SC-7/24: Effectiveness evaluation
The Conference of the Parties
- Elects, in accordance with the terms of reference set out in the appendix to the framework for effectiveness evaluation,[1] the following members to serve on the effectiveness evaluation committee until the close of the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties:
From African States: Ms. ElhamRefaat Abdel Aziz (Egypt)
Mr. Abdul GaniyuYunnus (Nigeria)
From Asian-Pacific States: Ms. KyungheeChoi (Republic of Korea)
Mr. Said Ali IssaAlzadjali (Oman)
From Central and Eastern European States: Ms. NerminaSkejović (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Mr. Ivan Holoubek (Czech Republic)
From Latin American and Caribbean States:Mr. Linroy Christian (Antigua and Barbuda)
Ms. Alejandra Torre (Uruguay)
From Western European and other States: Ms. Anne Daniel (Canada)
Mr. Ramón Guardans (Spain)
- Invites the global coordination group of the global monitoring plan to select one expert from among its members to serve on the effectiveness evaluation committee;
- Requests the Secretariat to select two internationally recognized experts in the field of effectiveness evaluation to serve on the effectiveness evaluation committee;
- Requests the effectiveness evaluation committee to perform its tasks according to the framework for effectiveness evaluation[2] and to report to the Conference of the Parties at its eighth meeting;
- Requests the Secretariat:
(a)To establish a roster of experts for the purpose of providing support to the effectiveness evaluation committee as required based on nominations received from parties;
(b)To collect and compile information to be used for the purposes of the effectiveness evaluationaccording to the framework for effectiveness evaluation as referred to in paragraph 2 above and to prepare a preliminary analysis of the available information;
(c)To support the work of the effectiveness evaluation committee, including the development of the effectiveness evaluation report;
- Invites parties to designate experts for inclusion in the roster of experts referred to in paragraph 5(a)above, noting their areas of expertise or specific substance knowledge;
- Emphasizes the need for parties to intensify their efforts to ensure the timely and accurate completion of national reports under Article 15 of the Stockholm Convention.
[1]UNEP/POPS/COP.6/27/Add.1/Rev.1, annex.
[2]UNEP/POPS/COP.6/27/Add.1/Rev.1, annex.