After logging in to Manage My Meetings, you may choose to create a new regular or recurring Video Conference by completing the various tabs.
Starting a New Order
- Select the Reserved Video Conferences tab from the main screen.
- Click the Add Calls button in the lower left-hand corner.
Schedule Tab
- Select the conference Start Date, Start Time, Timezone (if different than the default), and Duration from the combo boxes in the Conference Schedule section.
- If the order is for a recurring series, click the This is a Recurring Conference checkbox to enable the Recurrence Pattern section.
- Choose the conference pattern, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or Monthly, and the day(s) of the week on which the meetings will occur.
- If the end date of the series is known, select the End By radio button and specify the end date in the combo boxes.
Video General Tab
- Select the Video General tab.
- Optionally, enter a subject or name of the meeting in the Conference Title field. (A maximum of 32 characters is allowed)
- Optionally, change the Video Quality setting to set the speed of the conference:
- Standard Quality will select the fastest common speed of all sites participating in the conference that is less than or equal to the company preference. If no company preference exists, the Timberline system preference will be used.
- Enhanced Quality will set the order speed to the company's mandatory preference (if one exists) or the highest common speed of which the majority of sites are capable.
- Depending on feature selection and the need for speed and/or protocol transcoding, the order may be "forced" to Enhanced Quality.
- Optionally, change the ServiceLevel setting.
- Optionally, change the Bill To setting. (For customers set up with a mandatory Bill to Authcode setting, the Bill To section will not display.)
- Click the Add Sites button to select sites for the order from the Add Sites window.
- Specific sites may be found by entering search criteria in the fields at the top of the screen and clicking the Locate button.
- Information about the site's capabilities may be displayed by clicking the View button in the Site Details column for the site.
- Click the Add Data checkbox for all sites to that will participate in the meeting. Then, click Add Site(s) to add the selected sites to the order.
- Click Done to close the Add Sites window. The selected sites will be listed in the Participating Sites section of the tab.
- To confirm all selected sites are available for the conference, click the Show Site Schedules button. Any conferences in which each site is participating on the same day as the call will be listed, with any conflicts will display in red.
- Click Close to exit the Video Site Schedules window.
- If the appropriate host site is not specified, click on the radio button next to the site hosting the conference and click Make Host.
- Optionally select each site then click Edit Participant Details to change the default dial direction and access type, along with the name of the lead participant for the site. (If the customer requires a reference code, this information must be entered in the Billing Codes fields.)
- Click Done to save the entered details. (Note: All remaining tabs are optional. If there are no Video features or Audio only participants needed for the meeting, it may be scheduled after completing the Schedule and Video General tabs.)
Video Features Tab
- Select the value added features needed for the conference on the Video Features tab:
- Screen Layout: The screen layout defaults to Voice Activated. To select a Continuous Presence option, click the Change Screen Layout button and select the appropriate option from the Select Screen Layout pop up window. (If the screen layout option is changed, the High Definition feature may not be added to the conference as these features are mutually exclusive.)
- Graphics (H.239): When adding the Graphics {H.239) feature to an order, the type of graphics that will be used may be selected from the combo box. Basic Graphics requires a minimum conference speed of 128k or higher, while Hi-Res Graphics and Live Video require a minimum speed of 384k.
- Encryption: This feature is added to the order by clicking the checkbox. The Encryption and High Definition features are mutually exclusive and may not be added to the same order.
- High Definition: This feature is added to the order by clicking the checkbox. If the High Definition feature is being used for the conference, Encryption and Continuous Presence (any screen layout other than Voice Activated) may not be used. Additionally, High Definition conferences require a protocol of IP and a conference speed of 1152k or higher (Enhanced quality). Neither speed nor protocol transcoding is allowed. If the order does not meet these criteria, an error message will display and the order will not schedule.
- Record Conference: The customer may request to have the conference recorded by selecting the Record Conference feature. If a downloadable copy of the recording is all that is required, no additional information needs to be entered. However, if a copy of the recording on CD is required, in addition to the downloadable file, use the Enter Details button to add the delivery information for the CD.
- Click Enter Details to open the Video Conference Recording Participants list that shows all CD recipients that have been entered.
- Click Add Recipient to add enter recipient details in the Conference Recording Recipient Information screen.
- Enter the address details and Mailing Information and click Add. The entered recipient is listed on the Video Conference Recording Participants screen.
- Click Finished tosave the entered/updated information.
Audio Addon Tab
- If there will be Audio only participants joining the conference, go to the Audio Addon tab.
- Click the Add Audio Participants to the conference checkbox.
- Select the type of Audio conference that should be added:
- Select Schedule an Audio conference for the Audio AddonParticipants to have a one-time Audio call created and tied to the Video Conference. If this option is selected, additional tabs are enabled for the entry of Audio details. These tabs function just as they do when scheduling an Audio conference and vary depending on the customer's region.
- Select Use my Instant Meeting Audio information for the Audio Addon Participants to use an existing Audio Instant Meeting Subscription in conjunction with this meeting by entering the Subscription details in the fields provided. If this option is selected, no other information needs to be entered and the order may be scheduled.
Audio Participants Tab (US Only)
- Select the Audio Participants tab to specify how Audio Add On participants will join the meeting.
- Enter the Total number of Audio Only Participants.
- Select all required number types, Toll-Free, Internal Dialing Plan (if available), and/or Toll. (If Toll is selected, enter the Number of participants that will be using that number.)
- If necessary, enter Dial Out participants by clicking the Add Participant button and enter the participant details on the pop up window. When finished, click OK.
Audio Features Tab (US Only)
- Select the Audio Features tab to specify any features required for the Audio only participants.
- Select the features required for the Audio portion of the meeting. (Remember, these features apply to the Audio portion of the conference only.)
Audio Participants/Features Tab (Asia Pacific & EMEA)
- Select the Audio Participants/Features tab specify how Audio Add On participants will join the meeting and any features they require.
- Enter the Total Number of participants that will be dialing in using the Toll number from the leader's region. (Only one Toll number may be added.)
- Select how Audio Add On participants should be added to the meeting by clicking the appropriate radio button in the Features section.
Net Tab (All Regions)
- If the customer will be using Net Conferencing with their conference, select the Net tab.
- If Net Conference was not selected on the Audio Featurestab, select Add Visuals Over the Internet on the Net tab.
- Enter the Number of Net Participants.
- To receive a list of participants who joined the Net Conference, select Participant List and enter the e-mail address of the person who should receive that list.
- If the Conference Coordinator is needed to join the Net Conference and change the slides, select Operator Hosted.
- Optionally, select a recording option for the Net Conference:
- Net Replay - this provides a recording of the Net Conference that participants can access from the conferencing website. A net replay can be made available for up to 360 days.
- FTP Download - this provides a downloadable copy of the Net Conference.
Reserving the Order
- Once all necessary tabs have been completed, click the Schedule Conference button. A message will display explaining the request is being processed. When completed, an online confirmation will display showing basic call details.
- Click the Finished button to close the confirmation and return to the Complete e-Scheduling (Video) screen or the Reserved Video Manage My Meetings tab, depending on which was used to start the order. A detailed confirmation is emailed to the customer.
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