Saving the Monarch – In this unit, K-2nd grade students will learn about caring for the environment using the example of the Monarch butterfly. Learners will be introduced to the concepts of stewardship, community, and how making an area attractive is an act of philanthropy.
Learning to Givethrough Save the Earth Now

Indiana’s Academic Standards

Social Studies

K.2.3.Functions of Government: Identify symbols and traditions associated with being citizens of Indiana and the United States.

K.2.4.Roles of Citizens: Identify examples of responsible citizenship in the school setting and in stories about the past and present.

K.3.6.Environment and Society: Recommend ways that people can help keep their environment clean.

1.2.5.Roles of Citizens: Suggest ways that students' actions can contribute to the common good of the community.

1.2.6.Roles of Citizens: Identify civic virtues that are needed to be a good citizen.

2.5.1.Identify some of the responsibilities that individuals have to themselves and others.

Language Arts

K.2.2.Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Nonfiction and Informational Text: Use pictures and context to aid comprehension and to draw conclusions or make predictions about story content.

K.2.3.Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Nonfiction and Informational Text: Generate and respond to questions (who, what, where).

K.3.5.Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Literary Text: Understand what is heard or seen by responding to questions (who, what, where).

1.2.3.Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Nonfiction and Informational Text: Respond to who, what, when, where, why, and how questions and recognize the main idea of what is read.

1.3.5.Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Literary Text: Understand what is read by responding to questions (who, what, when, where, why, how).

1.7.7.Speaking Applications: Retell stories using basic story grammar and relating the sequence of story events by answering who, what, when, where, why, and how questions.

2.2.4.Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Nonfiction and Informational Text: Ask and respond to questions (when, who, where, why, what if, how) to aid comprehension about important elements of informational texts.

2.5.8.Research Application: Write or deliver a research report that has been developed using a systematic research process (defines the topic, gathers information, determines credibility, reports findings) and that: uses a variety of resources (books, technology, pictures, charts, tables of contents, diagrams) and documents sources (titles and authors); organizes information by categorizing it into single categories (such as size or color) or includes information gained through observation.


1.4.3.Interdependence of Life: Observe and explain that animals eat plants or other animals for food.

2.4.2.Interdependence of Life: Observe that and describe how animals may use plants, or even other animals, for shelter and nesting.