Mr Traves

Savills Ltd Wessex House, Priory Walk

East Borough



BH21 1PB



please contactour refyour ref

Amanda ParksLW/537/CMNM/1

Lewes (01273) 481846AR/AP

Direct Fax (01273) 479040

Dear Mr Traves

Non material amendment application no LW/537/CMNM/1

Description of amendment; Non-material amendment to approved elevation drawings relating to the details of the main odour control vents.

PLanning permission No: LW/537/CM(EIA)

Description of approved development:

Site: Linear site following the alignment of a proposed wastewater transfer tunnel between east Saltdean on the county boundary and the mean low water mark at Friar's Bay, east of Peacehaven.

The non-material amendment ref no LW/537/CMNM/1, is set out in the application form received and includes the plans/drawings numbered:

Letter to ESCC dated 10 February 2011;

MWH Sketch No. BH01.81687.TRA.916 showing bollards to protect door equipment during manoeuvring into and out of bays;

MWH Sketch No. BH01.81687.TRA.SK.914 showing vehicle bollard – surface mounted;

Drawing BH-LCP-46 Noise levels at boundary;

4D statement on Boiler and CHP vents;

Drawing No. BH01.81687.RS-031 Rev A – SRC ground level plan proposed internal layout;

Drawing No. BH01.81687.RS-032 Rev A – PTW ground level plan proposed internal layout;

Drawing No. BH01.81687.RS-033-1 Rev C – south & west elevations;

Drawing No. BH01.81687.RS-033-2 Rev C – north & east elevations.

The application has been considered in accordance with Section 96A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. (In making a decision on whether a proposal constitutes a non-material amendment, Section 96A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 requires that the Local Planning Authority should have regard to the effect of the change, together with any previous changes made under that Section, on the planning permission as originally granted). There are NO OBJECTIONS to the amendment which is considered to be non-material in its impact. Accordingly I can confirm that the proposed amendment under reference number LW/537/CMNM/1 is APPROVED subject to the following conditions:

1.No cess waste shall be delivered to the site unless it can be received and discharged within an enclosed, odour controlled and noise attenuated cess reception facility.

Reason: To contain any odours and noise in order to protect the amenity of persons in the locality, in accordance with Policy WLP35(b) of the East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Waste Local Plan 2006.

2.No cess waste shall be delivered to the cess reception facility unless and until bollards are installed outside the facility in accordance with the details submitted with the application.

Reason: To protect the cess reception facility from damage by reversing vehicles.


1.The applicant should be aware that an updated Odour Management Plan and/or Environmental Management Plan for the site should include details relating to the need to effectively maintain an interlocking system at the cess reception facility, to seek the introduction of white noise reverse warning systems on vehicles using the facility and to effectively maintain the bollards outside the facility.

This letter and any referenced plans, drawings and application should be read alongside the previously issued Decision Notice to the planning permission ref LW/537/CM dated 23 October 2008. Please be advised that this letter does not convey any additional approval which may be required under other legislative regimes (e.g. Building Regulations or Environmental Planning.

Yours sincerely

Sarah Iles

Sarah Iles

Team Manager, Planning Development Control

Copies to:LocalLand Charges Section – Lewes District Council by email
