We are committed to enriching the lives of our students and communities

Through quality educational programs and services



February 24, 2010

Present: J. Alm, D. Bertch, G. Chandler, D. Dawson, B. Kocher, P. Norris, C. Orr, J. Taylor, J. Turcott

Absent: G. Fredericks

  1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by D. Bertchat 8:30 a.m.
  1. Approval of Minutes:The minutes of the January 27, 2010meeting were approved as distributed.
  1. Cabinet Update: D. Bertch provided an overview of the Cabinet meeting of February 23, 2010. Minutes of the meeting will be distributed once approved.
  1. Reality Check : None Shared.
  1. Kudos:

To Jim Taylor for his planning and orchestration of a successful Perkins compliance review visit last week.

To Steve Doherty for contacting Gibson Guitar who agreed to bring their traveling exhibit to the Kalamazoo Fret Board Festival. The hope is to have the exhibit on sitefor the event on March 19, 20, 21, 2010.

To Grant Chandler for his presentation at the Michigan Association of Community Health Boards conference in Lansing on February 23.

  1. Travel/Professional Development: Requests to attend the Midwest Institute will be coming forward. J. Taylor will be bringing two requests forward. Also heard that additional Perkins dollars may be made available for faculty development.
  1. Other

Lab operating policies were briefly discussed.

J. Taylor reported that the articulation process has started. If there are no significant changes in our current articulation agreement the agreement will be signed. If changes occur the agreement will be reviewed by appropriate individuals.

Received a personnel report from J. Taylor.

A construction update will be provided following this meeting.

J. Alm reported that the library is extremely busy and that the reference librarians are teaching 50-60 classes per month. The computer stations continue to receive heavy usage.

P. Norris noted that Robots + Us opened on the third floor of the museum on Feb. 13 and will be on display through May 9.

D. Dawson, D. Bertch and others visited the Geek Group facility at 2309 N. Burdick in Kalamazoo. The Geek Group is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization focused on science, technology, engineering, math, and arts education and takes a "hands-on" approach to providing learning opportunities.

D. Bertch noted that the 2010-2011 Capital Outlay Initiative Forms are available on the G-Drive and asked that the deans send the completed forms to him not later than March 19.

  1. Next Meeting – The next meeting of this group (Instructional Administrators)is March 10, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in room 4380. The Academic Deans will next meet March 3, 2010 in room 4380.
  1. Adjourn – The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 a.m.