeting,Washington, DC,April,2004.


Membrane potential is reduced in copper deficient C2C12 cells in the absence of apoptosis. Chen X, Jennings D, Medeiros DM,Experimental Biology, Washington, DC, 2004.

Vertebrae from calcium- and iron-restricted rats exhibit significant compromise in trabecular bone. Medeiros DM, Stoecker BJ, Plattner A, Jennings D, Haub MD. Experimental Biology, WashingtonDC, 2004.


Quantitative pharmacokinetics at microgram doses. Vogel JS, Dueker SR, Lin Y, Clifford AJ, Sandu P, Rose M, and Baille T. 13th Ann Mtg. Am Assoc Pharmaceutical Sci, BaltimoreMD. November 5-6, 2004.


Effects of smoking and vitamin B-6 intake on plasma thiol concentrations. Hansen, C.M., Shultz, T.D., James, S.J., Melnyk, S., Leklem, J.E., Hardin, K. andAmes, B.N.

Experimental Biology, WashingtonDC, 2004.


Extreme Iron. Winzerling, JJ. ChildrensHospital of Oakland Research Institute. Oakland, Ca. November 2004.

Characterization of Ribonucleotide Reductase in the Mosquito Aedes aegypti. Mayo, JM,Kos, P, Shaffer, J, Pham, DQ.D.and Winzerling JJ. 8th Annual American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference, Boston, MA (2004).


Manore MM (PI) Hispanic Family Diabetes Prevention Program and Healthy Worksite. Oregon Dept. of Health Services, Office of Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention.

Manore MM (PI). Hispanic Family Diabetes Prevention Program. Dept. of Women’s Health, Region X.

Grobe, D (PI), Manore MM (Co-PI). Trading Off Seafood Health and Safety: Consumer Responses to the Risk of Methylmercury in Fish ($10,000), Internal College of HHS and a $10,000 match from OSU Seafood Laboratory for D Grobe.

Shane, B. Folic Acid Requirements and One Carbon Metabolism. NIH

Shane, B. Folate-Genome Interactions in Colorectal Cancer. NIH (Stover, P. PI, Shane, B. Co-PI.)

Weaver, C. Calcium metabolism in Asian Adolescents NIH/NIAMS

Weaver, C. BotanicalCenter for Age-Related Diseases. NIH/NCCAM

Weaver, C. Improving bone health in adolescence through targeted behavioral intervention. USDA

Weaver, C. Component Interactions for Efficacy of Functional Foods USDA

Weaver, C. The effects of honey and raffinose on calcium metabolism in rats. National Honey Board

Weaver, C. Calcium, dairy and body fat in adolescents. NIH/DK

Winzerling, JJ. Iron Metabolism in Mosquitos. NIH/GM

Pham DQP and Winzerling, JJ. Ribonucleotide Reductase in Mosquitos. NIH/AID