Schedule for June 26, 2016 through July3, 2016
Today Sunday – July 3rd
8:30 amSunday School and Adult Bible Class
10:00 amDivine Service ~7th Sunday after Pentecost
Monday – July4th
Church Office Closed
Tuesday – July5th
10:15 amSing @ Benefis SNC
Wednesday – July6th
9:30 amLadies Bible Study
7:30 pmDivine Service
Thursday – July7th
9:00 amQuilters @ Peace
10:00 amSing @ Park Place
7:00 pmScouts
Friday – July8th
Church Office Closed
Saturday – July9th
8:30 amAll Day Family VBS ~ “Bread of Life”!
Next Sunday – July10th
8:30 amSunday School and Adult Bible Class
10:00 amReadingService ~8th Sunday after Pentecost
SPECIAL VOTER’S MEETING!! Attention all voting members of Trinity! There will be a “Special Voter’s Meeting”NEXT SUNDAY, July 10th immediatley after the Worship Service to discuss the repairs for the flat roof over the offices. This will be the only item on the agenda. Please plan to attend.
Celebrating a Birthday This Week
July 5th Mark Pecukonis
July 6th Micah Brady, Andrea Hall, Miranda Hall
July 8thKelsi Legg, Valerie McClellan
July 9th Cailyn Schroeder
July 10th Karla Adelmeyer, Macie Wheeler
Celebrating a Wedding Anniversary This Week
July 4th Rev. GeraldªHeidiPaul (24)
July 8th Bill ª Kathie Sybrant (38)
This Week’s Baptismal Anniversaries
July 1stJaymes Crumley, Elsie Lorenz
July 5th Delaney Lautenschlager
July 7th Michael Bush, Lacey Mans, Kyla Nelson
July 10thMichele Mans
Today’s Sunday School lesson is “The Baptism of Jesus.”At Jesus’ Baptism, God the Father said Jesus was His beloved Son. God, our Father in heaven, who has made us His children through water and the Word, invites us to come to Him without fear and to ask for anything.Discuss with your children, “How can we celebrate our Baptism every day?” Share favorite memories of each child’s Baptism.
LUTHERAN HOUR - July 10th"Extreme Neighborliness"Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz. Through His love and sacrifice, Jesus is the extreme neighbor to you and all people.(Luke 10:25-37).Tune in on the radio or at Lutheran Hour can be heard on KMON, 560 AM Sundays at 7:00 am; or XM Radio 170 at 10:00 am-(EST).
Looking for an alternative web-based LCMS supported radio station? KFUO is the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod answer. On the web at they broadcast seven days a week from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm Mountain Time (times vary by month) with Matins daily at 8:04 am, Issues Etc at 2:04 pm, The Lutheran Hour at 11:30 am and 4:00 pm on Sundays and Saturday and Sunday afternoons filled with sacred music. Check them out on the web at
ISSUES ETC. - Where Christianity Meets Culture...Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken andproduced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL. This week's topics include: Romans 13 on Christians & Governing Authorities; Obedience & Disobedience to Government in Daniel; The Movie "Independence Day: Resurgence"; Zacchaeus; Martin Luther the Pastor and more.Youcan listen at your convenience at on the Lutheran Public Radio mobile app.
LUTHERANS for LIFE - July 3rd “We cannot read the history of our rise and development as a nation, without reckoning with the place the Bible has occupied in shaping the advances of the Republic … Where we have been the truest and most consistent in obeying its precepts, we have attained the greatest measure of contentment and prosperity.” Franklin Delano Roosevelt, October 6, 1935 – A Life Quote from Lutherans for Life •
An Update on Giving and Attendance
Comparison of actual giving through June 26th
2015 ~ $84,789
2016 ~ $87,831
UP $3,042
from last year’s giving
Comparison of Income
to Our Goal
Our Goal ($3,178 x 26) = $82,628
Actual Giving = $87,831
$5,203 ABOVE
what was pledged.
The offerings for June 26th $2,126
Bills paid ~ $2,402
TLC has an estimated $7,000
after paying bills.
The next payroll ($4,700) is scheduled for Friday, July 15, 2016
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Comparison of Attendance
Twenty-fifth Sunday of the year
Sunday worship, Wednesday worship, Bible classes & Sunday School
2015 –97 2016 - 88
For prayer requests, please call the church office 452-2121or email us at
We pray for:
~Lenny Koelbel (Len Koelbel’s son) who will be having neck fusion surgery on July 11th.
~Sandra Baranko who fell recently and broke her leg.
~Chris Wallace, LWML district president, who is undergoing chemo therapy for an aggressive form of ovarian cancer and now is battling additional complications.
~Joan Ray(Jeannine Eastley’s mother) who had a heart stint placed recently.
~Rose Shelden who is recovering from hip replacement surgery.
~Janet (Jerry Grosenick’s sister) who is dealing with an infection following her reconstructive surgery.
~Sherrie Blomstrom who was hospitalized recently but is doing better.
~Kat Blumhorst who is recovering from foot surgery.
~Harry,(Penny Hill’s brother)who is having some medical issues and needs prayers for health and healing.
~Marek Wojak (son-in-law of Rose & Gary Shelden) whose biopsy results came back non-malignent but who is dealing with a urinary tract infection.
~Debbe Wojak (Gary & Rose Shelden’s daughter) who is undergoing testing for whooping cough.
~Jay Schlect, who she has re-broken her foot and is slowly recovering.
~Patsy Clark, (Justin Lee’s mother-in-law) who had a bone marrow transplant.
~Ruan Paul(the son of a friend of Pastor Paul’s in South Africa) who is struggling with depression and recovering from self-inflicted wounds.
~Brian Grosenick (Jerry & Pam Grosenick’s son) who underwent surgery to repair a torn Achille’s tendon.
~Kim Mansch(sister in law of Scott Mansch) who had a brain tumor removed.
~Freddy(Rose & Gary Sheldon’s daughter Debbe and son-in law Marek’s 3 year old nephew) who had a brain tumor removed.
~Reverend Erich Kaelberer who is battling ALS.
~Kristal Dawson(Jenny Shaw’s sister) who has been diagnosed with CLLQ11 Leukemia. The treatment is to watch and wait.
~David (Ellen Carpenter’s son) that he may stay true to his faith in God and start coming back to church again.
~Jennifer(friend of Judy and Keener Boyce’s niece) who has been diagnosed with stage 4 colon and liver cancer at age 34.
~David & Gloria Polley(Ellen Carpenter’s brother); he has progressive Alzheimer’s.
We pray God’s peace and comfort for our members who continue to battle health issues and for our shut-ins:Paul Birkholz,Ilene Leishman, Betty Quickenden,Betty Tynes (Sherri Blomstrom’s mother).Gary Adams, Alice Irion, Lydia Laubach, Evelyn McNaight, Emma Millet, Alene Morrell, Gladine Nehus, Alvina Presler (Millie Birkholz’s mother), Audrey Remus, Ruth Schwartzenberger, Myrtle Storhaug and Ted Young.
We pray for those serving in the military:Tech Sgt Tanner Tilton, (Millie Birkholz’s grandson) US Air Force; Senior Airman Brady Toole, US Air Force; Tech Sgt Jared Dudden, US Air Force; Steffen Meeks(grandson of Sherrie Blomstrom), US Army; Michael Somerfeld, (son of Gary & Mary Somerfeld) US Navy Nuclear Submarine Tech
Old Testament Isaiah 66:10-14EpistleGalatians 6:1-10, 14-18
Holy GospelLuke 10:1-20
THIS WEEK / 07/03/16 / 07/06/16 / 07/10/16Acolyte / Elders / Elders / Elders
Altar Guild / Cristie Larsen / Cristie Larsen / Cristie Larsen
Audio / Jon Chapman / Maryanne Chapman / Jon Chapman
Video / John Shaw / NOA / Cody Stene
Duty Elders / Len Koelbel
Marty Bauer / Bob Nommensen / Len Koelbel
Roy Arves
Organist / Joy Suek / NOA / Anita Chapman
Trustee On-Call / NOA / NOA / NOA
Counters / James & Sarah Lautenschlager / James & Sarah Lautenschlager
Ushers / Gary Vik
Alan Wegner / Gary Vik
Alan Wegner / Gary Vik
Alan Wegner