Kitava, Papua New Guinea

December 2007

Coral Identification


/ 14th December 2007
Site: / Transect 2
Depth: / 3-5 metres
Observers: / Heather Logan, Tanya Ribakoff
Location: / Uratu, just east of 2003 Transect 2 site
Time: / 1445 – 1530

Acropora spp.digitate, branching, table

Isopora paliferacolumnar, plate

Porites spp.submassive / massive / branching with encrusting base

Pocillopora spp.branching

Montipora spp.encrusting, plate, massive, columnar to plate

Stylophora pistillatabranching

Stylophora sp.branching

Platygyra sp.massive

Symphyllia spp.massive, encrusting


Pavona variansencrusting

Leptoria sp.massive

Favia spp.massive, encrusting,

Favia stelligerasubmassive

Favites spp.encrusting to submassive

Montastrea sp.submassive to massive

Diploastrea helioporaencrusting

Echinopora lamellosaencrusting to plate

Astreopora spp.massive

Platygyra spp.massive

Euphyllia sp. submassive

Cyphastrea sp.encrusting to submassive

Coeloseris mayerimassive

Goniastrea sp.submassive

Hydnophora sp.massive


/ 15th December 2007
Site: / Transect 1
Depth: / 3-5 metres
Observers: / Heather Logan, Tanya Ribakoff
Location: / Uratu (very close to 2003 Transect 1 site)
Time: / 1345-1430

Porites sp.digitate, laminar to branching

Porites ruslaminar to contorted branches

Isopora paliferacolumnar / encrusting

Stylophora pistillatabranching

Stylophora sp.branching

Pocillopora spp.branching

Pocillopora damicornisbranching

Montipora spp.encrusting / laminar / foliaceous

Merulina sp.laminar

Acropora spp.digitate, branching, table

Fungia living

Ctenactis living

Halomitra living

Favia stelligeraencrusting submassive

Favites sp.encrusting

Euphyllia sp.cushion

Pavona venosaencrusting

Pavona variansencrusting

Pavona explanulataencrusting to submassive

Pavona spp.encrusting

Pectinia sp.submassive

Platygyra spp.encrusting, submassive

Leptoria sp.submassive

Echinopora lamelloselaminar

Seriatopora sppbranching

Cyphastrea spp.encrusting

Goniastrea spp.encrusting, massive

Leptastrea sp. encrusting

Leptastrea purpureaencrusting

Echinophyllia sp.laminar

Symphyllia sp.encrusting


/ 17th December 2007
Site: / Transect 3 site 2003
Depth: / 7-9 metres
Observers: / Heather Logan, Tanya Ribakoff
Location: / Uratu
Time: / 0900 - 0945

Porites spp.submassive / massive / digitate / submassive

Pavona variansencrusting

Pavona sp.encrusting

Pavona explanulatasubmassive

Pocillopora sp.branching

Pocillopora damicornisbranching

Seriatopora spp.branching

Acropora spp.branching / digitate

Isopora paliferabranching / columnar

Favia stelligerasubmassive

Favia sp.submassive

Fungia living

Favitesspp.encrusting / submassive

Goniastrea spp.submassive / encrusting

Montipora spp.laminar / branching / encrusting

Coeloseris mayerisubmassive / laminar

Stylophora pistillatabranching

Stylophora sp.branching

Diploastrea helioporaencrusting

Leptastrea spp.submassive / encrusting

Cyphastrea sp.encrusting / submassive

Platygyra spp.submassive

Hydnophora spp.submassive

Euphyllia sp.cushion

Montastrea spp.submassive / encrusting

Leptoseris sp.encrusting

Lobophyllia sp.submassive to encrusting

Symphyllia sp.submassive to encrusting

Pectinia sp. laminar

Psammacora sp.encrusting


/ 17th December 2007
Site: / Transect 6 site 2003- just to the north to the sandy slope
Depth: / 7-9 metres
Observers: / Heather Logan, Tanya Ribakoff
Location: / Uratu
Time: / 1145 – 1230

Poritesspp.massive / submassive / branching / columnar

Pocillopora sp.branching

Pocillopora damacornisbranching

Stylophora pistillatabranching

Stylophora sp.branching

Acropora spp.branching / table / digitate

Isopora paliferasubmassive

Seriatopora hystrixbranching

Seriatopora stellatabranching living

Hydnophora sp.submassive / encrusting

Pavona variansencrusting / laminar

Pavona venosaencrusting

Coeloseris mayerisubmassive

Montipora spp.submassive / laminar / foliaceous / encrusting

Montastrea sp.submassive

Favia stelligerasubmassive

Favia sp.submassive / encrusting

Favites spp.encrusting

Cyphastrea sp.encrusting / submassive

Leptoria spp.submassive

Hydnophora sp.submassive

Euphyllia sp.cushion

Turbinaria sp.foliaceous

Symphyllia sp.encrusting to submassive

Goniastrea spp.encrusting / submassive

Platygyra spp. submassive

Leptastrea purpureaencrusting