Scenario Writing MentoringScholarship


Following the Scenario Writing Workshops SIM-one offered around Ontario over the past year, this program will support ongoing mentorship and networking as participants further develop the scenarios begun at the workshop.


The objectives of this program are to:

1)Further advance the scenario writing skills of participants through mentorship;

2)Enable development and pilot testing of new scenarios; and

3)Make these scenarios available to the Ontario simulation community via a networking event and the SIM Scenario Exchange.

Funds Available

A total of $11,000 is available. This will be disbursed as 22 scholarships of $500 each.


Recipients of this scholarship will receive:

  • Discounted enrolment ($100 fee) in SIM-one’s new Scenario Writing Coaching course (online) to provide ongoing peer networking and expert mentorship as they develop and pilot test their scenario;
  • Free enrolment in a 1-day scenario presentation and sharing event, to be held in Toronto on Oct 5th, 2016 (the day before the SIM Expo).


Ontario college or university faculty/staff who have participated in a 1-day Scenario Writing Workshop offered by SIM-one. A maximum of two applications may be submitted per organization.


To apply, simply complete the form below.


Applications will be evaluated based on:

  • Demonstrated need for the proposed scenario;
  • Quality of the proposed scenario and its potential impact on learners; and
  • Commitment of the applicant’s organization to supporting the development, pilot testing and dissemination of the scenario.

Scholarships will be awarded based on the above evaluations plus the goal of supporting development of scenarios addressing a variety of topics / learning objectives.

Organizational Commitment

It is expected that the organizations of successful applicants will:

1)Support enrolment of the awardee in the Scenario Writing Coaching course (online);

2)Provide some teaching relief time to the awardee to allow dedicated time for scenario development and pilot testing;

3)Send the awardee to the scenario presentation and sharing event in Toronto on October 5th, 2016; and

4)Contribute the final scenario to the SIM Scenario Exchange (see

Use of Funds

Scholarship funds may be applied towards: Registration of the awardee in the Scenario Writing Coaching course; dedicated time for the awardee to develop the scenario; equipment needed for the scenario; hiring standardized patients if needed; sending the awardee to the scenario presentation/sharing event; and/or registration to the 2016 SIM Expo.


Applications are due by Wednesday March 23rdat 11:59 pm. Applicants will be informed of outcomes by Friday March 25th. Cheques will be sent to recipient organizations before March 31st, 2016.


I haven’t participated in a one-day Scenario Writing Workshop from SIM-one. Can I still apply? No, only prior participants are eligible.

How many people can apply from an organization?A maximum of two.

What healthcare or human service programs/disciplines can apply? This program is open to all.

Will the Scenario Writing Coaching course be open to people who don’t receive (or aren’t eligible for) this scholarship? Yes, it will be open to anyone for enrolment at a modest rate.

Will the scenario presentation/sharing event on Oct 5thbe open to people who don’t receive (or aren’t eligible for) this scholarship? Yes, for a modest registration fee.

What is the SIM Scenario Exchange? This is SIM-one’s openly accessibly repository of simulation scenarios and other simulation tools. See

Who will own the scenarios developed with support of this scholarship? The organizations receiving the scholarship will retain all intellectual property (IP) rights. SIM-one will make no claim to the scenarios.

Who owns scenarios once they are uploaded to the SIM Scenario Exchange? Organizations retain ownership and give SIM-one a license to distribute the scenarios. Read more at

Scenario Writing Mentoring Scholarship

Application Form

Complete and return this form to by Wednesday March 23rdat 11:59 pm.












Proposed SIM Scenario

This is the primary scenario you plan to develop and test if awarded this scholarship.


Need/gap the scenario will address:

Learning objectives:

Preliminary ideas for how the scenario may unfold:

Professions/programs and level of learners applicable to:


Courier address where cheque should be sent, with attention to whom:


Should this application be selected to receive funding ($500) from SIM-one, I hereby commit to:

1)Register the above-named applicant in SIM-one’sScenario Writing Coaching course ($100);

2)Provide dedicated time for the applicant to develop the simulation scenario;

3)Allow the scenario to be pilot-tested with target learners;

4)Register the applicant for the scenario presentation/sharing event (no cost) to be held Oct 5th, 2016 (the day prior to the SIM Expo) at the Intercontinental Toronto Centre Hotel; and

5)Permit the awardee to contribute the scenario to the SIM Scenario Exchange.

Signing authority name:

