Saul’s Early Fumble Costs him the Kingdom

Working under Pressure is no excuse for SIN

  1. Israel gets a king – I Samuel 12:12-25
  1. It was a sin to get a king, but the people demanded it.
  2. They were so concerned about being plundered that they had to have a king, but Samuel asked God to rain on their wheat ready for harvest to show them Who was really in control.
  3. “But if you still do wickedly, you shall be swept away, both you and your king.”
  1. The Philistines are stirred up against Israel, I Samuel 13:1-7
  1. Saul was two years into his reign.
  2. Philistines were no longer a coastal people, but had garrisons far inland.
  3. While it could be said that Jonathan provoked the Philistines, the Philistines were not given this land by God. They were trespassing and assuming control of something that they had no right to. Jonathan was about the mission given to Israel many generations before.
  4. If every other person on the Kenai Peninsula drove a chariot, there would still be some left over.
  5. Israel was running for the hills – or the hills beyond those.
  1. Saul is compelled to act without authority, I Samuel 13:8-15
  1. Why would Samuel have Saul stand there and wait for a full week?
  2. Why would Saul assume that he should do things reserved for priests?
  3. The Philistines stood strong while Israel scattered.
  4. Did Saul know of Gideon? Judges 7:7 – Saul had 600 while Gideon had half that!
  5. “You have not kept the commandment of the Lord your God, which He commanded you.” – God never forbade the king from offering sacrifices, but commanded that priests were to do such. Samuel makes an argument from the silence of the Scriptures.
  6. Saul lost the kingdom…not only did his sons lost the kingdom because of his actions, but the Messiah would not come through the lineage of Saul.
  1. The battle unfolds, I Samuel 13:16-23
  1. As Samuel went to Gibeah, so did Saul and the people with him.
  2. The Philistines launch a three-pronged attack against Saul with troops in reserve.
  3. Israel had been forcibly disarmed by the Philistines. Brazen audacity!
  1. Jonathan doesn’t waste time, I Samuel 14:1-19
  1. They want a fight? Let’s go. He knows whereof he stands. Why ask permission from people?
  2. Jonathan knew that the 300 didn’t save Israel with Gideon. “Let’s go.”
  3. He asked God for a sign and he seized upon it. No retreat either way.
  4. While Saul was taking roll call, he heard increasing sounds from the Philistines. Jonathan was slaughtering them while Saul ‘prepared’(?) for a battle.
  1. Slaughter of the Philistines, I Samuel 14:20-23
  1. Chaos had them fighting each other, Hebrews had volunteered to serve the Philistines but now turned against them, Saul and Jonathan led stalwart Israelites to the fight and the Ephraimites that had been in hiding were out in force now.
  2. It wasn’t the people that saved the day, but the Lord.
  1. Troubling the land, I Samuel 14:24-46
  1. Saul curses anyone that eats before evening…of his own people. (‘An army marches on its stomach.’)
  2. Jonathan had too busy fighting the battle to hear Saul issue his curse, so he did not know and he ate a bite of honey.
  3. The people of Israel were so hungry that they ate the animals that night with the blood. This is sinful, so Saul passed the blame and offered an answer.
  4. Saul tries to have superior leadership and authority when he commands that Jonathan be put to death for something beyond his control, but the people intercede and shut it all down.
  5. Saul had been ready to press the attack into the night, but now he decided to go back home.
  1. Conclusions and Applications:
  1. Everyone has to deal with terror and anxiety. It is no excuse for sin.
  2. God commanded Saul & David to hold the line. No different for you & me today.
  3. With the dumb decisions Saul made, he was not removed for them, but for SIN.


Hear The Gospel (John 5:24; Romans 10:17)Believe the Word of God (John 3:16-18; John 8:24)

Repent Of Your Sins (Luke 13:1-5; Acts 2:38)Confess Jesus as Christ (Matthew 10:32; Romans 10:10)

Be Baptized (Acts 22:16; Galatians 3:27)Remain Faithful for Life (John 8:31; Rev. 2:10)


Repent (Acts 8:22), Confess (I John 1:9), Pray (Acts 8:22)

Greg Madden PO Box 1914 Soldotna, AK 99669-1914 Funny River Rd church of Christ