Savilla I Banister, PhDPromotion Review

Focus on Service

The School of Teaching and Learning, within the College of Education and Human Development, specifies that a tenured faculty member allocate 30% of his/her effort to scholarship, 50% to teaching and 20% to professional service. Over the past six years, I have served my school, college, university and professional organizations by organizing and leading various initiatives and groups. My focus has been on facilitating curriculum development, searching for quality faculty and administrators, supporting excellence in technology integration and online teaching, and engaging teachers in creative uses of technologies. In all of these endeavors, I have been providing leadership based upon my expertise.

At the school level, I coordinated the undergraduate classroom technology courses from 2003-2011, with no course releases or stipends for this work. In this role, I worked to schedule and staff 20-30 undergraduate classroom technology courses each fall and spring and conducted monthly technology faculty meetings for the purpose of improving the curricula and encouraging innovative digital technology use for teaching and learning. I also chaired four search committees for classroom technology lecturer positions (2004, 2009, 2010, 2011) and chaired the search committee for a classroom technology assistant professor in 2011. I have also been a member of the STL Curriculum Committee, and School Director Evaluation Committee.

At the college level, I have served on the Advanced Program Council(APC) and Deans Faculty Advisory Council(DFAC), chairing APC for two years and DFAC for one year. (Artifact 1) APC is responsible for overseeing all graduate education in the College of Education and Human Development, and reviews all graduate curriculum modifications as a part of this scope. DFAC serves as a liaison between the dean and the faculty of the college, conducts yearly evaluations of the dean, and coordinates college-wide faculty meetings held twice a year. I also served on the STL School Director Search Committee in 2012, and the EDHD College Technology Committee.

For the university, I recently was invited to serve on the Distance Program Task Force, helping to craft a proposal for the BGSU Provost and President regarding future directions for online education at Bowling Green State University.(Artifact 2) I have been a member of the Graduate Council and Curriculum Subcommittee for the Graduate Council, as well as the Faculty Development Committee and the Continuing & Extended Education Committee. In 2010, I served as a member of the EDHD Dean Search Committee.

At the national/international level, I have served on the International Society for Technology in Education’s Program Committee for the past four years. (Artifact 3) The ISTE conference hosts over 20,000 attendees each year, and I have been identified as one of their Core Volunteers, planning and presenting the Digital Arts Studio from 2009-2012. Because of my expertise in the arts and technology, I was asked to work with three ISTE special interest groups (Arts Educators, Music Technology, and Digital Storytelling) to showcase the most promising digital technologies in the performing and visual arts. The Digital Arts Studio has attracted several hundred participants each year, as they explore activities such as clay animation, digital painting, and making music in an iBand.

My dedication to quality online teaching and learning has prompted my training and service in the Quality Matters organization.(Artifact 4) “Quality Matters (QM) is a faculty-centered, peer review process that is designed to certify the quality of online and blended courses. QM is a leader in quality assurance for online education and has received national recognition for its peer-based approach and continuous improvement in online education and student learning.” ( I have completed 9 QM reviews of courses from institutions of higher education across the United States, and recently have been certified as a QM Master Reviewer. I am beginning to serve as the leader of QM review teams in this new role.

I support the promulgation of research in the field of educational technologies and teacher education by integrally serving as a reviewer and editor. I served as co-editor of the Mid-Western Educational Researcher from 2007-2010. (Artifact 5) I also dedicate my time to serve as a reviewer for the publications of various national and international organizations. I currently serve on the editorial review boardsfor the following journals:

  • Journal of Technology and Teacher Education (2 articles per year)
  • Journal of Multimedia and Hypermedia(6 articles per year)
  • Journal for Research Center of Education Technology(3 articles per year)
  • Ohio Journal of Teacher Education(1 article per year)
  • Journal of Educational Computing Research(2 articles per year)
  • Computers in the Schools(4 articles per year)

My service opportunities have provided venues for my continued growth as a scholar and an educator, linking me with like-minded academics from around the world. I have been honored to work with colleagues, on campus and beyond, that challenge my thinking and collaborate to accomplish admirable goals. I continue to look forward to these collaborations.


Artifact 1: Minutes and Membership Rosters for DFAC or APC

Artifact 2: BGSU Distance Program Task Force Work

Artifact 3: ISTE Conference Program Committee

Artifact 4: Quality Matters

Artifact 5: Editorship/Editorial Review Board Documentaion