Internet for EducatorsScavenger Hunt: Copyright & Fair Use for Educators

Scavenger Hunt Activity Sheet

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Hunt 1: Copyright Basics

  1. How long is the usual duration of a copyright for a work created on or after January 1, 1978?
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  3. How is copyright protection secured? Is there a registration process to secure a copyright?
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  5. What is the public domain, and before what year are works generally considered part of the public domain?What are the four categories that materials generally fall into?
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Hunt 2: What is Copyright Protected?

  1. A student is writing a report on the historic plays of William Shakespeare. She is working with Richard II which was written around 1595. Is this play under copyright?
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  3. A film professor is teaching a course on 20th century period pieces. The professor uses the 2009 film The Young Victoria starring Emily Blunt and directed by Jean-Marc Vallée as an example of some of the possibilities of costume design. Is this film under copyright?
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  5. A design student is checking out at a grocery store with his credit card. He makes a mistake because the credit card swipe device is completely different than others at different stores. Perplexed and annoyed, he comes up with an idea for the way in which the screen would look when he enters his credit card pin.Is his idea under copyright?
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Hunt 3: Fair Use

  1. Fair use is determined by three by balancing four factors. What are the four factors and explain each.
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  3. The TEACH (Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act) was passed to improve the use of materials in copyright for distance learning.Read the requirements for academic institutions need to meet in order to use copyrighted material here: Name at least three criteria that must be met.
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Hunt 4: Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines

  1. A teacher is preparing a presentation for her class on classical music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. She wants to include several audio clips but doesn’t own any of the CDs to play. Instead, she finds audio clips online. How long is she allowed to play each musical clip in her presentation?
  2. ______
  3. An economics professor wants to distribute a chart that illustrates the world’s economic markets since 1865 to his students that is in a book that just has been published. What are the limitations that he must follow?
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  5. A history professor is teaching a section on the American Revolution and conducts a search for pictures to include in his presentation. What limitations exist for pictures on the internet?
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