Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 24.4.17

at the Village Hall, Scarcroft at 8pm

PRESENT: Councillors: B Murray (Chair), R Middleton, E Goodall, P Thompson, A Marshall,

P Campbell, P Swain, J Wright

IN ATTENDANCE: G P Carter (Clerk)

A resident asked if the website recorded the number of downloads from it, and was advised that it did not. A record of the number of ‘hits’ or views is available. A resident commented that he thought that the LCC Planning Department was telling Ward Councillors what to do, and was advised that if he wished to complain about Ward Councillors he needed to contact LCC. The same resident asked if Scarcroft Parish Council was told what to do by LCC Planning Department, and was advised that this was not the case and that the PC has no direct contact with the Planning Department.
2 residents raised concerns about planning application 17/01669, and wished the PC to take these into account when considering the application. Their concerns included the proposed new build being too large for the site; that it would adversely impact other local properties; that the proposed build was too near existing trees (some of which were TPO’d) and would affect the root systems; it would impact on neighbour’s light. / Action
Apologies were received from Cllr Angus
Cllr Wright declared an interest in planning application 17/01669, and left the room when the application was discussed and decisions were made about comments to be submitted.
4.  / POLICE
A written report was received. There had been 1 reported crime in Scarcroft in March, theft from a vehicle left unsecured on Syke Lane.
5.  / TO CONSIDER APPROVAL of MINUTES of the MEETING held on Monday
20.3.17 at 8pm
Minutes approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman.
a.  17/01669/FU/NE- 20 Thorner Lane - Demolish existing dwellings and construct replacement- Object- SPC noted concerns raised by immediate neighbours, and has concerns about the size of the proposed build for the plot, it considers the design doesn’t fit with existing properties and the emerging NDP, concerns about overlooking neighbours’ property and loss of light to neighbours. Further concerns relate to the size of the build/plot and that there is only proposed to be a single garage when the plans state a requirement for 10 parking spaces
b.  17/01922/FU/NE - Pine Chase Syke Lane – no comments
c.  17/01879/FU/NE - Tarbet 1 Green Way - Single storey side extension- noted immediate neighbours comments, and request that the planner does a site visit
d.  17/01991/FU/NE – 1 Aspen Drive – no comments
e.  17/01995/FU/NE – Heath House – support the application
f.  17/02225/FU/NE – 15 Moss Syke – no comments
a.  Resolved to approve the award of an annual increment to the Clerk to pt 24
b.  Resolved to approve annual governance statement for Annual Return
c.  Resolved to order bigger sized hanging baskets, and to advertise for sponsorship via the website. No response had been received re request for wild flower planting, resolved to chase up.
d.  Cllr Marshall volunteered to donate an unwanted unused shredder. / Clerk
a.  Resolved to pay accounts presented and approve accounting statements for Annual Return
G P Carter Salary April +arrears £535.66
RMS Joinery Assemble and fix new noticeboards £148.80
b.  Receipts noted
c.  Balances noted
a.  Playground - An update on progress was received, from Cllr Goodall. The contractor has agreed that the ramp has been installed incorrectly, and will remove and replace it. A further 3 drainage channels will be inserted into the carpark and playground. 3 areas for picnic benches will be created. It was agreed to accept revised quotation for insurance which will cover the playground equipment, but to ask if public liability insurance is included or if current public liability insurance would cover the playground.
b.  NDP – A meeting had been held with the consultants on 19.4.17, it was discussed about listing various items within the village as ‘village assets’, and agreed that further information needed to be obtained. It is the intention to have a draft ready for approval by the PC at the next PC meeting on 15.5.17. Once signed off by the PC, it will then go for the 1st formal draft consultation with village residents. / Clerk
a.  Grant Application had not so far been received from the Cricket Club
b.  It was agreed that the next meeting will be the Annual Meeting of the PC on 15.5.17, which will start at 7pm, followed by the Annual Parish Meeting at 8pm. Both meetings will be held in the Village Hall. Refreshments will be provided. /
11.  / NEXT MEETING 15.5 .17 at 7pm
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9. 20pm.

…………………………………………………………………………. Chair

………………………….. Date