
QUESTION – Who first used Zener cards for Parapsychology experiments?

Who was the psychologist who first conceived of the use use of Zener cards?


Division of credit for the paper

5 points

Provide a complete typewritten outline of your paper along with a receipt from the writing lab.

DUE DATE MONDAY SEPTEMBER 24th. There is no credit if the outline is late or if there is no receipt attached to the outline.

Using the WritingCenter. The WritingCenter is crucial to your success. Check with others and find out who is the best writing lab assistant. Make a continuing appointment with them.

Do not delay! Arrange your first appointment well in advance of the first due date. Bring your rough typed outline with you along with a copy of this syllabus.

10 Points

The first rough draft (type-written, spelling and grammar checked) is due on Friday October 12th and must have at least one ADDITIONAL meeting with the Writing Assistant and you must have a receipt attached to your paper. If your rough draft is turned in by Monday October 19th, your maximum score on this section is 5 points. If the rough draft is turned in after that date there is no credit. The chapter must be handed in so I can correct it. NOTE: This first rough draft should have about 10 pages of typed text (not including cover page) and in addition should have a referencesection.

TEST ALERT!! – Your first test is on Friday October 5th. Expect about 10 definitions (about 60% of the test) and about 2 essays (about 40% of the test).

Gertrude Schmeidler and the Sheep-Goats Effect

ESP and Personality Patterns 1958 YaleUniversity Press.

Basic hypothesis:

People who believe in psi, believe that they personally have the "power" and

actually feel that on the day of the testing they will be able to

demonstrate psi produce PSI HITTING. -- These people are known as SHEEP.

They are hypothesized to produce above chance performance

People who are non-believers and who believe that the whole concept of psi

ability is totally false will produce significant PSI MISSING.

They are hypothesized to produce BELOW CHANCE performance.

Initial pilot study was conducted by Gertrude Schmeidler in 1942 at Harvard

and used a double blind approach. Subjects were individually tested.

ESP CARDS in an OPEN DECK format were used in the initial study. The effect

was statistically significant in the hypothesized direction p=.005

Between 1948 & 1951 Schmeidler did a series of studies where the results

were in the hypothesized direction but the statistical significance was on

the order of .05 to .01. Good enough to publish but not an overwhelming


The series taken as a whole, however, was highly significant. (p.49)

The sheep scored significantly higher than the goats p=0.00003

The odds were thus 3 in 100,000

The sheep scored significantly higher than chance ( p=0.00007 )

the odds were 7 in 100,000

The goats scored significantly below chance ( p=.018 )

the odds were 18 in 1000

CONCLUSION: Belief has a strong effect on psi performance.

Note: This study has been replicated by many researchers.


Continue with Other aspects of psi and personality.

In 1977 Sunny Berry (an FPC parapsychology student compiled a list of characteristics that related to psi performancce (handout)

Now look at Eysenck’s dimensions of personality as indicated by factor analysis.

Note – describe what factor analysis is!

A large number of studies show that personality factors, belief in psi, mood, and physical well being all have an effect on psi performance. – Describe some examples.