Isn’t it marvellous how every year our summer birds - swallows, swifts, house martins and others return to this country after over wintering further south in the warmer climes of Africa?

These birds make the long trek over thousands of miles back to the UK every year – not only do they manage to find this country but they find a particular part of it – for year after year they return to the same place – not just a particular village but an exact location, one they come to every year.

Many of our churches have these seasonal visitors – perhaps swallows which nest each year in a porch or other part of the church building.

It is a miracle that without any navigational aids except those inborn within them these birds can arrive at the exact post code – something ‘sat nav’ doesn’t always achieve! Here we have just another wonder of the natural world and something we are privileged to observe or feel part of if they happen to return to our church.

So what about our own ‘homing instincts’? We may not be regular church goers – attending week by week but in times of trouble whether national events like the Iraq war or the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, or more personal tragedy – a death in the family, unemployment, redundancy – people turn to the church. It fills a deep need within many people and they know that the church will be there and will provide a welcome and some comfort and hope in difficult times.

Like the swallows we know deep down that we have a home there. Some people think they can’t return because they have been away too long and feel embarrassed. This is not so! There will always be a welcome.

There is an initiative within the Church of England – called “Back to Church Sunday” when parishes throughout the country encourage people to come “back to church” on a particular Sunday and regular church goers are asked to invite people to accompany them. This year Sunday September 29th has been chosen and in some churches special events and services will take place – in others, people will be welcome to attend the usual Sunday worship and you might be pleasantly surprised at what you find. Of course no-one has to wait until September – in a way every Sunday can be a “Back to Church” Sunday!

Mary Edwards


Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord!

Psalm 150:6

Name and Date / Time and
Service / Sidesmen / Readers &
Readings / Prayers / Flowers / Cleaners
7 June
Trinity / 6pm Songs of Praise / All / Tba / Tba / Anyone! / Friday 5th from 2pm
14 June
Trinity 1 / 11am Village Communion / Vikki
Lesley / Lesley – Ezekiel 17: 22-34
Helen – Mark 4: 26-34 / Vikki / The Three / Trish & Chris
21 June
Trinity 2 / BRUNCH in Village Hall / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a
28 June
Trinity 3 / 9.30am Holy Communion / Chris
David / David – 2 Cor 8: 7-15
Marilyn – Mark 5: 21-43 / ME / Carolyn / Marilyn & Vikki
5 July
Trinity 4 / 6pm Evensong / Mary
Amanda / Mary – 2 Cor 12: 2-10
Caroline – Mark 6: 1-13 / Amanda / Isobel

Dates for Diaries

Monthly Munch – Wednesday June 3rd - 1pm in the Village Hall

Sunday Club – June 7th – 10-11.30pm in the Village Hall for children aged 4-10

Pram Service – Friday June 26th 3.30pm in St Nicolas for the under 4s and mums/dads/grans/nans

Supper Club date for June not yet fixed

Songs of Praise at St Mary’s Chute Forest – Sunday 7th June at 6pm We will clean and prepare the church on Friday 5th June from 2pm. Please join us in this satisfying job of restoring the redundant church to life, ready for its special day on the 7th. We hope you will come and join in this annual service of hymns and readings, with refreshments afterwards.

Brunch on Sunday 21st June is offered instead of a church service because the PCC feels this is a practical contribution on the day after the Fete! As fine a breakfast as you could wish will be served from 10-11am in the Village Hall, and will be free (but donations appreciated!). Please book in advance if you can with a PCC member: Vikki (730388), David & Mary (730236), Amanda (730233), John & Janet (730685), Lesley (730797) Marilyn (730740) or Helen (730351) so we have some idea of how many sizzling sausages etc. to prepare!


You will remember last year a group of us from St Michael & All Angels joined Margaret on an “English summer’s day” in the Race for Life at Newbury. The day was cold and very wet but we all managed to put that out of our minds as we, in our pink wigs, joined the thousands of others running, walking and staggering around the showground. Margaret knew she didn’t have long, nor that the money raised would be able to benefit her, but with her usual spirit tackled the day, even walking part of the distance herself. We had said then that we would want to do something in memory of her the next year and this is it.

She loved to socialise and support people and now it is our turn to do that, for Brian and the family, in memory of Margaret as a whole congregation. We plan to have an approx 5 mile walk ably led by Margaret Pike around the village and countryside of Chute, finishing off at the Village Hall for a picnic.

We would like to extend this invitation to the “Chutes” and anyone who knew Margaret. Even if you don’t feel able to walk the distance please join us afterwards for Margaret’s favourite things – talking and eating!

With a bit of luck Margaret will be looking down on us and sending her love in rays of sunshine.

Sunday 12th July

Starting at 2.30 at Chute Village Hall, picnic approx 4pm

Many thanks

Ann Lancaster


Our trip on Wednesday May 20th 2009 was to Pashley Manor Gardens in East Sussex. We were fortunate to have a warm sunny day and the gardens were excellent. We just missed the Tulip Festival but could see how many there had been and how beautiful they must have looked. Some roses were blooming and there were many more to come. There were a number of large ponds and a great many sculptures. It all added up to a good day out.

Our next trip on Wednesday June 17this to Birdworld in Surrey. If you would like a seat on the coach, now is the time to book.

Eileen Soper 730698

BOURNE VALLEY MOVIES, on behalf of Chute Village Hall

The prize winners continue in our Spring programme. One of the highlights is surely the next one, “The Reader” (15), directed by one of our best directors, Stephen Daldry, with screenplay by David Hare. Kate Winslett won the Best Actress Oscar and the BAFTA for her portrayal of an ex-SS officer. To complete the star line-up, Ralph Fiennes narrates the story for the officer. Adult themes, but superb.

The showing will be at the Vernham Dean Millennium Hall on Wednesday, 24th June 2009 at 7.30pm (the bar opens at 7pm). Tickets, priced at £5, can be purchased in advance at Hurstbourne Tarrant Post Office and at the George Inn, Vernham Dean, or £5.50 on the door, or from Pat Caddick on 730730

Our season ends with “Young Victoria” with Emily Blunt (15 July), another brilliant feature for your pleasure.

Pat Caddick


A few matters from the Annual Meeting on 14th May

Elections: Before the Council could operate legally, it had to elect a chairman for the year. There was only one proposal - no opposition - so David Brown was (re)elected. Must be doing something right. Which reminds me, only three parishioners turned up … so I assume the Parish Council as a whole must be doing something right.

Appointments The annual meeting is also the time when the Council makes its appointments to various bodies/activities in the Parish. As a description of the action, that is actually a bit misleading. It’s more accurately the time when the Council recognises/confirms the position of willing and self effacing volunteers. I hope they are also generally recognised.

Police: John Wilding our sPC kindly made time to come along and have an extensive discussion of both personal security issues and organisational changes. We identified and agreed a number of matters on which some on-going contact would be mutually useful. I will report on these in due course.

Equality Issues: The Council’s Standing Orders were amended in a number of ways. Sounds potentially obscure, and in some ways they can be. However, they do include things such as your Councillors’ declared commitment to Equality issues. The revised version will be on your community web-site soon and is worth a look.

Planning Applications

E/09/0526/TCA - Coach House, Upper Chute. Work on Yew Tree. No Objection by PC.

Planning Application Outcomes

E/09/0122/Ful - Longview Upper Chute. Replacement dwelling. No objection by PC. Now approved by WC.

E/09/0214/Ful - West Limmer Barns. Shepherds House. No objection by PC. Now approved by WC.

E/09/0301/TCA - Forest Lane Cottage. Fell tree. No objection by PC. Now approved by WC.

E/09/0313/Ful - West Limmer Barns. Agricultural Building. No objection by PC. Now approved by WC.

E/09/0335/Ful - Bakers, Chute Cadley. Extend & reroof garage. No objection by PC. Now approved by WC.

E/09/0357/TCA - Lantern Cottage, Upper Chute. Reduce 4 trees. No objection by PC. Now approved by WC.

E/09/0370/TCA - Grove House Cott, Cadley. Reduce Lime/fell Sycamore. No objection by PC. Approved by WC.

Bus Passes for older or disabled people

Bus pass applications received between mid-May and mid-June could take a little longer to process than the usual 10 day maximum. This is caused by changes to the computer system in line with the change to Wiltshire Council and they will not be able to use it for a week at the end of May.

Applicants should still send or take in their applications as usual and they will be dealt with as soon as they can. It is anticipated that things will be back to normal by mid-June. For more information contact Eric Egar on 01225 713368 or email

New legislation to protect consumers from pressurised door-to-door selling

Wiltshire Trading Standards is urging consumers and traders to be aware of new legislation that allows people to cancel contracts that are signed in their home or place of work. Currently, many businesses are not complying with the legislation which gives consumers seven days to change their mind on a contract of £35 or more, which is signed whilst the trader is in their home.

As part of this new legislation, the trader must also give a written notice of these rights and not to do so is an offence. And for the consumer there is no need to give a reason for the change of mind and there are very few exceptions to the law. This law protects consumers and benefits legitimate businesses because it makes it more difficult for unscrupulous salesmen or rogue traders to gain business through hard sell tactics. A guide to the new regulations is available to local businesses and is available by calling 01225 713248 or email

Wiltshire Tree Warden Scheme – your county needs you!

Volunteers are still needed to look after the county’s trees and the help of every town and parish is needed. The Wiltshire Tree Warden Scheme recruits volunteer tree wardens in every parish to plant and care for trees and local woods. To find out more about the scheme and how wardens are recruited visit:

David Clark

Chute Parish Clerk: Tel 730782 or

Play Area & Back Garden Now Open


Two For One Menu

Buy two main courses from our two for one menu

and get the cheaper one free.

Available Wednesday & Thursday Evenings

Between 7pm and 9pm

Booking Advisable


Sunday Lunch

Traditional roasts, ploughmans, children’s roasts

and other dishes always available

Childs Roast: £4.95

Two Courses: £11.95

Three Courses: £13.95

The Cross Keys Inn, Upper Chute, Andover, Hampshire, SP11 9ER. 01264 730295


This diary is copied directly from the website. If events for your organisation are not included or are incorrect, please contact and they will be included / corrected.

Mon 1st / 7:30pm / Line Dancing / Village Hall
Tues 2nd / 8:00pm / Quiz Night / Hatchet Inn
8:00pm / Fete Committee Meeting / Cross Keys Inn
Wed 3rd / 10:00am / Mothers & Toddlers / Village Hall
1:00pm / Monthly Munch / Village Hall
7:30pm / Choir Practice / St Nicolas
Thurs 4th / 6:30am / European & Local Elections / Village Hall
7:00pm / Chute CC outdoor nets / King George Playing Field
7:45pm / Bell Ringing / St Nicolas
8:00pm / Curry Night / Hatchet Inn
Fri 5th / 9:30am / Yoga / Village Hall
2:00pm / Church Cleaning / St Mary's Chute Forest
Sat 6th / 12:00pm / Private function / Village Hall
Sun 7th / 10:00am / Tedworth Hunt 10 mile Fun Ride / starting from Chute Causeway
10:00am / Sunday Club / Village Hall
1:00pm / Private function / Village Hall
2:00pm / Chute CC v Inkpen CC / Inkpen
6:00pm / Songs of Praise / St Mary’s
Mon 8th / 7:30pm / Line Dancing / Village Hall
Tues 9th / 8:00pm / Quiz Night / Hatchet Inn
Wed 10th / 9:45am / Wilts County Council Mobile Library / C Forest (9.45), C Cadley (10.10), Upper C (10.45)
10:00am / Mothers & Toddlers / Village Hall
7:30pm / Choir Practice / St Nicolas
8:00pm / Investment Club / Cross Keys Inn
Thurs 11th / 7:00pm / Chute CC outdoor nets / King George Playing Field
7:45pm / Bell Ringing / St Nicolas
Curry Night / Hatchet Inn
Fri 12th / 9:30am / Yoga / Village Hall
Sat 13th / 12:00am / Gardening Club trip to see the Rose Gardens / Redenham Park
Sun 14th / 11:00am / Village Communion / St Nicolas
2:45pm / Andover Methodist Churches Rambles & Cream Teas / Village Hall
Mon 15th / 7:30pm / Line Dancing / Village Hall
Tues 16th / 8:00pm / Quiz Night / Hatchet Inn
Wed 17th / 9:30am / Wednesday Club visit to Birdworld, Farnham, Surrey / Departs Chute Club
10:00am / Mothers & Toddlers / Village Hall
7:30pm / Choir Practice / St Nicolas
Thurs18th / 6:00pm / Put up fete tents, etc / King George Playing Field
7:00pm / Chute CC outdoor nets / King George Playing Field
7:45pm / Bell Ringing / St Nicolas
8:00pm / Curry Night / Hatchet Inn
Fri 19th / 9:30am / Yoga / Village Hall
1:00pm / Put up fete tents, etc / King George Playing Field
Sat 20th / 1:00pm / CHUTE FETE / King George Playing Field
Sun 21st / 10:00am / Post Fete Brunch / Village Hall
2:00pm / Chute CC v Shalborne CC / Shalborne
Mon 22nd / 7:30pm / Line Dancing / Village Hall
Tues 23rd / 8:00pm / Quiz Night / Hatchet Inn
Wed 24th / 9:45am / Wilts County Council Mobile Library / C Forest (9.45), C Cadley (10.10), Upper C (10.45)
10:00am / Mothers & Toddlers / Village Hall
7:30pm / Bourne Valley Movies - The Reader / Vernham Dean Millenium Hall
7:30pm / Choir Practice / St Nicolas
Thurs 25th / 7:00pm / Chute CC outdoor nets / King George Playing Field
7:30pm / Chute Parish Council / Village Hall
7:45pm / Bell Ringing / St Nicolas
8:00pm / Curry Night / Hatchet Inn
Fri 26th / 9:30am / Yoga / Village Hall
3:30pm / Pram Service / St Nicolas
Sat 27th / tbc / Private function / Village Hall
Sun 28th / 9:30am / Holy Communion / St Nicolas
1:00pm / Chute Gardens Open Day / From Village Hall
2:00pm / Chute CC v Wallop CC / King George Playing Field
Mon 29th / 7:30pm / Line Dancing / Village Hall
Tues 30th / 8:00pm / Quiz Night / Hatchet Inn