Schematizing Maps
Version 1.0
Project Name: Schematizing Maps / Version:1.0Test Report / Date: 2011-01-09
Revision History
Date / Version / Description / Author2011-01-09 / 1.0 / Initial Draft / Ramesh Nagilla
Project Name: Schematizing Maps / Version:1.0
Test Report / Date: 2011-01-09
Table of Contents
1.Introduction...... 5
1.1 Purpose of this document...... 5
1.2 Intended Audience...... 5
1.3 Customer Scope...... 5
1.4 Definitions and Acronyms...... 5
1.5 References...... 5
2. Test Cases...... 5
2.1 GUI...... 5
2.1.1 SM_GUI_TC_001...... 5
2.2 Import, File operations ...... 7
2.2.1 SM_IMPFILE_TC_001...... 7
2.2.2 SM_IMPFILE_TC_002...... 8
2.2.3 SM_IMPFILE_TC_003...... 9
2.2.4 SM_IMPFILE_TC_004...... 10
2.2.5 SM_IMPFILE_TC_005...... 11
2.2.6 SM_IMPFILE_TC_006...... 12
2.2.7 SM_IMPFILE_TC_007...... 13
2.3 Toolbox...... 13
2.3.1 SM_TOOL_TC_001...... 13
2.3.2 SM_TOOL_TC_002...... 14
2.3.3 SM_TOOL_TC_003...... 15
2.3.4 SM_TOOL_TC_004...... 16
2.3.5 SM_TOOL_TC_005...... 16
2.3.6 SM_TOOL_TC_006...... 17
2.4 Map generation...... 17
2.4.1 SM_GENMAP_TC_001...... 17
2.4.2 SM_GENMAP_TC_002...... 18
2.4.3 SM_GENMAP_TC_003...... 19
2.4.4 SM_GENMAP_TC_004...... 20
2.4.5 SM_GENMAP_TC_005...... 20
2.4.6 SM_GENMAP_TC_006...... 21
2.4.7 SM_GENMAP_TC_007...... 22
2.4.8 SM_GENMAP_TC_008...... 22
2.4.9 SM_GENMAP_TC_009...... 23
2.4.10 SM_GENMAP_TC_010...... 23
2.4.11 SM_GENMAP_TC_011...... 24
2.5 Miscellaneous...... 25
2.5.1 SM_MISC_TC_001...... 25
2.5.2 SM_MISC_TC_002...... 26
2.5.3 SM_MISC_TC_003...... 26
2.5.4 SM_MISC_TC_004...... 27
2.5.5 SM_MISC_TC_005...... 27
3. Features that are tested…………………………………………………………………………27
4. Features that are not tested……………………………………………………………………..28
5. Features that are not implemented……………………………………………………………..28
6. Environmental needs…………………………………………………………………………...28
6.1 Hardware……………………………………………………………………………………...28
6.2 Software………………………………………………………………………………………28
7. Approvals………………………………………………………………………………………28
1.1Purpose of this document
This document has the details of the test report for user acceptance test plan according to the specification of requirements. The main purpose of this document is to make sure that the Schematizing Maps application performs at a level of acceptance of customer.
1.2Intended Audience
The intended audience is:
- Customer
- Steering group
- Schematizing Maps team member
1.3Customer Scope
The test report of the Schematizing Maps is derived from its acceptance test plan. It states that the results of the testing from the test cases are explained in detail in the acceptance test plan.
1.4Definitions and acronyms
1.4.1 Definitions
Keyword / DefinitionsSchematizing maps / Project and team name
1.4.2 Acronyms and abbreviations
Acronym orAbbreviation / Definitions
JVM / Java Virtual Machine
HSB / Hue, saturation, brightness colour model
RGB / Red, green and blue colour model
- Course page -
- SCORE contest -
2. Test Cases
2.1 GUI
2.1.1 SM_GUI_TC_001
To verify the options in the Schematizing Maps application when the user launches the application
Test type:
All the required executable files are present and dependencies are installed
Input definition:
- Launch the application
- Verify the options in menu bar
- Verify the controls on the left side panel
- Verify the tabs on the main panel
Output definition:
- The application must launch successfully loading the main window as specified in Section 2 of Design Description document
- Options in menu bar must appear as follows:
- File
- New project (Ctrl+N)
- Open project (Ctrl + O)
- Save project
- Save as image (Ctrl + S
- Exit
- Import
- Image
- Google map
- Application
- Generate map (Alt + G)
- Help
- About
- The left side panel must contain:
- Station, Auto connect, Route and Undo buttons
- Route list with a highlighted current route
- Route editing buttons: Add route, Edit route and Remove route
- Generate
- Diagonal angle list with 2 options: 45 and 60 degrees
- Granularity(values range from 4 to 40) and Bandwidth(values range from 1 to 10) sliders
- The following tabs must be present, scrollable and switchable:
- Input map
- Schematic map
2.2 Import, File operations
2.2.1 SM_IMPFILE_TC_001
To verify the “open project” functionality under the File menu option
Test type:
A map should already have been created and saved by the user
Input definition:
- Click on “Open project” in File menu option
- Navigate to the location of the saved file (.mdm extension, previously saved by this application) and click on it
- Click on the “Open project” button
Output definition:
- File dialog must appear with files and directories from local file system shown
- The file dialog must filter the files by their extensions and show only .mdm files.
- The specified file should be opened and the saved contents (input map and background image) should be displayed in the same way as prior to saving that project file. The route list must also be recreated and contain all routes with correct colours and names.
2.2.2 SM_IMPFILE_TC_002
To verify the “Save project” with the routes, stations and background image
Test type:
The user should have provided any input to the application or no input at all.
Input definition:
- Click on File and select the “Save project” option
- Navigate to the desired location where the file should be saved
- Enter the name of a file and click on the “Save project” button
Output definition:
- File dialog must appear with files and directories from local file system shown
- File dialog must show default naming for a file “SMProject1.mdm”
- The file must be saved in the specified location. This can be verified by browsing manually to the location where the file was supposed to save. If there was a file with the same name as specified, then File dialog must prompt a user whether an existing file should be overwritten or not.
The validity of the saved file can be checked by referring to the test case SM_IMPFILE_TC_001 which tests the opening of an existing file.
2.2.3 SM_IMPFILE_TC_003
Test of the “Image” functionality under the Import menu option which allows a user to import a background image into the drawing panel.
Test type:
Input definition:
- Click on Import and select Image option
- Navigate to an image file (.jpeg, .jpg, .gif, .png extensions) and select it.
- Click OK.
Output definition:
- File dialog must appear with files and directories from local file system shown.
- The File dialog must filter and show the files with .jpeg, .jpg, .gif, and .png extensions only.
- Input map tab must load the background image.
2.2.4 SM_IMPFILE_TC_004
Test of the "Google map" functionality under the Import option which allows a user to use static images of Google Maps resources as a background image to load into the drawing panel.
Test type:
The internet connection must be setup
Input definition:
- Click on Import and select Google Map option
- Enter the URL of a static Google Map image
- Click OK.
Output definition:
- URI dialog must appear with two buttons: OK and Cancel
- The textbox for URI must be able to accept the URI string with any length
- Background image from the URI must be loaded into Input tab
The correctness of imported image can be checked by comparing with an image under same URI in a web browser.
2.2.5 SM_IMPFILE_TC_005
Test of the "Save as image" functionality under the File menu option which allows a user to save a schematic output map as an image (.jpeg or .jpg file extension)
Test type:
Schematic map must be generated before saving a file
Input definition:
- Click on File and select “Save as image” option
- Navigate to the desired location where the file should be saved
- Click OK.
Output definition:
- File dialog must appear with files and directories from local file system shown.
- Suggested file name must have “.jpg” or “.jpeg” as extension
- The file must be saved at the specified location and with a help of other preview programs the content of file must be same as in the Schematic map tab.
Use an image preview program for comparison of the saved file with the generated schematic map.
2.2.6 SM_IMPFILE_TC_006
Test of opening a file as a project with un-supported extension
Test type:
A file with un-supported extension must exist on a PC.
Input definition:
- Click on File and select “Open project” option
- Navigate to the file with un-supported extension
Output definition:
- File dialog must not show the file because of the extension filtering.
2.2.7 SM_IMPFILE_TC_007
Test of opening a file as a project with supported extension but invalid content
Test type:
Any file with invalid content but .mdm extension must exist on a PC.
Input definition:
- Click on File and select “Open project” option
- Navigate to the file
- Click Open project
Output definition:
- The program must validate the file and inform the user that content of the file is not supported.
2.3 Toolbox
2.3.1 SM_TOOL_TC_001
Test of the "Station" tool functionality to place a station on a map.
Test type:
Input definition:
1.Place a station in Input map tab. There are 2 ways for this:
- Placing a station at any location of drawing panel but not on a route
- Placing station on a route
Output definition:
- The input map must be updated and look as one of the following depending on input definition:
- A station must be placed at the clicked location with a white color fill and black color edge. The station name must be “Station” by default.
- A station must become a part of a route. The route section must be divided into two parts and connect the newly added station to neighboring stations.
2.3.2 SM_TOOL_TC_002
Test of the "Route" tool functionality to add a route path for stations on a map.
Test type:
Several stations have already been placed on an input map
Input definition:
1.Select Route tool in the toolbox
2.Select (or add) a route from a route list in the toolbox
3.Click on one station that is supposed to be a part of the route
4.Click on another station that is supposed to be a part of the route
5.Repeat step 4 if there are more stations to connect
Output definition:
- Stations must be connected by the selected route with the corresponding color.
2.3.3 SM_TOOL_TC_003
Test of the Editing station functionality: changing a name or location
Test type:
A station has been placed on the drawing panel already
Input definition:
1.Select Station tool in the toolbox
2.Right click on a specific station and select Rename station
3.In a modal popup window type in new name and click OK
4.Put a cursor over a station, click once and without releasing the mouse drag the station to a new location
Output definition:
- Station name must be updated
- Station must be able to be moved to a new location
2.3.4 SM_TOOL_TC_004
Test of the Removing station functionality.
Test type:
A station has been placed on the drawing panel already
Input definition:
1.Select Station tool in the toolbox
2.Right click on a specific station and select Remove station. There are 2 options:
- Station belongs to a route
- Station is not connected to any other stations
Output definition:
- Station must disappear and there are 2 variations depending on scenario from input definition:
- Neighboring stations of the removed station must be connected between each other, or if the removed station was the start(end) point of the route, then adjacent route segment must be removed automatically
- Station must disappear
2.3.5 SM_TOOL_TC_005
Test of Undo tool
Test type:
Several actions have been performed (adding routes or stations)
Input definition:
1.Click Undo on the toolbox
Output definition:
- Previous action must be cancelled. If there are several actions and the Undo button was clicked same several number of times, then the state of the drawing panel must return to the initial state. If it is clicked more than number of previous actions, then nothing should happen.
2.3.6 SM_TOOL_TC_006
Test of “Station – Auto Connect” tool from the toolbox
Test type:
Input definition:
1.Select “Station – Auto Connect” tool from the toolbox
2.Click on a location on drawing panel for the first station
3.Continue clicking on other locations
Output definition:
- The newly appearing stations must be connected by a route automatically.
2.4 Map generation
2.4.1 SM_GENMAP_TC_001
Test of the "Generate map" functionality under the Application option, which generates a schematic map from an input.
Test type:
The user should’ve provided an input in a form of drawn stations and routes connecting them. The topology of the drawn map doesn’t matter, but there must not be any dangling edges or disconnected vertices, otherwise a schematic map will not be generated.
Input definition:
1.Navigate to the Application option and click on Generate map.
Output definition:
- The schematic map must be generated and displayed in Schematic map tab.
2.4.2 SM_GENMAP_TC_002
To verify that the user is able to generate a map using the Generate button in the toolbox
Test type:
The user should’ve provided an input in a form of drawn stations and routes connecting them. The topology of the drawn map doesn’t matter, but there must not be any dangling edges or disconnected vertices, otherwise a schematic map will not be generated.
Input Definition:
- Click on Generate button in the toolbox
Output definition:
- The schematic map must be generated and displayed in Schematic map tab.
2.4.3 SM_GENMAP_TC_003
Try various input stations and routes combinations to verify the correctness of the algorithm.
Test type:
Input definition:
- Draw various kinds of map topologies with different combinations of routes and stations and generate the maps
- Several routes sharing same station
- Routes are drawn in various directions: from north to south, from west to east, from north-west to south-east, and from north-east to south-west
- Stations from different routes are located close to each other
- Circular routes
Output definition:
- The output schematic map should satisfy the following
- Several routes sharing the same station must be adjusted, but keep the shared station shred as before
- The stations and routes geographical locations (north, south, east or west) should be preserved but the shape and location of routes and stations can be adjusted within those areas
- There should be as less overlap among stations as possible
- Circular routes should be generated in a shape with equal angles between route sections.
For each scenario make a screenshot of the input and output in order to keep the history of what kind of input was tested and for the programmers to see how to adjust the algorithm
2.4.4 SM_GENMAP_TC_004
To verify that the user is able to generate a map after adding new stations to existing routes
Test type:
The user should’ve provided an input in a form of drawn stations and routes connecting them. The topology of the drawn map doesn’t matter, but there must not be any dangling edges or disconnected vertices, otherwise a schematic map will not be generated.
Input definition:
- Draw a map
- Generate a map by clicking on Generate button in toolbox
- Click on the Station tool and place the cursor in the drawing panel
- Click on the desired location on any route on the drawing panel
- Generate a map by clicking on Generate button in toolbox
Output definition:
- The generated map must contain new station
2.4.5 SM_GENMAP_TC_005
Test that the user is able to generate and edit a map by adding a new route. The user makes changes to the Swatches as well.
Test type:
Input definition:
- Draw a map
- Generate a map by clicking on Generate button in toolbox
- Click on the Add route button and verify whether a pop-up window is displayed
- Change the route color and name properties
- Click on the OK button
- Click on the Generate map button
Output definition:
- The new schematic map must contain newly added route
2.4.6 SM_GENMAP_TC_006
Test that the user is able to generate and edit a map by adding a new route. The user makes changes to the HSB/RGB
Test type:
Input definition:
- Draw several stations
- Click on the Add route button and verify whether a pop-up window is displayed
- Verify the tabs under select color frame
- Click on HSB/RGB tab
- Select the desired color from the color selection window and adjust the arrow or shift the arrow up and down for the required shade
- Verify the Preview frame
- Enter the route name and click on OK button
- Click on the Generate button
Output definition:
- The edited map after adding changing colors should be generated and the map properties should reflect the selected options during the drawing.
HSB and RGB tabs for colors must be tested independently
2.4.7 SM_GENMAP_TC_007
To verify that the user is able to remove a route map that is already created
Test type:
A route should have been already created
Input definition:
- Click on the route in current route tab
- Click on remove route under the current tab panel
Output definition:
- Route should be removed
2.4.8 SM_GENMAP_TC_008
To verify that by default user is able to generate a map with the specified diagonal angle.
Test type:
Input definition:
- Draw a map using Station and Route tools
- Select angle of 45/60 degrees in the toolbox
- Click on Generate button
Output definition:
- A map should be generated and visible in the output tab. The angle between the X/Y axis and the route section must be in multiples of 45 degrees (45, 90, 135, and 180 degrees) if 45 degrees is selected in the toolbox, or 60 degrees multiples (60, 120, 180).
The tester must try different variations of placing routes and stations and make screenshots of both input and output for each scenario.
2.4.9 SM_GENMAP_TC_009
To verify that the application handles wrong input: overlapping stations, connecting any 2 stations several times, connecting the station to itself.
Test type:
Input definition:
- Draw a map using Station and Route tools and try to place new stations over existing stations, connect 2 stations several times, and connect the station to itself
- Click on Generate button
Output definition: