Schedule for Groups Pursuing a Diploma in Applied Spirituality
There are a total of 21 DVD Life Modules of varying lengths comprising the Diploma in Applied Spirituality series, with a total of 160 video sessions, plus some optional ministry sessions as needed. There are a variety of ways in which a group may offer these modules.
Since all of the modules are based on the ability to recognize the Lord’s voice within their heart and through Scripture, every student must begin with the Hearing God’s Voice module. Your church or group should plan to offer this module regularly, at least once a year. Once a student has completed the Hearing God’s Voice, they can then jump into the next module(s) being offered, without needing to wait for the full cycle to begin again.
Schedule Options:
1) One module each week: A group may meet for 1 to 1½ hours per week every week and complete the series in just over 3 years (specifically 3 years and 4 weeks). Adding breaks and vacations would make it a full 4 year program.
The Through the Bible series can be challenging for some people to work through. Therefore, we recommend that groups following this schedule alternate Through the Bible courses with the other practical theology/spiritual living courses.
Following is the recommended schedule for a four year program:
Hearing God’s Voice (10 sessions)
Pentateuch (10 sessions)
How to Receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit (1 session)
Counseled by God (13 sessions)
History 1 – United Kingdom (11 sessions)
Prayers that Heal the Heart (13 sessions – extra sessions for additional ministry if needed)
History 2 – Divided Kingdom (11 sessions)
Living Naturally Supernatural (3 session)
Take Charge of Your Health (10 – 14 sessions – some shorter DVDs may be combined into one meeting if desired)
Poetry Books (11 sessions)
Hear God Through Your Dreams (5 sessions minimum – extra sessions for additional practice are recommended)
Major Prophets (10 sessions)
How to Walk by the Spirit (9 sessions)
Life of Christ (10 sessions)
Parenting by Grace (3 – 6 sessions)
How to Have Mountain Moving Faith (1 session)
Acts and Epistles (10 sessions)
Divine Healing Toolbox (1 session)
How to Build a Winning Team (1 session)
How to Be a Spirit-Anointed Communicator (3 sessions)
Epistles and Revelation (10 sessions)
2) Two meetings with two modules per week: A group may meet for 1 to 1½ hours two times per week every week, covering one module in each meeting, and complete the series in about a year and a half (specifically, 90 weeks). Adding breaks and vacations would make it a full 2 year program.
Please note that Hearing God’s Voice is offered in a “semester” all by itself, and should be offered at least once a year. This will allow new students to begin anywhere in the cycle, as soon as they have taken Hearing God’s Voice. (After the first semester, you will offer the Hearing God’s Voice in addition to the other two scheduled modules.)
Following is the recommended program for a 2 year program:
Semester Meeting 1 Meeting 2
1 Hearing God’s Voice (10 sessions)
2 Counseled by God (13 sessions) Pentateuch (10 sessions)
Baptism in the Holy Spirit (1)
Mountain Moving Faith (1)
3 Prayers that Heal the Heart History 1 – United Kingdom (11)
(13 sessions) Divine Healing Toolbox (1)
4 Take Charge of Your Health History 2 – Divided Kingdom (11
(14 sessions) Naturally Supernatural (3)
5 Hear God Through Your Dreams Poetry (11 sessions)
(5 DVD sessions w/ 6 extra sessions
for group practice)
6 Major Prophets (10 sessions) Life of Christ (10 sessions)
7 How to Walk by the Spirit (9 sessions) Acts and the Epistles (10)
How to Build a Winning Team (1 session)
8 Parenting by Grace (6 sessions) Epistles and Revelation (10)
How to Be a Spirit-Anointed Communicator
(3 sessions)
3) One meeting with two modules per week: A group may meet for 3 to 3½ hours once per week every week, covering two modules in each meeting, and complete the series in about a year and a half (specifically, 90 weeks). Adding breaks and vacations would make it a full 2 year program.
Please note that Hearing God’s Voice is offered in a “semester” all by itself, and should be offered at least once a year. This will allow new students to begin anywhere in the cycle, as soon as they have taken Hearing God’s Voice. (After the first semester, you will offer the Hearing God’s Voice module in addition to the other two scheduled modules.)
The schedule for one longer meeting covering two modules is the same as #2 above. Instead of meeting two times and covering one module in each meeting, you would meet one time and cover one module, take a short break, then continue with the second module.