SCE 4310: FA 1 -- Science Instruction and at Your Assigned Field School and Hands-on,
Minds-on Inquiry of Outdoor Spaces/Places and Use
Instructions and Scoring Guide
Instructions -- Plan on discovering as much about the science program, science curriculum, local surrounding area, and outside spaces for learning at the intern field site as possible. Document and report in the FA1 assignment (note that this documentation and reporting is required for all of the FA assignments), thename of the school, school’s address, grade level (s) of placement, and the teacher assigned as cooperative teacher,location at the school where interviews or assignment took place, format/environment in which the interviews took place. In addition, note the day and times that any work is completed. Note in your report, exact times, dates, and specific locations where each of the interviews was completed.
Use the format of the Scoring Guide to organize your field assignment report (i.e., Part A, Part B, etc.).
Part A. School info required: name & address of school, name of field teacher, grade level, location in school, date and time of interview. (1.5 points)
Part B. First Impressions. (paragraph form)(7 points)Discuss your first impressions of your field class and classroom. Find the following information:
√Is the room (physically) inviting? √ What is the composition of the class? √ How does the teacher respond to the students? √ How the room is arranged (i.e., are there any centers? a science center?, √ How are the student desks are arranged √ What type of science materials are available for student use? √ What type(s) of technology is available? √ What are the students doing? √ Does the teacher/class have access to a science lab room? √ Does the teacher have a safety contract that students (and parents) sign? √ Does the school have a garden or other outdoor learning facility? √ Is your teacher involved in any field trips or outdoor learning with his/her students?
Part CDiscuss with your field teacher the letter from your professor and briefly explain how our focus is learning how to teach science using the concept of sustainability. Discuss with him/her that you will need to interview five students on their conceptual understanding for you selected topic for FA#3. Using the analysis of information from FA#3, you will develop an inquiry lesson to teach to the entire class for FA#4. Make certain that your field teacher is aware of your assignments and is willing to work with you. Respond to you teacher’s willingness to work with you. (3 points)
Part D. 1) Using Google Earth identify the school and the school grounds.Include a screen shot of your school in context with the local community, such as, for example, local parks, bodies of water, extent of urban concrete sprawl, etc.as captured by Google Earth. (5 points)
2.) You need to take the time to physically go outside around the school and see for yourself what open spaces are actually there and if teachers are doing any outdoor activities.You may need to question other teachers and administrators about the outdoor places/spaces & use. Describe these areas in a paragraph. (4 points)
3.) Label areas around the school where there is or may be a place for a garden, for nature studies, exploration of plants, insects or other animals, etc. Label natural areas around or near the school. (2 points)
Part E Reflection Your reflection (minimum ½ page—5 or 6 sentences) of your visit and fact-finding including your impression of the teacher, class, classroom and teacher’s experience in outdoor activities, investigations or field studies. (6 points)
COMMUNICATION ____ Spelling & punctuation - check (1/4 point possible)
____ Grammar check (1/4 point possible) ______/ 29 Scoring Sheet – Place this page on top of your FA #1 report
Part A. (1.5 pt) Include all school info: name of school, name of teacher, grade level, location where interview took place, date/time of each interview.
Part B. 7pts
Includes physical arrangement of the room (see questions) / 1.0 ptIncludes science materials and resources available / 1.0 pt
Includes class composition / 1.0 pt
Includes whether there is a science safety contract or not. / 1.0 pt
Includes technology available for students’ and teacher’s use / 1.0 pt
Includes information on outside resources and/or field trips or not. / 1.0 pt
Includes whether there are any outdoor learning activities or not. / 1.0 pt
Part C. 3 pts.
Verification from your teacher that she/he will support your completing your four field assignments / 3 ptsPart D.11 pts.
1.) / Google Earth map of your school and surrounding local area / 3.0 ptsLabeling of school / 1.0 pts
Labeling of surrounding areas of local parks, bodies of water, extent of urban concrete sprawl, etc. / 1.0 pts
2.) / Paragraph describing actual open spaces where outdoor learning could occur. / 2.0 pts
Responses from other teachers/administrators regarding outdoor activities; e.g., what types of activities are done outside, which teachers do outside activities or investigations, etc. / 1.0pt
Presence of a garden or butterfly garden or something similar / 1.0 pt
3.) / Labeling of possible outdoor learning areas around or near the school. / 2.0 pts
Part E.Reflection 6 pts.
Your impression of your field teacher and her/his relationship with students / 1 ptFirst impression of the classroom / 1 pt
First impression of the students / 1 pt
Teacher’s use of any outdoor space or outdoor activities / 1 pt
Teacher’s opinion of having an outdoor garden or field study / 2 pts