Saturday Night Reception
Cocktails-6:00, Dinner: 6:30
Bring a guest……..(Reserve a Spot Early)
Door Prizes
Cost: $30.00 person X Number Attending____
Cost: Members: 1 Day-$100, 2-Days-$150
Cost: Non-Members: 1-Day-$150, 2-Days-$200
CityState ZIP
Department Affiliation
Amount enclosed $______
Check / Money order # ______
Detach and return this portion with payment to:
BFFA Conference
P.O. Box 58
Amboy IL 61310
Providing the most up-to-date information on EMS and Fire Service topics.
CEU’s will be available for all EMS provider classes. (See Individual Classes)
Reception: January 7
Rock Falls Holiday Inn
2105 1st Ave.
Rock Falls IL 61071
Conference Hotel:
Country Inn and Suites
2106 1st Ave.
Rock Falls IL 61071
*BFFA room rates apply!
*VENDORS will be on site *
*Thanks for supporting this conference
Symbols Legend
Firefighters EMS
Administration Hands-On
Keynote speakers
Dave McGrail is a 26-year veteran of the fire service and a District Chief with the Denver Fire Department (DFD). As a Captain, Dave served as the company commander of DFD Engine Co. 3, and then Rescue Co. 1, two of the DFD’s busiest fire companies. He is the lead instructor for the engine company (standpipe) hands-on training (HOT) at the Fire Department Instructors Conference (FDIC) in Indianapolis, FDIC West, Sacramento and Los Angeles, and FDIC East Atlantic City. He was a keynote speaker on United States high-rise firefighting operations, at the Fire and Emergency Services Asia (FESA) Singapore, 2005. He is a member of the FDIC and FDIC West Educational Advisory Boards and is editorial advisor and contributing editor for Fire Engineering Magazine. Dave holds two Associate of Applied Science Degrees in Fire Science Technology and two Bachelor of Science Degrees, one in Human Resource Management, and the other in Fire Service Administration.
Steve Chikerotis is a 30-year member of the Chicago Fire Department currently serving as a Deputy District Chief. He has been a chief officer for the last 12 years holding the positions of Battalion Chief, Director of Training, and as Chief of Fire Academy Operations. He worked his way through the ranks serving on some of the city’s busiest engines, trucks and heavy rescue squads. A fire service instructor for over 20 years, Steve has taught classes all over the nation, including FDIC, Fire Engineering Weekends, International Association of Fire Chiefs, as well as New York State, Oklahoma State, and Michigan State Fire Chiefs. He is an on-staff instructor at the Illinois Fire Service Institute, RICO Fire Training, Harold Washington College, and the Chicago Fire Academy. He is the author of "Firefighters From The Heart" (Thomson Delmar 2006) as well as several published fire service articles. Steve also does a lot of work with the television and motion picture industry as a technical advisor, safety officer and screen writer. He has worked on dozens of major motion pictures including the movie "Backdraft".
Fire Fighter’s
10th annual
January 7-8, 2012
Sauk Valley Community
173 IL Rt. 2
Dixon IL
Saturday, January 7th Classes
“Fireground Tactics”-KEYNOTE SPEAKER
District Chief Dave McGrail-Denver (CO) F.D.
“Basic SCBA”
Chief John Petrakis-SafeHOT
Safety Rules Apply!
Prerequisite for Advanced SCBA
“RIT Training”
FF/PM Tony Dinges – Byron F.P.D.
“Courage to be Safe and Train the Trainer”
Lt. Paul Enhelder -Chicago Fire Dept.
Learn fire scene safety
Know the hazards to each person
Recognizing early warning signs
“Trauma Nurse Specialist”
Steve Lowden – OSF Healthcare
Mechanisms of Injury
Patient assessment
Care and Stabilization
“SMART Triage”
KSB EMS Instructors
Use of the SMART Triage system
Correct use of tags
Scenarios and situations
“Technical Rescue Awareness”
Lt. Tim Salo – Byron F.P.D.
“Emergency Vehicle Operations – Train the Trainer”
Emergency Service Organizations
Defensive Driving objectives
Road and Traffic hazards
Safe Vehicle Operations
“MABAS Box Cards”
Tom Korte-Freeport Fire Dept.
Use of MABAS cards
Review MABAS area agreements
Saturday – Sunday, January 7-8
KSB EMS Instructors
Basic and Advanced class
Sunday, January 8th Classes
“Fire Attack 2012”-KEYNOTE SPEAKERS
DDC Steve Chikerotis-Chicago F.D.
DC Jose Santiago-Chicago F.D.
“Advanced SCBA”
Chief John Petrakis-SafeHOT
Safety Rules Apply
Bring SCBA and Full Gear!
“Incident Command for the 21st Century”
Batt. Chief Randall Banker-Batavia F.P.D.
IC Command issues and concerns
Updates for Commanders
Overview of Lessons Learned
“Large Area Search Program”
Lt. Tim Salo-Byron Fire Prot. Dist.
Preparing for a large area search
Safety concerns with area rescue
Coordinating teams
“Basic Building Construction”
Lt. Kyle Hill-Rockford Fire Dept.
New construction techniques
Various building materials overview
Hazards associated with various types of construction
“Risk Management for EMS”
Emergency Service Organizations
“Show Me the Money”-(Afternoon Session)
Lt. Nick Dinges-Amboy Fire Prot. Dist.
“Lessons Learned from Local Incidents”
Chief Jim Klinefelter-Shannon F.P.D.
Chief Craig Wilt-Cherry Valley F.P.D.
Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund
Class Fees:
Members: 1 day - $100 2 day - $150
Nonmembers: 1 day- $150 2 day - $200
Saturday Classes January 7th
Registration 0700 – 0800
Opening Ceremony0800 – 0900
Classes0900 – 1700
Choose class – 1 per day
Dave McGrail-Keynote ___
Basic SCBA___
RIT Training ___
Courage to be Safe ___
Trauma Nurse Specialist___
SMART Triage___
Technical Rescue Awareness___
Emergency Vehicle Operations ___
Saturday – Sunday Classes
January 7-8 Two day
See Saturday registration information
Choose classes – One only / both days
Sunday Class January 8th
Registration 0800 – 0900
Classes Start0900 – 1700
Choose class – 1 per day
Chikerotis / Santiago - keynote___
Advanced SCBA___
Incident Command for the 21st Century___
Large Scale Area Search___
Basic Building Construction___
Risk Management for EMS___
Show Me the Money ___
Lessons Learned___