Evil violin

I finally arrived home after being away to San Diego for so long did I ever hate visiting my mother. Sometimes there could be nothing else in my head that could be worse then seeing her. It was just so boring being there, all they had was beach nothing more nothing less.

I used to think it was fun flying for hours to see her, well after she and dad split it was pretty much the custom for me to go see her. After a few years, I got used to it.

At first though, they told me that mom was just going away on a long trip for work and she would be back soon... Yeah well I was not that idiotic; I knew my mother had emotional and psychological problems, and they were forced to divorce because of the fighting.

Even the most ridiculous things like dad playing violin I liked hearing him try to learn songs, I loved him attempting to try to learn Metallica on a violin. It sounded terrible but it was funny. To mom though, it was hell. I was thirteen, I understood, but for their sake I pretended.

The cab hit a bump that cut into my train of thought, and then I realized I was already home. I didn’t really enjoy living in Thompson Falls (Montana) a quiet place with only about 1321 people in the whole town. There wasn’t much to do. I spent most of my life here, seemed after the last few weeks wouldn’t be having any more memories here. I was kind of excited, but at the same time a deep emotion carved its way into my mind, I was not to sure what “THIS” emotion was for once.

Dad had sent me here for the last time. Next month I was turning eighteen, and then they could not force me to go anymore. It would be my choice and mine alone. I missed him already; and thinking of this pulled me into a deep sleep.

I woke in the frame of mind I was in the previous week; terrified and inexplicably confused; my dad and I had left to see my mother together, which was odd.

Mom had invited him, which was even stranger. We arrived at the air port, gathered our luggage, and looked for her. She was never late before, and then she caught my eye; “green summer dress, and ugly red heels that made my eye’s burn into the floor. Dad obviously greeted her and complemented her he was always nice to her even through their divorce. I on the other hand wanted to jump out of the nearest four storey window to get away from the humiliation of her appearance.

We spent the week there but I was curious the entire time as to why she had invited dad, so I just dealt with the curiosity.

Each night that I fell asleep, the way I looked at it was there would be one less day spent in San Diego. We had gone to the beach almost every day. We also had gone to the movies once and didn’t really do much else.

It was Sunday night. Mom suggested she and dad go out for a movie and supper. Dad was hesitant but agreed. I was left to do as I pleased at her apartment which was the only thing I had fun with the entire week. So, I played some Xbox for awhile, got a little hungry, then ordered a pizza and walked down to the nearest Blockbuster to rent a movie. On the way back I was pondering why my mother had wanted dad here.

I kept thinking bad ideas. So I suggested to myself that I act my age and think rationally. I arrived back at the apartment around eight, and then I decided to put my movie in. I was excited to watch it; it was my favourite movie “28 weeks later” one of the scariest movie I’ve ever watched; had given me nightmares for the first time.

Within the hour I was asleep. It seemed like forever. I woke up to that hideous sound of my mother’s phone, that stupid sound rings in my ears months after I leave this hell hole.

It always reminded me of a cat you had run over with your four-wheeler. Back in Thompson Falls we spend A LOT of time on four wheelers. The phone rang again I lazed my self over to get it, When I answered; Chief Hammett started to talk right away.

He was calling from the downtown police station He was telling me over and over not to be upset, and that I should come down to the police station right away. And if I needed a ride he would come, I didn’t get it at first but then it clicked in something went really wrong really fast. It had only been a few hours since they had left.

So I drove down to the police station. Chief Charles Hammett was waiting for me right outside. I knew the look on his face, I could only guess what had happened but I did not ever guess how. It seemed dad wanted to show my mother a CD he had recorded himself.

Since their split, she hadn’t heard him play that violin. He was proud of how much he had progressed at playing the violin. So I was told that he had played the CD and it had reminded my mother of when she was a child; of the songs he had learned, a few were from her childhood, which triggered emotional post traumatic stress.

When they had went to a near by music stop he had played the violin in person inside the store, Then when they left and reached the car, she immediately grabbed the gun out of the glove box and shot him.

The police said she was completely insane her eyes black as night and no sanity when they had received the 9-11 call and found her on the street laughing to her self.

I wondered why she’d have a gun, but I guess she did live in San Diego. There is enough reason right there. On the final report, I read my mother’s last words before the police took her in and arrested her.

As I looked at the page half blank as it was I snickered to myself because, I knew that what was going to be written, I gazed and read I was right; “Its very hard to live in a studio apartment in San Diego with a man who is learning to play the violin” That’s what she told the police when she handed them the empty revolver”