Learning Styles and Personality
Instructions: Answer the questions in the blocks provided.
How do you study for tests?According to the VARK or DiabloCollege website.
- – DiabloCollege
What are 3 suggestions made by the website to help me study. / 1
According to Personality Test - Jung Typology Test -
- My personality type is (4 letters)
Briefly summarize your personality type.
Study Help
Optional Activities -
Choose 2 Study Tips sites to READ. Find at least 2 tips to help you from each site.
- Areas of Need Quiz and various other links
- Study Tips
- Study Tips
- Links for How to study History
Choice #1 ______
Tip 1) ______
Tip 2) ______
Choice #2 ______
Tip 1) ______
Tip 2) ______
Choose 2 Lecture/Notes Help sites to READ. Find at least 2 tips to help you from each site.
- Listening as an Activity
- Effective Listening
- Keys to Effective Listening
- Note Taking
- Cornell System of Note Taking
Choice #1 ______
Tip 1) ______
Tip 2) ______
Choice #2 ______
Tip 1) ______
Tip 2) ______
Choose 2 Reading Comprehension sites to READ. Find at least 2 tips to help you from each site.
- Reading Your Textbook
- Textbook Reading
Choice #1 ______
Tip 1) ______
Tip 2) ______
Choice #2 ______
Tip 1) ______
Tip 2) ______
Choose 2 Test Taking/Anxiety sites to READ. Find at least 2 tips to help you from each site.
- Test Anxiety
- Calm during a Test
- When test anxiety happens
- Self Help for test anxiety
Choice #1 ______
Tip 1) ______
Tip 2) ______
Choice #2 ______
Tip 1) ______
Tip 2) ______
Parents Portion of the Inventory
1. How does your student learn most effectively? (ex. sitting quietly and reading, writing out answers, talking about it, etc.)
2. How would you describe your student’s personality? ______
3. According to the Jung Personality Test, what do you think is your student’s personality? Circle one from each pair
3. Does you student have test anxiety? yes or no
4. Please discuss your student’s learning style with them. Ask them what they learned from the websites to help them with their studies.
Parent Signature