JTC 1 / SC 2 / WG 2 N 1952 S

Title: SC2/WG2 Status of Proposals for the UCS

Source: Michael Everson, EGT (IE)
Status: Expert contribution
Date: 1999-02-20
Action: For information
Replaces: N1509 S

In the online version of this document, a proposal is coloured white when it is being worked on (or when it is dormant), yellow when it is under ballot, and grey when it is closed (by publication of an amendment, rejection, or other action).

This standing document has not been updated since 1997-01-24. In the intervening two years, a great deal of progress (and some 450 documents) has been made. Consolidation of various individual proposals into single PDAMs is hard to track; accordingly, the treatment of symbol and individual character additions has been less rigorously charted here, at least in the "related documents" column. I have tried to be comprehensive where entire scripts are concerned. In the case of CJK repertoires and the smaller ideographic component repertoires, however, hit has been difficult to track everything. This was also the case in the base document N1509 S, where numerous CJK proposals which were possibly duplicates or descendents of earlier proposals were presented. It would be very helpful if the IRG could help by identifying completed items and documents related to various other IRG items.

In this document I have made no attempt to update the "stages" column, considering this to be a matter for explicit WG2 decisions (and because I am not sure what all the numbers mean).

The "number of users" column presents what data there is in the proposals. It is hard to put a population figure when the user community is "scholars and churchmen". (I don't consider this column to be particularly important, as quality is as good as quantity in the UCS.)

I am particularly uncertain what to do with the proposals prior to N1000. Have these, or some of these, been closed by WG2, pending new proposals with the Proposal Summary form?

Administrative Information / Technical Information / WG2
Doc N† / Name / Sub- mitter (ISO 3166) / Com- plete / Type / Date / Defect / Type: Script / Indiv. chars. / N† of chars. / Cate- gory / Names, glyphs, font, level etc.? / N† of users / Com- mon or Rare / In use today / BMP / Con- tig- uous / Related docs. / Status / Stage / Conclusions
Y/N / NB I SC WG L / DR / S/C / A B C D E F G / Y/N / N† in 1000s / C/R / Y/N / Y/N / Y/N / 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. R S / These are unconfirmed conclusions; for accuracy see the approved minutes!
1962 / Georgian script extensions / IE / Y / I / 1999-02-14 / S & C / 51 / A / Y / R / Y / Y / Y / N1962 / 1
1959 / Indus script / IE / Y / I / 1999-01-29 / S / 386 / F / Y / Few / R / N / N / Y / N1959 / 1
1958 / Varang Kshiti script / IE / Y / I / 1999-01-29 / S / 50 / A / Y / 1026 / C / Y / Y / Y / N1958 / 1
1957 / Sorang Sompeng script / IE / Y / I / 1999-01-29 / S / 34 / A / Y / 273 / C / Y / Y / Y / N1957 / 1
1956 / Ol Cemet' script / IE / Y / I / 1999-01-29 / S / 43 / A / Y / 5800 / C / Y / Y / Y / N1956 / 1
1948 / Osmanya script / IE / Y / I / 1999-01-25 / S / 27 / B.1 / Y / Few / R / N / N / Y / N1948 / 1
1866 / Blissymbols / IE / N / I / 1998-07-19 / S / 886 / A / Y / 10 / R / Y / N / Y / ISO IR-169, N1866 / 1
1846 / Ethiopic Extensions / ET / Y / NB / 1998-09-11 / C / 95 / A / Y / C / Y / Y / Y / N1846 / 1
1845 / Latin & combining chars. for IPA "disturbed speech" / IE / Y / I / 1998-09-08 / C / 27 / A / Y / R / Y / T / Y / N1845 / 1 / M35: 17 characters were accepted. Ballotting as AMD 30.
1817 / Modifier letter for Nenets / FI IE NO / Y / I / 1997-08-10 / C / 1 / A / Y / 40 / C / Y / Y / Y / N1817 / 1 / M35: accepted. Ballotting as AMD 30.
1757 / Tifinagh script / IE / N / I / 1998-05-04 / S / 45+ / A / Y / C / Y / Y / Y / UTR#3, N1757 / 1
1740 / Hebrew Tetragrammaton character / IE US / Y / I / 1998-05-09 / C / 1 / A / Y / Few / C / Y / Y / Y / N1740, N1807 / 1 / Feedback from IL dubious but suggests encoding as ligature in FB block.
1689 / South Arabian script / IE / Y / I / 1998-01-10 / S / 29 / D / Y / Few / R / N / N / Y / UTR#3, N1689 / 1
1688 / Proto-Sinaitic script / IE / Y / I / 1998-01-18 / S / 19 / D / Y / Few / R / N / N / Y / N1 / 1
1687 / Old Permic script / IE / Y / I / 1998-01-18 / S / 38 / D / Y / Few / R / Y / N / Y / N1687, N1947 / 1
1686 / Old Hungarian script / IE / Y / I / 1998-01-18 / S / 45 / B.1 / Y / C / Y / Y / Y / N1686, N1758 / 1
1685 / Brahmi script / IE / Y / I / 1998-01-18 / S / 58 / C / Y / Few / R / N / N / Y / N1685 / 1
1684 / Avestan script / IE / Y / I / 1998-01-18 / S / 61 / B.1 / Y / Some / R / Y / Y / Y / UTR#3, N1684 / 1
1661 / Two ecological symbol chars. / IE / Y / I / 1997-12-08 / S / 2 / A / Y / C / Y / Y / Y / N1661 / 1
1658 / Coptic script / IE / Y / I / 1997-12-08 / C / 57 / C / Y / R / Y / Y / Y / N1658 / 1
1643 / Klingon pIqaD / IE / Y / I / 1997-09-18 / S / 37 / B.1 / Y / 10 / R / Y / N / Y / N1643 / 1
1642 / Cirth script / IE / Y / I / 1997-09-18 / S / 103 / B.1 / Y / R / Y / N / Y / N1642 / 1
1641 / Tengwar script / IE / Y / I / 1997-09-18 / S / 103 / B.1 / Y / R / Y / N / Y / N1641 / 1
1640 / Ugaritic Cuneiform script / IE / Y / I / 1997-09-18 / S / 31 / D / Y / Few / R / N / N / Y / UTR#3, N1640 / 1
1639 / Old Persian Cuneiform script / IE / Y / I / 1997-09-18 / S / 47 / D / Y / Few / R / N / N / Y / UTR#3, N1639 / 1
1638 / Meroitic script / IE / Y / I / 1997-09-18 / S / 24 / D / Y / Few / R / N / N / Y / UTR#3, N1638 / 1
1755 / Philippine scripts (Tagbanwa, HanunÛo, Buhid, Tagalog) / IE / Y / I / 1998-05-25 / S / 86 / A / Y / C / Y / Y / Y / UTR#3, N1755, N1933 / 1
1660 / Tibetan Extensions / CN GB IE / Y / NB / 1997-12-08 / C / 54 / A / Y / C / Y / Y / Y / N1660, N1756 / 1 / Ballotting as AMD 31.
1659 / Glagolitic script / IE / Y / I / 1997-12 / S / 92 / B.1 / Y / R / Y / Y / Y / N1659, N1931 / 1
1657 / Buginese / IE / Y / I / 1997-12 / S / 31 / B.1 / Y / 2300 / C / Y / Y / Y / N1657, N1930 / 1
1655 / Canadian Syllabics extensions / IE / Y / I / 1997-12 / C / 8 / A / Y / 40 / C / Y / Y / Y / N1655 / 1 / Ballotting as AMD 23.
1593 / Latin chars. for Taiwanese languages / IE TW / Y / I / 1997- / S / 10+ / A / Y / C / Y / Y / Y / N1593, N1712R / 1 / M34: The proposal was rejected.
1581 / Gothic / IE / Y / I / 1997- / S / 0000 / D / Y / Few / R / N / N / Y / N1581 / 1 / Gothic has been accepted for plane 1.
1580 / Etruscan / IE / Y / I / 1997- / S / 0000 / D / Y / Few / R / N / N / Y / N1580 / 1 / Etruscan has been accepted for plane 1.
1579 / Phoenician / IE / Y / I / 1997- / S / 0000 / CAT / Y / 0000 / R / N / N / Y / N1579, N1932 / 1
1566 / Euro sign / CA FI IE IS SL US UTC / Y / NB L / 1997-06-28 / C / 1 / A / Y / C / Y / Y / Y / N1566 / 1 / Ballotting as AMD 18.
1498 / Deseret script / US / Y / NB / 1996-12-24 / S / 76 / D / Y / Few / R / N / N / Y / N1498, N1891R / 1 / M33: stage 1 until part 2 is operational. Becomes a part of CD for part 2.
1493 / Ideographic Component Supplement / Y / WG / 1996-07-31 / C / 155 / A / Y / C / Y / Y / Y / N1433, N1489, N1490, N1493 / 1 / M31: For further considerations
1492 / Ideographic Radical Supplement Characters / Y / WG / 1996-07-31 / C / 31 / A / Y / C / Y / Y / Y / N1432, N1490, N1492 / 2 / M31: WG2 asks IRG to assist WG2 by reviewing the comments of WG2. M32: IRG to prepare the draft pDAM text.
1491 / Ideographic Variation Mark / Y / WG / 1996-07-31 / C / 1 / A / Y / C / Y / Y / Y / N1431, N1489, N1491, N1728 / 2 / M31: IRG to consider the comments of WG2. M32: Accepted, Possible code pos. FFFB, GENERAL VARIATION MARK.
1468 / Arabic Letter HEH / NL / DR / 1 / N1468 / M31: Misspelling letter Heh. Van Wingen invited to prepare a defect report. M32: editorial correction included in N1468.
1461 / Pinyin letters with tone mark / CA CN / Y / NB / 1996-08-15 / C / 2 / A / Y / C / Y / Y / N / N1282, N1282R, N1355, N1461 / 3 / 1995-11-09: CA asks for the capital letters too = 4 chars in total. DR will be drafted by CN, US, CA (01F6-01F8). 1996-04-23: Not a DR but an addition of 1 (not 4) chars. Resubmit missing char(s). CA & CN. M31: stage 3, code pos. x01F8 and x01F9.
1430 / Ideographic Structure Characters / Y / WG / 1996-07-31 / C / 12 / A / Y / C / Y / Y / Y / N1348, N1430, N1489, N1493, N1494 / 1 / M31: WG2 asks IRG to assist WG2 by reviewing the comments of WG2. M32: Not accepted. Feedback should be sent to Zhang (IRG) by end of April 1997. N1489, N1491, N1493 and N1494 - to be read together.
1423 / CJK ideographs, Extension A / Y / WG / 1996-07-31 / C / 6585 / A / Y / C / Y / Y / Y / N1178, N1261, N1348, N1349, N1359, N1379, N1423, N1424, N1425, N1426, N1449, N1455, N1464, N1479, N1486, N1487, N1488, N1723, N1733, N1776, N1829, N1849, N1889, N1929 / 2 / 1995-04-05: IRG requested to give priorities to the category A repertoires, Singapore data deliv. before 1995-05-01; 1995-11-09: IRG to prepare draft 3 and produce an updated N1252 form. 1996-04-24: Cont. work. Check sep. rules. M31: Fine work, pDAM initiated on Annex S etc. Accept the repertoire. Conv. request NBs/Ls to comment on BMP before 1996-11-15. Default BMP. M32: No split. 332 characters not having solid references in the source. CN to prepare a pDAM.
1421 / CJK ideographs, Extensions B & C / 5000 / Y / N / N1421, N1677, N1767, N1868, N1870
1419 / APL / SC22 / 1994-10-07 / DR / C / 1 / N1087, N1129, N1223R, N1419 / 3 / Change of char. graphics, names and one supplement char.; Convener should respond to SC22/WG3; 1995-11-06: N1087 1) and 2) accepted, 3) the QUAD symbol unified with existing chars with a note in annex P; 1996-08-12: Provisional code pos. 237B; put in symbols bucket. Change of pos. due to overlapping (re: Paterson). New pos x2395
1416 / Symbols bucket / 1996-06-30 / 51 / A / Y / N1037, N1045, N1146, N1416 / 2
1406 / Indic and other scripts / GB / Y / I / 1996-05-28 / DR / C / 1 / A / Y / C / Y / Y / - / N1320, N1373, N1406, N1414, N1462, N1470 / P / M31: Issues: is Indic level 3 compromised? UTC and BSI to come up with solution. M32: accepted the resolution to the defect rep. Editorial text to be by prepared by Paterson and Adams
1395 / Armenian chars. / Y / I / 1996-06-01 / C / 8 / A / Y / 3 / C / Y / Y / N / N1022, N1395, N1444, N1446 / 1 / M31: The proposal contains a number of mistakes and misunderstandings. Invited to next meeting. Feedback to the requester.
1365 / Object replacement char. / UTC / Y / L / 1996-03-18 / C / 1 / - / Y / - / - / - / Y / Y / N1385 / 2 / 1996-04-23: accepted, with a provisional code pos. FFFC, added to symbols bucket. Freytag to propose a glyph to the editor.
1364 / Hebrew char. for Yiddish / US / Y / NB / 1996-04-03 / C / 1 / A / Y / C / Y / Y / N1385 / 3 / 1996-04-23: accepted, with a provisional code pos. FB1D, category A, added to the Hebrew bucket. Ballotting as AMD 18.
1361 / Latin chars. for Romanian (T and S with comma below) / RO / Y / NB / 1996-04-22 / C / 4 / A / Y / C / Y / Y / - / N237, N418, N1440, N1507 / 1 / 1996-04-23: Feedback from WG2 to be discussed in RO (Annex P solution, compatibility problem). RO will forward the result for review by WG2. M31: More information requested on the migration issue and consequenses of disunification. M32: Wait for Romanian response. Ballotting as AMD 18.
1346 / Hebrew char names / IL / NB / 1996-04-01 / 2 / M30: WG2 accepts the request (new entries in annex P) after Fuchs has clarified last two entries
1325 / Latin chars. for Serbian and Macedonian poetry / IE MK SL / Y / NB / 1996-01-16 / C / 6 / A / Y / R / Y / Y / - / N237, N418 / R / 1996-04-23: The proposal is rejected.
1324 / New extended Cyrillic block / - / Y / NB / 1996-01-16 / C / 80 / A / Y / C / Y / Y / - / N237, N418, N1407 / R / 1996-04-23: The proposal is rejected.
1323 / Cyrillic characters for Slavic Macedonian / IE MK SL / Y / NB / 1996-01-16 / C / 4 / A / Y / 1.5 / C / Y / Y / - / N418, N810, N831, N874, N1385, N1407, N1408R / 3 / M30: WG2 provisionally accepts the 4 chars., the names and shapes for possible future coding. Requests NB's to comment on code positions. Code pos. as in N1407 first priority. M31: stage 3. Ballotting as AMD 18.
1322 / Latin characters for Livonian / FI IE LV / Y / NB / 1995-11-1 / C / 10 / A / Y / 1 / C / Y / Y / - / N811, N874, N1888 / 1 / 1996-04-23: Return the proposal for verification of the support. Next WG2 will evaluate and decide based on the total number of requirements for additions. Based on a procedure where WG2 takes up and reviews the content of requirements. M31: Awaiting responses from LV, IE. M35: LV responses provided N1888.
1320 / Indic / N1321, N1376, N1406 / 1 / M31: N1321 background material. Awaits summary form.
1284 / Ideographic structure symbols / CN / Y / NB / 1995-11-08 / C / 13 / A / Y / C / Y / Y / Y / 2 / 1995-11-09: CN can present N1284 to UTC. The result will be discussed in Copenhagen. Reviewed by NBs
1279 / Braille patterns / JP / Y / NB / 1995-10-27 / S / 256 / A / N / C / Y / Y / Y / N1093, N1339, N1342, N1345, N1363, N1409, N1589, N1612, N1624, N1646, N1695, N1762, N1770, N1929. / 2 / 1994-04-04: Comments requested. 1995-06-26: Convener to contact TC173; 1995-11-06: Convener to contact TC173/SC4 and include N1279. 1996-04-23: Comments are invited. Awaits TC173. M31: TC173 to be contacted, 2 prop. (256,512) our pref. 256. Before 1. Nov. M32: no response from TC173. US to prepare a pDAM. Published as AMD 16 1998-11-01.
1247 / Arabic characters / IR / NB / 1995-05-28 / DR / N1275, N1319, N1414 / 7 / 1995-11-06: Characters exist in the present version. Additional info can be added to Annex P(editorial corr). Convener informs IR
1214 / Names of Latin small and capital characters / GB / I / 1996-06-27 / DR / C / N989, N1384 / 3 / 1995-06-27: The problems are solved by the new Annex P.
1214 / Greek graphic symbols / GR / I / 1995-05-27 / DR / C / N989, N1414 / 7 / 1995-06-27: The proposed solution for position 1FFA and 1FFB was accepted, prep. of editorial corrigenda by the editor
1208 / Byzantine musical symbols / GR / Y / NB / 1995-03-31 / S / 220 / B1 / Y / C / Y / Y / Y / N1208 Attach., N1375 / 1 / 1995-06-26: Request to have proposal reviewed by NBs; 1995-11-08: Accepted the relevance of the proposal. Need NP (for part 2) to allocation of space outside BMP. Statement from the association? UTC & GR; 1996-04-25: GR to provide answers to feedback. M31: Postpone to M32. Accepted for part 2.
1195 / Hebrew cantillation chars. / IL / Y / NB / 1994-10-01 / C / 31 / B1 / Y / C / Y / Y / Y / N1079R, N1114, N1217, N1256, N1385, N1398 / 6 / 1995-04-06: Fuchs to provide answers to the questions raised. 1995-06-26: Accepted, progressed as pDAM (IL and editor); M31: forwarded as AMD-7. Published as AMD 7.
1187 / Yi Radicals / IE / Y / NB / 1997-01-05 / S / 39 / A / Y / 6500 / C / Y / Y / Y / N1187, N1481, N1482, N1611, N1774, N1804, N1821, N1831, 1863, N1890, N1925, N1926 / 2 / M32: Prepare pDAM. Code pos. A490-A4BF. Ballotting as AMD 14.
1182 / CJKV ideographs / TW / Y / NB / 1995-03-23 / C / 214 / A / Y / C / Y / Y / Y / N1182 / 2 / 1995-04-05: IRG is requested to review the TCA contribution to the Helsinki meeting. M32: TW prepare a new document taking into account other concerns like indexing, input, composition etc. Possible code pos. 2F00 - 2FFF
1182 / CJKV ideographs / TW / Y / NB / 1995-03-23 / C / 3 / A / Y / C / Y / Y / Y / N1348 / 2 / 1995-04-05: IRG is requested to review the TCA contribution to the Helsinki meeting. M32: stage 2. Possible code pos. 3038, 3039 and 303A
1179 / CJKV ideographs / N / WG / 1995-03-03 / C / 25000 / B2 / N / Y / N / Y / N1179, N1233, N1234, N1236, N1237, N1261 / 1 / 1995-04-05: IRG is requested to give priorities to the category A repertoires, SG data deliv. before 1995-05-01; 1995-11-09: IRG to prepare draft 3 and produce an updated Prop. Summ. form, and distribute for review of NBs. To be discussed at Copenhagen.
1172 / Cherokee / IE / Y / I / 1995-03-14 / S / 86 / B / Y / 150 / C / Y / Y / Y / UTR#3, N947, N1172, N1356, N1362, N1385, N1408, N1476, N1632, N1645, N1799 / 4 / IE and UTC will discuss with Cherokees. 1996-04-23: Accept in principle, repertoire 85 (not 86). Accepted as cat. B. Request a final version (85 chars., ordering); 1996-08-12: Trad. ord. US to provide a new list, code assig. as in 1172. pDAM to be initiated. M32: pDAM sent to SC2 secr. 11-96. Published as AMD 12 1998-09-01.
1166 / Latin letters HWAIR & WYNN / IE / Y / NB / 1995-03-10 / C / 2 / A / Y / Y / Y / N1166, N1547 / S / Requires a defect report on two other chars.
1163 / Latin letter Yogh / IE / Y / NB / 1995-03-10 / C / 2 / A / Y / Y / Y / Y / N1106, N1547 / 1 / Ballotting as AMD 18.
1158 / Hangul script / KR / NB / 1995-03-08 / C / 4516 / Y / Y / Y / N848, N1158, N1170, N1192, N1198, N1199, N1209, N1249, N1265, N1285, N1331, N1385, N1391, N1623, N1671, N1672, N1805, N1806 / 6 / 1995-04-05: The pDAM include: Add 4516 chars, encode in BMP in contiguous space 11172 chars (AC00-D7A3), remove existing 6658 chars (3400-4DFF); 1995-11-07: Name and algo. disc. (edit. change). JAMO and new name in P. Prepare pDAM5 text. M31: sent for ADM5. Published as AMD 5.
1147 / Subscript ten / GB / Y / I / 1995-02-01 / C / 1 / Y / Y / Y / N987, N1147 / R / 1995-04-06: proposal is rejected
1146 / Electrotechnical symbols / GB / I / 1995-02-01 / C / 10 / Y / C / Y / Y / N985, SC2N2486, N1146, N1405, N1416 / S / 1995-04-06: Accepts the symbols; 1995-11-06: Freytag to make a proposal during meeting; 1995-11-08: Freytag will review 985 and provide feedback. 1996-04-23: standing doc. (code pos., glyph, name), start with the 8 chars. approved. Paterson will maintain the list. M31: Solve the remaining issues and prepare for a pDAM and emptying the bucket (N1138, N1146, N1174, N1419), check rules and procedures. See 1416.
1145 / Armenian / GB / C / I / 1995-02-01 / C / 2 / Y / Y / Y / N983, N1145 / S / 1995-04-06: On hold till WG2 hears from Armenia, van Wingen to contact an expert for consultation; 1995-06-26: Item stopped
1144 / Arabic / GB / C / I / 1995-02-01 / DR / C / 7 / Y / C / Y / Y / N879, N983, N1144, N1213, N1384, N1414 / 3 / 1995-04-06: Ghoneim is asked to assist Ross to prepare annotations for diff. chars, Completed; Ross is requested to get confirmation regarding the TEHEH for Urdu; 1995-11-08: N1213 accepted. Editorial corr. to be prepared.
1143 / Latin chars. for Yoruba / GB / C / I / 1995-02-01 / C / 14 / Y / 15000 / C / Y / Y / Y / N1143, N1390 / 1 / 1995-04-06: UTC reviews the proposal and sends feedback to Ross. Action at Helsinki. Ross get supportive statements from governments; 1995-11-06: No UTC feedback; M31: NB review. M32: Try again to have an official response from Nigeria
1143 / Latin chars. for Hausa / GB / C / I / 1995-02-01 / C / 6 / Y / 10000 / C / Y / Y / Y / N983 / S / 1995-04-06: UTC reviewes the proposal and sends feedback to Ross. Action at Helsinki. Ross get supportive statements from governments; 1995-11-06: No UTC feedback; item dropped.
1138 / Symbols / CA / Y / WG / 1995-01-30 / C / 29 / Y / C / Y / Y / N / N811, N874, N879, N1146, N1174, N1235, N1267, N1385, N1416 / S / 1995-04-05: correcting errors in names, alignment of names, annotations, acceptance the repertoire, allocation of characters; 1995-11-06: Establish a pool of chars for inclusion; Add N1235 to the input documents; See1416.
1132 / Latin chars. for Irish Gaelic / IE / Y / NB / 1994-11-16 / C / 3 / A / Y / 1 / Y / Y / N1058, N1132r, N1256, N1296, N1398 / 6 / 1995-04-05: Everson to revise the proposal. Delegates are asked for feedback to Everson. 1995-06-26: Accepted the long s with dot above (position: 1E9B) and prepare a pDAM; small and capital sÈimhi™ unification pending further study; M31 sent for AMD 7.
1128 / Name of Letter/ligature AE / DK / Y / NB / 1993-07-08 / DR / C / 6 / A / Y / C / Y / Y / N / N910, N911, N912, N923, N1018, N1080, N1030, SC2 N2555, N1393, N1396 / 7 / 1995-04-07: dCOR-1, add new Annex for notation, re-order list in Annex E; 1995-11-06 Convener contacts ISO/ITTF for correcting errors and actions; M31: TCorr 1 is published.
1127 / Chu Nom / VN / Y / NB / 1994-10-05 / S / 1772 / B / N / C / Y / Y / Y / N1091, see / S / 1995-04-04: Transfered to IRG; UTC is interested; # 2500 char has been mentioned; 1995-11-06: IRG review completed, See N1423-1424
1126 / Cham script / VN / N / NB / 1994-10-13 / S / 80 / A / Y / 236 / C / Y / Y / Y / N1578, N1960 / 1 / 1995-04-04: VN is requested to work with Paterson, Everson to assist in compiling comments and send to VN.
1103 / Ogham script / IE / Y / NB / 1994-11-16 / 27 / D / Y / R / Y / Y / Y / N1058, N1132, N1385, N1443, N1577, N1610, N1648, N1695, N1764, N1772, N1915 / 3 / 1994-04-04: Acceptance of repertoire and names. Code positions will be allocated later (1996)
1097 / Arabic chars. for Uighur, Kazakh, & Kirghiz / CN / N / NB / 1994-10 / N1012, N1225, N1246, N1274 / S / 1994-04-04: CN withdraws N1097; 1995-11-06: UTC proposes to withdraw the proposal. N1225 and N1246 will be discussed at next meeting. 1995-11-08: No action taken in WG2. CN gives feedback to experts and resubmit the proposal.
1096 / Typesetting symbols / CN / N / 1994-10 / C / 260 / N810, N825, N874 / S
1094 / Non-ideographic JP char. / JP / N / NB / 1994-12-26 / C / 2363 / A / N / C / Y / N / 1 / 1994-04-04: JP is asked to refine the proposal
1092 / Currency sign Dong / VN / Y / NB / 1994-10 / C / 1 / A / N / C / Y / Y / N / N1232, N1256, N1385, N1398 / 6 / 1995-04-04: Accepted, request a glyph, assigned the pos. BMP hex 20 AB, DONG SIGN. Prep. of pDAM; M31: sent for AMD-7
1071 / TC46 / US / TC46 / 1995-11-06: US requested to check progress. M30: Convener will check
1045 / Graphical symbols for control char: ISO 2047 / JP / Y / NB / 1994-12-26 / DR / C / 32 / A / y / C / Y / Y / N1174, N1340, N1385 / S / 1995-04-04: Acc. missing symbols. Establ. of a standing doc. of acc. symbols with names, glyphs and code pos. See N1416
1044 / Half/fullwidth forms / JP / Y / NB / 1994-10-13 / DR / C / 1 / A / Y / C / Y / Y / N / N977, N1396 / 7 / 1995-04-04: name unchanged; add an annotation in informative annex
1037 / ISO 9995-7 / CA / C / 29 / N810, N877, N874, N1138, N1235, N1258, N1267, N1338, N1340, N1385, N1416 / S / SC18WG9 and SC22WG3 are requested to fill in the proposal summery form; 1995-06-27: Accepted, coding proposed by Freytag. 1996-04-23: fonts supplied, the case closed; M31: UTC to review N1416 (naming etc). See 1416
1022 / Armenian / FR / NB / 1994-04-19 / DR / C / S / FR and NL national bodies are asked to prepare a formal defect report, 1995-06-26: stopped
1006 / CJK unified ideographs correct shapes / JP / N / NB / 1994-04-05 / DR / N1014 / 7 / Corrected shapes are requested
983 / Malayalam / GB / I / 1994-03-23 / C / 1 / Y
983 / Devanagari / GB / I / 1994-03-23 / C / 1 / Y / N810, N874 / S
981 / Indic Conjuncts / GB / I / 1994-03-23 / C / 1 / Y
977 / Fullwidth macron / JP / I / 1994-01-13 / N1396 / 7 / ref: N1044; Annex P
975 / Korean chars / KR / N / NB / DR / P / KR is requested to forward corrected shapes
966 / Dai / CN / 1994-04-18 / S / 200 / A / 1.025 / Y / N966, N967, N1099, N1013 / 1
937 / Combining char / CN
936 / Gugyeol / KR / N / I / 1993-10-29 / S / 512 / N / C / Y / Y / Y / N811, N874, N1606 / 1
935 / Bangjeom / KR / N / I / 1993-10-28 / C / 2 / N / Y / Y / N935 / 1
847 / System of Units / JP / N874 / S
811 / Delete Cyrillic char / SE / 10 / N874 / S
811 / 2 dash / SE / 2 / N874 / S
810 / Zero Width / EG / N874 / S
810 / Vedic signs / GB / 28 / N874 / S
810 / Shape of Digits / EG / N874 / S
810 / reservation / CN / 1000 / N874 / S
810 / Ligature CT and SP / N874 / S
810 / ISO 31 / EG / N874 / S
810 / ISO TR 9573-13
810 / Ideo. radicals / CN / 214 / N874 / S
810 / HCS-B in O-zone / CN / 8000 / N874 / S
810 / Chars / CN / 2 / N470, N874
810 / Char. / NL / 4 / N874 / S
810 / Bulgarian and Romanian / GB / 2 / N874 / S
810 / Alt. format chars / EG
809 / ISO DIS 5426 / N874 / S / TC46/SC4/WG1
809 / ISO 11822 / N874 / S / TC46/SC4/WG1
809 / ISO 10754 / N874, / S / TC46/SC4/WG1
Annex N / Myanmar (Burmese) script / N879, N881, N1167, N1320, N1321, N1373, N1376, N1523, N1729, N1780, N1792, N1815, N1826, N1841R, N1836, N1883R2, N1912, N1913 / 1996-04-23: Everson will produce a starting point for producing a pDAM (Prop. Summ. form, fonts etc)
Annex N / Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics / Y / NB / 1996-06-01 / S / 623 / A / Y / 500 / C / Y / Y / Y / N956, N978, N984, N1073, N1082, N1104, N1408, N1441, N1472, N1631, N1644, N1798 / 4 / Ross and Everson are requested to work with CA; Target M30; M31: CA to include comments in a pDAM-text. M32: PDAM sent to SC2 secr. 1996-11. Published as AMD 11 1998-07-15.
Annex N / Ethiopic script / Y / I / 1995-10-12 / S / 372 / A / Y / C / Y / Y / Y / N290, N412, N807, N810, N874, N1165, N1270, N1326, N1372, N1408, N1485, N1630, N1916. / 4 / M31: Proceed with pDAM, N1372 comments not included, UTC to provide the fonts, text and the tables etc. M32: pDAM10 sent to SC2 secr. 12-96 for ballot. Published as AMD 10 1998-10-01
Annex N / Egyptian Hieroglyphic script / N1636, N1637, N1944 / 1
Annex N / Latin extensions for Indo-European linguistics / 2000 / Annex N, N810, N894 / Deleted. Proposers are invited to resubmit full proposal with Prop. Summ. form for characters of interest.
Annex N / Khmer script / S / N879, N882, N893, N1320, N1321, N1373, N1376, N1524, N1729, N1779, N1825, N1841R, N1835, N1856, N1910, N1911 / 1996-04-23: Everson will produce a starting point for producing a pDAM (Prop. Summ. form, fonts etc)
Annex N / Thaana (Maldivian) script / N1519, N1699, N1778, N1824, N1834, N1841R, N1908, N1909 / 1 / Ballotting as AMD 24.
Annex N / Mongolian script, with Todo, Sibe, Manchu support / CN / I / 1994-10 / S / 160 / A / Y / C / Y / Y / Y / N167, N628, N836, N963, N1098, N1011, N1184, N1226, N1248, N1268, N1273, N1286, N1320, N1321, N1368, N1373, N1383, N1437, N1438, N1475, N1497, N1510, N1607, N1622, N1691, N1711, N1734, N1771, N1808, N1833, N1862, N1865, N1878, N1917 / 1 / 1995-04-05: Disc. between UTC, IE, MN; CN is encouraged to coordinate with MN, GB, IE and UTC to have a final proposal; 1995-11-07: Doc. N1286 produced after disc.; N1286 acc. by MN. Invites MN and CN, GB, UTC. to refine proposal. M30: Accepts N1368 and N1383; M31: UTC will review the recent documents. Further documents forwarded from CN. Meeting to be hold. M32: Ad hoc group reviewed doc. Open issues to be resolved. No final schedule.
Annex N / Runic script / SE / Y / NB / 1996-03-13 / S / 81 / C / Y / Y / Y / Y / Annex N, UTR#3, N1210, N1222, N1229, N1230, N1239, N1262, N1330, N1382, N1385, N1408, N1417, N1443, N1647, N1695, N1763, N1914 / 2 / 1995-06-27: Repertoire accepted in principle the modified repertoire; Assigned cat. C. Requested a revised submission. 1996-04-25: Provisionally accept repertoire, work with interested parties on names, Ann. P. M31: Accepted repertoire, accepted new names, allocation not done; SE justification for punctuation marks
Annex N / Sinhala script / N673, N702, NN808, N810, N879, N880, N1057, N1320, N1321, N1373, N1376, N1473R, N1480, N1613, N1809R, N1841R, N1895, N1896 / 1996-04-23: Everson will produce at starting point for producing a pDAM (Prop. Summ., fonts etc). (Done as N1473) M32: Review the standard (N1480), invite SL to M33.
Annex N / Syriac script / N1718, N1781, N1827, N1837, N1841R, N1906, N1907 / Ballotting as AMD ____.
Annex N / Tibetan script / CN / Y / NB / 1995-03-28 / S / 160 / A / Y / C / Y / Y / Y / Annex N, N808, N879, N874, N964, N986, N1095, N1159, N1185, N1198, N1227, N1238, N1242, N1255, N1263, N1295, N1314, N1374, N1378, N1385, N1386, N1397, N1418, N1192, N1739. / 6 / 1995-04-06: Discussion between UTC, IE, MN; CN to coordinate with BT, Sikkim, IN, GB, IE, UTC and other Tibetan experts; 1995-06-27: CN and UTC make pDAM text, editor processes the pDAM; 1996-04-25: Editor accom. comments in pDAM vote and prepare a DAM. M31: sent for AMD 6 June
Annex N / Yi Script / CN / Y / NB / 97-01-05 / S / 1165 / A / Y / 6500 / C / Y / Y / Y / N965, N1074, N1187, N1415, N1481, N1482, N1608, N1774, N1814, N1821, N1831, N1863, N1890, N1925, N1926 / 2 / CN in cooperation with IE is requested to study the possibilities for reducing the number of chars in BMP; M31: a proposal summary form is requested. M32: Preliminary accepted (stage 2.). CN to prepare pDAM. Code pos. A000 - A48F

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Michael Everson, , Baile ¡tha Cliath, 1999-02-20