Schilling Farms Middle School

Physical Education Department

The following information is distributed to students and parents so they may be acquainted with the routine procedures in the physical education classes at Schilling Farms Middle School.

Physical education at Schilling Farms Middle School is an integral part of the entire school curriculum with special emphasis on educating the body for the same life that the academic disciplines are educating the mind. There are similar requirements that must be accomplished as is done in all classes. For example: class participation, written tests, skill tests and the acceptance of responsibility.

Students will have physical education uniforms, and will be required to dress out beginning the second week of school:


Schilling Farms Middle PE T-Shirt (Grey)

Schilling Farms Middle PE Gym Shorts (Black)

Athletic/Cross-Training/Running Shoe – Securely laced.

Athletic Socks (styles: crew, ankle, low-cut, or no-show)

Towel (optional)

It is suggested that you purchase the uniform a size larger to allow for yearly growth and shrinkage from weekly washing. Also, purchasing two sets of clothing allows for one to be clean while the other is being washed. For comfort in cold weather the student is encouraged to bring a sweatshirt to wear, in addition to the PE clothing.

The main reason for dressing out for physical education is personal cleanliness and hygiene. A change of clothing is very important in maintaining a clean body. If desired, deodorant, foot sprays, or powder in plastic or metal containers may be used. NO GLASS!

Students may not wear another students PE uniform. And, students may not wear their PE uniform under their school clothes. Plus, students may not wear athletic shorts under their PE shorts, nor may they wear undershirts under their PE T-shirt, if it is a shirt they wore to school.

Label your physical education clothes (last name, first initial) following trying them on for size. Thisis a must requirement. A permanent marker does a neat job, and will not wash out for months. A lost uniform may be claimed only by the student whose name appears on the clothing.

Lockers will be provided for your use by the PE department. These lockers are for PE use only. Do not place a permanent lock on these lockers. Please clean the locker(s) following your class period. Once changed, you must place your clothes in a locker.

THERE WILL BE NO “HORSEPLAY” IN THE LOCKERROOM OR SHOWERS at anytime. Towel snapping, squirting water in the dressing areas, throwing of equipment, etc… will not be tolerated. READ AND HEED!

Every student will dress out and participate daily. Those who have a legitimate written excuse signed by a physician may be excused from the activity (per SFMS handbook). Such excuses will have a five-day duration, unless otherwise specified by the physician.

Written notes by parents for injury and/or illness will be accepted, however studentsmustdress out in their PE uniform. NO exceptions. If the student fails to dress out, in their PE uniform, the child receives a non-dress grade (0 - zero). The student will receive modified activities that will provide for their participation on that day.

Procedure to be followed for non-participation in physical education:

  1. Present your doctor’s note to your PE teacher, and/or
  2. Present your parent’s note to your PE teacher for modification, and dress out in PE uniform.
  3. The excused student is expected to be with their class at all times, in order to receive information on skills which may appear in future written tests.

ALL excused students MUST bring paper, pen and pencil to class.

Watches, rings, earrings or jewelry of any kind, will notbe worn during class. Someone could be seriously injured and a valuable watch or keepsake may be damaged beyond repair.

NOTE: Schilling Farms Middle School instructors ARENOT responsible for any lost or

stolen articles, including money.

Our mission at Schilling Farms Middle School is to provide a safe, stimulating, and nurturing learning environment.

OBJECTIVES: To present a well-rounded program to prepare students to be responsible citizens and to have an understanding and appreciation of various activities and games, which will help them develop physically, socially, and emotionally.


#1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

#2:Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.

#3:Participates regularly in physical activity.

#4:Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.

#5:Exhibits responsible personal & social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.

#6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.


  1. Students will receive A, B, C, D, and F letter grades. Students may earn twenty (20) points a day; ten (10) points for dressing out and ten (10) points for participation/effort
  2. Non-Participation Notices will be sent home upon student receiving a “C” letter grade. Detentions will be issued for repetitive Non-dress violations.
  3. He/She will be prepared for each class, dressing in Schilling Farms Middle PE uniform, athletic socks and athletic/cross-training/running shoes.

Unacceptable School Attire (per student handbook):

a. Failure to dress for PE, in the Schilling Farms Middle PE uniform;

b. Exposed undergarments (boys and girls);

c. Pants or shorts worn below the natural waistline;

d. NO Tight tops, shorts, pants (including Spandex) NO Pajama pants.

ALL infractions will result in students signing our Documentation Book for failure to dress

for PE.


  1. Knowledge and understanding of activities, skill and performance of activities. (Skill and written testing and observation). Written tests are weighted based on number of days scheduled for Physical Education classes.
  2. Class work and participation (dressing out for PE, effort exerted, warm-ups, exercises,

aerobic activity, team work, strategy, etc.)

  1. Physical education is a performance class. Students not participating because of illness or injury (excused) need to complete a written assignment, related to health, fitness, etc... If students fail to complete the assignment, their grade is affected.
  2. Students failing to dress for PE (non-excused) will walk or will need to complete a written assignment, related to health, fitness, etc… If student fails to complete the assignment, student will receive a conduct mark, in addition to the zero “0” for participation.
  3. Completing make-up work: (May ONLY be used to Make-Up Non-Dress Grades)

A) Read an article about sports, recreation or health and fitness and write 750 word (14 font), double spaced, report summarizing the article (report of information, evaluation, interpretation, controversial issue). Include Title Page and Bibliography, OR

B) PowerPoint, 15 slides NOT counting a title page or the Bibliography (ONLY one (1) written assignment may be submitted per nine-weeks) OR, C) a student may attend scheduled make-up day(s); see instructor for guidelines and dates.


  1. Students will receive E, S, N, and U letter grades for conduct.
  2. He/She will be on time. Otherwise, student will receive a conduct check and sign the Documentation Book for tardiness. Truancy, failing to show up for class, results in student receiving a written referral.
  3. Students are allowed 5 minutes changing time. All students will enter/depart the locker room and proceed to their assigned seat, until they are instructed otherwise.
  4. Students must remain in the designated area until instructor excuses students. Failure to do so will result in a referral notice regarding truancy for that day.
  5. Students accept the responsibility for following directions and not creating discipline problems.
  6. Students not participating in PE will be assigned an area in which to remain during the class period.
  7. Gum/Candy will not be permitted in the gym. Students chewing gum/candy during his/her gym period will receive detention.
  8. Detention will be assigned for failing to comply with the above policies.Wed. & Fridays.
  9. All students, regardless of days assigned to PE: For every time students sign the Documentation Book for the third infraction, students conduct grade is lowered one (1) letter grade, per nine-week grading period.

Parent’s, please sign and return this form stating that you have read and understand the above stated policies. If you have any questions about these policies please feel free to email (located below) or call us (901) 854-2345. Our Policies and Procedures will be posted on our web pages located on the S.F.M.S. website.

Schilling Farms Middle School PE Staff,

David Culbertson

Terry Smith

Joanne Webber


Parent or Guardian Signature Student Signature

Date___/____/____ PE days/Period______/______PE Instructor______

Students will not be allowed to participate until both Health Form and Policy and Procedure Form are returned, thus, their Academic Grade will be impacted.