The Birmingham Disability Sports Forum is delighted to invite clubs and organisations in the city to be part of the fifth annualBirmingham Inclusive Sports Fest, a week-long festival of inclusive sport and physical activity that celebrates opportunities to be active, regardless of background, age or ability.
Organisations are encouraged to sign-up to run recreational activity sessions as part of a series of open taster days on a date and time of your choice,from:
Saturday 17thJune (launch event) - Sunday 25thJune 2017
The open day(s)will be promoted through our wide-reaching partner networks, with the intention of encouraging anyone from across Birmingham to come along and experience inclusive or disability-specific activities that they may never have tried before.
Our aim is to offer a broad range of opportunities for all impairmentsto ensure that there is something on offer for most people - particularly focusing on family-friendly activities.
About BISF
Birmingham Inclusive Sports Fest (BISF) – originally BDSF - was a campaign launched in October 2013, and saw over 100 people of all ages take part in 40 different taster activities across a wide range of inclusive sports in the city. Year two successfully engaged over 145 new participants, year three, 175, year four219 - and this year we want to exceed the 300 mark!
This is an exciting opportunity to widely promote your organisation and to also help to raise the profile of various inclusive or disability sports which are delivered across the city. You can run taster sessions for children or adults and encourage new members and/or volunteers to join in for the long term. You may have other ideas too, such as holding a competition or tournament, a multi-sport festival, a family-fun day,or simply delivering one of your regular sessions that places an emphasis on inclusion!
Your activity sessions will be promoted via a dedicated digital marketing campaign, promotional literature and willfeature in the official BISF 2017 Programme in order to generate as much awareness across the city as possible. This really is an opportunity to be part of something special, and not to be missed!
Thank you in advance for your involvement and support of #BISF17
Please follow our Twitter account @BhamDisSportand Facebook page all the latest!
Contact Name:______Phone Number: (for activity bookings)______Email:______
Name & Address of Club:(incl. postcode)______
DATE / TIME / ACTIVITYIncluding whether impairment / age / gender specific / No. OF SPACES / COST / ADDRESS OF SESSION
(including postcode)
e.g. 19/09/2017 / 10am-11am / Learning Disability Tennis, 13+ women only / 15 / Free / 123 High Street, Birmingham, B29
Do you need any volunteer support? Yes/No (please delete as appropriate)
If yes, how many and for what purpose?______
Any other details:
Please complete and return this form, along with the Safeguarding Checklist and self-declaration form below via email, by Monday 10th April 2017
If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact: /
0121 296 5175
As a requirement of being an official deliverer of Birmingham Inclusive Sports Fest (BISF) 2016, all criteria highlighted in RED must be in place, and a copy of this signed checklist completed with or sent to Sport Birmingham prior to BISF 2017, and delivery commencing. No supplementary evidence is required to be sent in with this Self-Assessment checklist, but it must be available for inspection, if required.
Key to Criteria:
Red – an essential element that must be in place prior to delivery commencing
Green – a desirable element that can be planned & achieved at a later date
Organisation Name:Criteria / Please as appropriate
YES / NO / Planned date
- Children / Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy
Is the Safeguarding Policy publicised; promoted and distributed to all stakeholders?
Has the Safeguarding Policy been endorsed by, or based upon, a reliable source - e.g. NSPCC; NGB; Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB); Children’s Social Care?
2. Procedures
Do the procedures contain clear instructions on what to do in the event of an allegation, incident or suspicion of abuse or poor practice against those involved within the organisation / club / activity?
Do the procedures contain clear instructions on what to do in the event of concerns about the welfare or protection of a vulnerable adult arising outside the sport / activity?
In all instances, are there clear guidelines for recording concerns about the welfare or protection of a vulnerable adult, the organisation’s response and reasons?
Are there clear guidelines for reporting concerns where appropriate to external agencies such as Social Care or Police and partner agencies (CSP) as well as internally through the organisation’s management structure? (This should include the contact details for the LA Designated Officer whose responsibilities include advice, support and management of concerns relating to people in positions of trust (these contact details can be obtained from the LSCB or local Social Care department)
Are there complaints and disciplinary procedures to manage concerns about the behaviour of staff, coaches, volunteers, etc.?
Is there information about how support can be accessed following an incident?
- Prevention
Are there procedures for recruitment and selection of staff and volunteers including safeguarding checks (CRB) for those working with children?
Are there codes of conduct and ethics for staff, coaches, volunteers, and participants?
At family activities are parents and carers aware they have responsibility to ensure that children and young people feel and are safe? In addition are they are aware that they are advised that it is their responsibilities to check credentials and health and safety requirements for each activity? Children / young people must be accompanied and supervised at all times by a parent / guardian who will be included in all activities.
Are there operating procedures in relation to the organisation’s duty of care to children in place where appropriate? Specifically:
•Emergency accident procedure
•Transport/travel risk assessment
•Transport registers (who is travelling in which vehicles?)
•Activity risk assessment
•Equipment/resource safety checks
•Use of photographic images
- Communication and Partnership
Are there processes for holding and sharing information?
- Education and Training
Are coaches, staff and volunteers appropriately skilled and qualified to undertake their role in providing the activity?
- Review and Monitoring
Is it clear how, by whom and when the policy and its implementation will be monitored and reviewed?
All appropriate lead coaches; leaders, and others who have roles with and /or responsibilities for Children Young People will be required to hold a current DBS Certificate, and will be required to provide their DBS number (BELOW). All session volunteers/coaches without an up-to-date (within 3 years) DBS Certificate will be required to complete the below self-disclosure form.
I hereby sign to say that the information supplied within this checklist is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Print name: ...... Role within club/organisation: ......
Signed: ...... Date: ......
Name and DBS Number of Lead deliverer: Print Name: ...... DBS Number: ......
BISF 2017
Assistant Coach / Volunteer
Information Form
Thank you for expressing your interest in becoming involved in BISF 2017. We are looking forward to working with you on your ‘open day’ event!
Please complete the information requested below and return to
Part A
Please type or write clearly and in black ink. If you need more space to enter your details, or wish to give additional information, please use a separate sheet.
Title:Date of Birth:
First Name(s):Surname:
Post Code: Telephone:
Emergency Contact Information
Name:n Address:
Data Protection Act 1998: The information given in this form will be held by Sport Birmingham. I confirm that the information on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge.
PART B - Equalities Monitoring Form
Sport Birmingham promote policies of equality in sport. These policies will continue to be implemented through creating more opportunities and encouraging increased participation in volunteering in sport and active recreation for everyone at all levels and in all roles within sport.The information you provide in this section will be treated in the strictest confidence and will be held and stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The information will not be used for selection purposes but to monitor and evaluate the make- up of those people who are participating in sport as volunteers. Please help us by completing the form.
My Gender is: Male Female Prefer not to answer
My cultural and ethnic origin is
White – BritishMixed – White and Black CaribbeanAsian/Asian British – Indian
White – IrishMixed – White and Black AfricanAsian/Asian British – Pakistani
White – OtherMixed – White and Asian Asian/Asian British – Bangladeshi
Mixed – Other Other Asian Background
Black/Black British – Caribbean Chinese
Black/Black British – African Other
Black/Black British – Other I would prefer not to provide
Employment Status:
Full Time Employment Self Employed
Part Time Employment In education/learning or training
Not in employment, education or training Unable to work
Retired Prefer not to say / If you’re a student please state which school/college or university:
My Age group is
21 years and under 22 -30 years 31 -40 years 41 – 49 years
50 – 59 years - 64 years 65+ years I would prefer not to provide
Religion or Belief (please tick)
Atheism Buddhism Christianity Hinduism Islam
Jainism Judaism Sikhism Other I do not wish to disclose
Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
Yes No I would prefer not to provide
If Yes please tick the nature of your disability?
Visual Learning disability Multiple
Hearing Long term or life-limiting illness Other
Physical Mental Health Prefer not to say
Learning difficulty
Additional Information:
Is there any medical information we should be aware of?
If so please state:
Are there any special arrangements/requirements that can be made to assist you at your placement? e.g. Signer, access, large print etc. If so please specify:
Sport Birmingham on behalf of the Birmingham Disability Sports Forumaims to promote equality of opportunity for all persons and welcome applications from a wide range of individuals. The sports and active recreation volunteering opportunities for which you have applied to join is an exempted occupation for the purpose of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (as amended by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1975). All ‘spent’ and ‘unspent’ convictions must be declared. Having an ‘unspent’ conviction will not necessarily impede your appointment within sports volunteering, this will depend on the circumstances and background to your offence. If you fail to disclose an offence and Sport Birmingham is informed of any previously undisclosed criminal matter, you may be subject to disciplinary action. Evaluation of information is based on strict confidentiality and discretion. (Guidance notes can be found at the end of this document).
1.Have you ever been convicted of any criminal offences?
If yes, please supply details of any criminal convictions:
2.Are you a person known to any Social services department as being an actual or potential risk to children or young people?
If yes, please supply details of any criminal convictions:
3.Have you ever been the subject of disciplinary sanction (from any sport or other organisations’ governing bodies) in relation to child abuse?
If yes, please supply details of any criminal convictions:
I understand that it is necessary for me to declare any information requested and that by joining the sports campaign programme for which I have applied may involve access to Children, Young People and/or Vulnerable Adults. I hereby give my consent to Sport Birmingham or host organisation of the activity session to conduct a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Check if requested.
Date of Birth:
Notes on Completing Self-Disclosure
Any volunteers who will be having contact with Young People (persons under the 18 years of age) or Vulnerable Adults.
The completion of this form is mandatory, for volunteers. If an individual is unwilling to complete the form, then they must not be deployed in any position that gives them access to Young People/Vulnerable Adults.
The information submitted on this form. If you have a conviction for an offence that could put Young People/Vulnerable Adults at risk, the official details of the conviction will be recorded. However, if allegations of behaviour or details of other convictions become known to Sport Birmingham which may place Young People/Vulnerable adults at risk, this information may also be recorded. All concerns/complaints will be reported to the Police and relevant Local Authority for investigation and the outcome recorded. This information will be held separately, securely and will record the date, time, source and originator of any text. You may at any time request to information held about you. This does not extend to information received from a Criminal Records Bureau check; this is protected under the Freedom of Information Act/Data Protection Act.
All information will be made available to any official agencies, which have a statutory duty to investigate allegations of child abuse. Sport Birmingham also reserves the right to disclose information regarding relevant child protection concerns to the appropriate associations and any other individuals with child protection concerns.
Please return the completed application form to Amy Bird at Sport Birmingham.
The forms will be updated in line with the Data Protection Regulations 1998.