Art GCSE: Portraits Unit Content Redhill Art Department

Sketchbook Content / How To… get a top grade / Source Material / /
1 / Art history double page: German Expressionism / Must include: images, writing, decoration. The decoration needs to reflect the artists’ styles/art movement. Any materials/techniques / Internet research
2 / 2 x black and white artists’ copies – German Expressionist woodblocks / Copies should be at least A4 size or larger; neatly drawn; accurate
Chose a different technique for each copy. Techniques could include: pen, pencil, fine liner, collage, pencil crayon, paint / Handout / booklets
Internet research
3 / A3 Colour artists’ copy, German Expressionism Oil pastel / Colours must be layered and blended; no areas of one single colour; no paper showing through the pastel / Handouts
Internet research
4 / 2nd colour artists’ copy – technique of your choice / Chose a different artists work to copy. Use a technique of your choice / Handouts
Internet research
5 / 2 x self portraits pencil/shading / Drawing should: fill the page; represent a likeness; well proportioned (eyes not too high); no line (shade out all lines); full tonal range (dark to light); neat shading; good use of rubbers / Pupils’ own photos
6 / Oil pastel self portrait in the style of Otto Dix / Use the step by step guide and the Otto Dix portrait to help you. Layer colours. Use a range of tones, shades and colours including blues for shadows etc. Do not just opt for obvious ‘skin tone’ pastels / Step by step guide
Otto Dix image
7 / Lino Design page / Work into photos. Must reflect the style/work of the German Expressionists. Must be a ‘printable design’ and include: thick lines; positive/negative sections; texture. / Pupils’ own photos
8 / Lino prints / Cut out background not line.
Good even print quality, not flooded; experiment with colours and backgrounds; off-set printing; repeats; hand tinted backgrounds / Printing equipment
All art materials
9 / 2nd artist/theme research: personal study / Research an artist of your choice that interests you. Produce an art history page (see step 1) / Redhill website,
10 / Artist’s copy / A3 size, chose a technique that best reflects the artist’s style / Artists’ images
11 / Self portrait in the style of an artist / You can chose from any artist you have looked at since the start of the project. Draw an accurate self portrait. Apply the style, techniques and materials used by the artist you have chosen / Own photos, artist copies
12 / Final piece plan / Complete 4 plans to at least A5 size. Indicate colours and techniques; do not have too much background space on 2D pieces. You can choose any technique: select one that suits your skills, make sure you have practiced the technique before the exam. The final piece must reflect the work in your sketchbook / sketchbook
Additional tasks (not compulsory)
13 / Additional self portrait shading / See stage 6. There is no limit for the amount of shadings you can produce; quality is more important than volume though! / Pupils’ own photos
14 / Otto Dix oil pastel copy / See stage 4
Use the step by step guide to help you / Handout
Step by step guide

IMPORTANT: All pages must be well presented