School of Social and Behavioral SciencesMarch 15, 2016

SBS Chair Meeting

Call to Order: The SBS Chair meeting was held on Tuesday, March 15, 2013 in Canyons Hall 201. It began at 3 PM and was presided over by Paul Wickline, with Lisette Godinez as secretary.

Attendance:Anne Marenco, David Andrus, Lisa Malley, Paul Wickline, Renee Marshall, Sherrill Pennington, Tammera Stokes-Rice, and Victoria Leonard.

Welcome:Thank you all for attending the meeting, and for getting in your summer schedules in a timely manner. Packets with referenced handouts were passed out to the department chairs.

Work Order Updates:The following work orders have been completed:

  • The chair in ECE has been replaced.
  • The chair is CCC-503 has been replaced.

The following work orders are still pending:

  • Office chairs for two department chairs – Email was sent to Colette
  • HSHL Women’s restroom faulty latch – Victor Gilchrist is looking into this issue
  • Instructor chair in HSHL-204 still pending
  • Chair rail in HSHL-135 still pending
  • Need for elevated instructor chair in BYKH-105 still pending
  • Missing chairs in HSHL-205 still pending

Lisette and Paul were made aware of the rat/mouse in Boykin Hall. The work order Lisette had placed has a “completed” status, but they were made aware that the mouse was still seen over the weekend. Lisette will follow up.

Discussion arose that office chairs, printers, and bookcases were sitting unused in Bonelli’s 2nd Floor. Paul requested that the items be left alone. He will follow up with the proper channels about requisitioning needed items for the departments.

Private Property Inventory: Paul was informed that no such list exists, but Lisette was referred to April Graham who provided her with a copy of the original email that went out (sent 6/4/15) and the Personal Asset Form used. A hard copy of the form was passed out, but the document will be emailed to the Chairs and Full-time faculty later this week. Paul let the department chairs know that the personal property in his office is labeled as such and encourages others to follow this practice.

Color Copies/Laminated Items:Department chairs let Paul know that it is difficult to obtain color copies for instructional use or display for their departments. One faculty member also let Paul know that she was told the laminating machine was out-of-order when she went to them recently, and there are currently no plans to fix the machine. Paul stated that while it is an inconvenience, they could go to Fed-Ex/Kinkos and bring back a receipt for reimbursement. Renee Marshallkindly offered her color printer, obtained through TEACH, for color copies for certain needs. Please contact Renee for the request. Paul will follow up with John Green and Jerry Buckley regarding this situation.

Fall Schedule:The packet passed out had a copy of the fall schedule process and procedure, which has been reviewed. The chairs voiced their frustration at the fact that there isn’t a consistent system (they switch between Excel and Word), but if it helps Alberto and his people from typing everything up, they are fine with the process. The chairs hope to have more time to have adjuncts respond. Paul reminded them that adjuncts are required 5-7 days to review the schedule, and the chairs are free to build. As for staffing and eligibility, Paul requests that department chairs go by the HR list for staffing.

Honors Pathway:Any changes to the courses offered on the Honors Pathway should be sent to Denee and Miriam. Paul will follow up with David Andrus, Denee and Miriam about incorrect sequencing for Political Science.

FIT Update: The chairs have a handout on their packet from Dianne Fiero regarding the Future Instructors in Training Program (FIT) and their timeline for implementation. History, ECE, Psychology and Anthropology are listed among the target audience. This program exists to help interns and get them in the classrooms. It’s gotten a lot of enthusiastic support, and the details are being worked out. The handout is a “head’s up” on it. While there is not much information out there yet, more information should follow, otherwise it would be acceptable to “wing it.”

Room Assignments:The Deans and Academic Affairs met twice to discuss room allocations. Valencia campus rooms have been assigned, but Canyon Country has yet to be discussed. This taskforce of room assignments is looking at rooms that have higher seating capacities, and at those classes willing to take in more students, while also relocating classes with a minimal capacity to smaller rooms. Gains for SBS are Aliso-101 for History, Aliso-108 for Psychology. Bonelli 305 is currently being discussed by Omar and Paul.

Furniture Project:Attached to the packet is a print out of an email Andy McCutcheon sent to the deans regarding the Furniture Project, including a printout of the spreadsheet attached. Paul is requesting feedback in the next two weeks, and asks that department chairs let him know of any rooms missing and what is requested for the rooms. He also asks to consider the new room allocations. Lisette will forward the spreadsheet to the department chairs so they may add rooms themselves. Renee requests that tables with wheels be sturdier than they have been in the past. In the past, ECE has had to replace the wheels multiple times on moveable furniture.

DVD/VHS Update: Paul passed out a one-page summary of conversations with Jim Temple and James Glapa-Grossklag regarding the VHS machine. There are concerns with licensing issues regarding conversion of VHS to DVD, but Peter Hepburn replied that he would be happy to look up and contact the publisher regarding those rights, if faculty reaches out to him. There is a roving machine that can be requested via Paul. Lisette and Paul will follow up to check if it comes with a TV. Paul requests that the chairs reach out to Peter Hepburn, even request DVDs ahead of time, as the library is granted unused money around the end of fiscal year.

Student Privacy: A question was asked about how the other department chairs handle student complaints and a potential privacy issue that arose. The chairs agreed that they don’t share student names due to their own policy, or because they were unware that they do not have to keep names private unless the student requests privacy. While there may be some grey area, Paul made it clear that there is no policy on student confidentiality in this matter.

Closing: The proposed dates for the next meetings will be discussed at the School meeting and are not yet set. The meeting concluded at 3:56 PM.