SBA Executive Board Meeting #2 – Wine & Cheese Special

Date: July 19, 2014

Time: 6pm – 8pm


Craig – AdvisorAllie – Director of Communication & Engagement

Elaine –President

Cassandra – VP

David – Director of Administration

An An – Director of Finance

Lena – Director of Finance-Elect

  1. Director of Intercollegiate Affairs
  2. Position will be elected along with the other elect positions
  3. No Director of Intercollegiate Affairs-Elect position will be available
  4. Roles
  5. Promote interdisciplinary relationship
  6. Supervise all Class Reps
  7. If James Uhis interested in this position, then he doesn’t have to get interview again unless he wants to.
  1. Elect positions
  2. President-Elect
  3. Currently reserved for Cassandra untilfarther notice
  4. VP-Elect
  5. Director of Admin-Elect
  6. Director of Engagement and Communication-Elect
  7. All Elect positions will be reserved for incoming students only
  8. Two years commitment required
  9. Election will be postponed until after orientation in August
  1. Interdepartmental Development
  2. Interdisciplinary Program Education (IPE)
  3. Bring a student from each program together and give them a case to work up
  4. Promote interdisciplinary mingling
  5. Health Fair
  6. SMU Community service event
  7. Will offer free healthcare to the Oakland community
  8. Include students from all departments
  9. Promote interdisciplinary mingling
  10. Tasks
  11. Need to promote to the community
  12. Need to find attending to supervise
  13. Need medical supplies
  14. Possible combined basic science classes with a GREAT professor
  1. Post-grad Finance Education
  2. Invite recent graduate to return to SMU and give a talk about how life is after graduation, especially in term of debt/finance management
  1. Promotion
  2. Give away SBA t-shirt
  3. Craigwill look into it for us
  4. Goal: have shirts ready for Orientation Mixer
  1. SBA Banners
  2. Are currently in printing
  3. Should be available in time for Orientation Mixer in August
  1. Orientation
  2. Will have a SBA representative at each cohort orientation
  3. SMU main orientation: Wed, Aug 27th.
  4. CSPM orientation: Aug 16th
  5. All other programs orientation: Aug 7th
  6. Mixer
  7. Title:SMU Welcome Mixer
  8. Date: Tuesday, Aug 16th
  9. Time: 5PM or 6PM
  10. Event: Social gathering in either Green Field or HEC Bectal Room depending on weather.
  11. Food: Appetizer and desserts – An Anand Lena(in charge of food and drinks)
  12. We will have it catered
  13. Drinks: Alcohol (wine and beer), soda, juice, water – An Anand Lena
  14. Bartender needed – SMU will take care of it
  15. Will need to fill out Alcohol Request form on
  16. Music: Craigwill reserved speaker. Elaine will have an opening solo.
  17. Budget: $3000
  18. SBA banner will be up. Possible raffling.
  19. Invite Faculty?
  1. Misc
  2. David- Update E-Board Contact info, invite new members to SBA Google Drive
  3. Allie, An An, and Lena
  4. Please email me ()
  5. Your prefer email
  6. Your gmail (if you have one) – to be invited to SBA Google Drive
  7. Your cell phone number
  8. iPad – Craigwill contact you once your iPad is in
  9. SBA Jacket – Craigwill contract you at a later date

***Meeting adjourned with no one getting drunk  and Lena’s homemade cookies were great!***