The Greek Solution: A new Constitution
The constitutionfor ademocraticcountry likeGREECEis the fundamental principleupon whichtheshapingof the entireinstitutionallawof the country is based.
It determines the frameworkandfunctioning of the state and it is the agentthatallowsinstitutionsto operate effectively. Since their establishment, constitutional ruleshave enabledindividuals to improvetheir living conditionsand to progressin all sectors.
They determine the formof the state, theorganizationof state power anditslimitationstowardscitizens.In our country, the development of economy,the improvement of educationand thepreservation of thepublic safetypresupposestable rulesthattheconstitutionguarantees.
In order, nevertheless, for a state to operate efficiently and smoothly theconstitutionhas to setlimits,tooperatesteadily, invariably andfair.
The present constitutionmayrank aboveordinary laws,but there may eventually come a time when it will be unable tofully expressthe popular willof acountry andwill, thus, cease toservetheinterests of its citizens.
Therefore, since theconditionsandneeds of a societymight change due to various reasons,a radicalreform ofthe constitutionmay be considerednecessary andevenpreferable to a mere revisionof the present Constitution.
Our country isexperiencing latelythethreatof astrongsocial andeconomic collapse so it may actually need a new constitution that will open up fresh perspectives. So what exactly should change?
We need a constitutionthat isstable and flexiblewhile itmust becomprehensive andunambiguousinits articles.
Of course, itshould havepolitical and historical legitimacy, it should be modern andadapted to international developmentsandcurrentGreeksociety and it shouldcome froma Senate.
A precondition foritsstabilityis that it shouldn’t change unnecessarily andunwisely. Let us notforget thataconstitutionis not solely adoptedto safeguardthe excessiveforce ofthestate but it is mainly establishedtosecure andservethe rights andobligations of thecitizens.
For these reasons thereshould bea clear separation of thethreepowers ofdemocracy(legislative, executive, judicial)that operateasindependent bodies.
Moreover,no bodyshouldexercise more thanonepower.Regarding elections, it would bebest for them to beheld everyfiveyears, while they willelect the President of the Hellenic Republicand the vice president. Theirelectionwill result from universal suffrage; they will all be electedand no onewill be appointed bytherespective governments.
This way,there will bestability; wewillensureimpartialityandminimize the costsfor thestate.So, thecitizenswill once again trustthe political system and they willbecome more actively involvedin all electoralprocesseswhich in its turn will reduce political indifference, this blow to democracy.
Studyingour present constitution,we see that theroleof the Presidentis not essential andbecause of thisit wouldbe better for it to be strengthened. Essentially, weshould transferthepowersthatthe currentprime minister hasto thePresident.
To be more specific we strongly believe that the role of the prime minister should be substituted by that of the President of the Hellenic Republic. We also deem necessarythat a Senate should be established,modeled on thepolitical systemsof othercountries.
At the same time,MPswillexercisethe executive power and theywill be controlled bythe State Council. Here we must underline the fact that MPs should be elected onlyfor a total of two termsin order for us to combatclientelismandcorruption.
The aboveareideas and proposalsdesigned tofurther facilitate and modernizetheoperation of theGreekState. These proposalsreflect the needto fight corruption, various forms of blackmailand thedependenceof the stateonexternalfactors that complicateits work.
However, in order for this constitutional reform to succeed it is necessary that it should come from a Senate and be implemented within a smooth climate, when thecountry will have internationally consolidated its positionand will not be in a periodof turmoil. The Greek people have theneed of avisionforthefuturebecause only inthis way theywillovercome the crisis andtheimpasse.
Letus therefore breathe anewlife intoour democracythrough a newconstitution.
Christos K. Cholevas
Dental Surgeon
PhD student Medical School of AUTH