

Volume 59 Issue 4 April 2016


Sat. April 2 – Perogies-Making-Thon – 9:00 am

Sat. April 9 - ELW Meeting 10:00 am

Wed. April 13 – Council Meeting – 7:00 pm

Sat. April 16 – Plant Swap & Bake Sale

Tues. April 19 – Glenwood Lunch

Fri. April 22 – Street Ministry


St. Paul’s Lutheran Church

12145 Laity Street

Maple Ridge, BC V2X 5A7

Tel: 467-4343


Pastor's Column

Lutherans Connect is a web-based community of friends of all kinds who gather on-line to share ideas about faith and hang out together. During the season of Lent they produced a daily blog which contained a meditation, bringing together scripture readings, poetry, songs and reflections, from a range of ecumenical traditions.

This year the Lenten theme was 'welcoming the stranger'. At a time in our country and in our world when attention on migrants and refugees is especially strong, it seems a good time to explore the myriad ways in which we all are, and have always been, migrants of the world.

Below is part of their reflection from Day 4 in Lent:

It is always a risk to welcome anyone and particularly the stranger. It is always disturbing. But didn't Jesus come precisely to disturb our routines, comfort and apathy? We need constant challenge if we are not to become dependent on security and comfort, if we are to continue to progress from the slavery of sin and egoism towards the promised land of liberation. Welcome is one of the signs that a community is alive. To invite others to live with us is a sign that we have a treasure of truth and of peace to share.... Openness and welcome sometimes challenge us to go beyond our fears and prejudices to the depth of compassion and understanding.... Members of a community should pray for this gift of welcome. For it is truly a gift. Our hearts must be opened to welcome. This gift is love, and love for the different and the unexpected. And this love comes from the Father. We must ask for this love and expect it to be given. Genuine welcome is an energy of peace felt and appreciated.
- from Community and Growth, by Jean Vanier

This theme of “welcoming the stranger” and the ensuing hospitality that is necessary is equally important for us as a

congregation. Maple Ridge as we well know is changing and growing; people are moving to this community from many different locations and some are looking for a community of faith.

Whether you have noticed or not, almost every Sunday we have been blessed to gather as a community of faith and welcome people into our midst. Sometimes those good folks come for only one Sunday, but many are returning and want to be a part of our church. The people who are arriving seek nothing more than being a part of a church community; it does not necessarily matter that we are a Lutheran church, but that we are a genuine and faithful church in our worship, in our service to community and in our welcome.

Hospitality is vital and I am sure that in the coming year at the very least you are going to be hearing that word a lot from many corners of our congregation, not the least of which will be our Guiding Team. Our hospitality extends beyond the open door on Sunday, to the listening ear as we invite and welcome the story of “the stranger.”

Too often I think, we hope that people will walk through the doors of our church and join our congregation. Too often I think, we wonder why are those “unchurched” out there are not coming to church; instead of focusing on “THEM,” maybe we need to put the spotlight on “US.” I like the above article from the writing of Jean Vanier; we should not be praying that people join US, but that we welcome THEM. We should be praying that God give US the gift of welcome.

Peace, and the gift of welcome be with you,

Pastor Roland

Council Corner

“For I know the plans I have for you”, says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29: 11

Your Church Council is pleased to welcome 4 new members to the table: Nancy, David, Heide and Corinne. This being the first meeting after the AGM, officers were elected for 2016:

Linda - Chair

John - Vice-Chair

David - Treasurer

Corinne - Congregational Secretary

Nancy - Financial Secretary

Council was pleased as well to learn that $1,565 was donated for the anniversary payment on the church mortgage, which has now been renewed for a further 3 years. Donations for repair of the roof continue to come in as well. Council is hopeful we can get that job done very soon.

A policy regarding designated donations for specific purposes was adopted by Council. This will apply to all such donations made from this point forward and states:

“Spending of funds is confined to programs and projects approved by St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church. Should a donor choose to restrict a contribution for use in a particular program or project, that restriction will be honoured, with the understanding that, when the need for such a program or project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by the Council of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, the remaining restricted contribution will be used where most needed.”

Yours in faith, Nancy

Financial Update from your Treasurer

Our mortgage is up for renewal at the end of March. Notwithstanding our significant deficit last fiscal ($8,923) we have been successful in renewing this mortgage. After our annual lump sum reduction, this year being $1,565, our mortgage is $73,179.

We have received a interest rate of 3.74% for a three year term with a seven year amortization. This is a higher interest rate than most of us would have expected however given our financial performance last year we had very little negotiation room. The lender offered to reduce our bi-weekly payment from $563 to $507. We have chosen to leave the bi-weekly payment unchanged at $563. This $56 extra payment, which is within our approved budget, will reduce our remaining amortization from seven years to six years. Notwithstanding a further deficit for the first two months of this year we believe that with your support we will be able to cover our expenses and continue to move St. Paul's forward.

We are very happy to report that we have received a gift from one of our members covering our insurance premium for this year of approximately $3,600. We are very thankful for this support.

Thank you




The Quilters Semi-annual Sale will be held on Sunday, May 1st.


Nicaragua 2016

Once again the time has come for us to gather and stand united with those living in poverty. On May 9 & 10 the Lutheran churches of British Columbia will once again gather in Abbotsford and rally in support of families in need in Nacaragua.

Please join us at the Mennonite Central Committee’snew warehouse in Abbottsford(#201 – 33933 Gladys Avenue.) to assemble a shipmentof humanitarian supplies for CLWR’s and Lutheran Church– Canada’s mission partners at Iglesia Luterano Sinodo de Nicaragua. The container will support children and schools in the Chinandega area. Volunteers are needed to help receive, sort, fold, count, tape, weigh, label and load all of the supplies into an international cargo container. Baling Days is a great opportunity for fellowship, to learn more about the work of CLWR and to make a significant contribution towards the alleviation of poverty and suffering.

Please call 1.800.661.2597 or email CLWR to let us know if you are interested in signing up as a volunteer. Coffee and cookies will be provided and there is a cafeteria on-site to

purchase lunch.

Glenwood Elementary Hot Lunch will be served on Tuesday, April 19.

There will be a sign-up sheet in the Narthex early in April for volunteers.

St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Women

March meeting was attended by 10 Women.

Old business:

New ELW group lists have been put in your mailbox, if you didn't get one contact Laura or Linda.

ELW nomination forms are on the ELW bulletin board. You can nominate an ELW member and put the form in Laura's mailbox. All women of St. Paul's congregation are members of the ELW.

World Day of Prayer was hosted St. John the Divine.

9 St. Paul's members joined 50 other People that attended. Offering was $595.00 which will provide grants for local organizations.

New Fun: - PEROGIES - MAKING -THON. April 2, 2016 9:00 am

We have a recipe from Helen's friend whose church makes perogies for their church's fundraiser. Helen will make the dough. We need potato peelers, potato mashers, onion peelers, onion sautéers, perogy rollers and pinchers, trayers.

Perogies are for the ELW ... Savoury / Sweet Bake ...

April 16, 2016. 10:00am - 1:00pm

St. Paul's parking lot


West Ridge Good Neighbours

Spring 2016 Plant Swap

If you like to have some great Fellowship; bring your apron, rolling pin,and pinching fingers. Men are welcome to come.

We are also looking for baking for the bake sale. Items can be dropped off the day of the bake sale. Please price your items when you bring them.

Funds raised will be going to The Friends in Need Food Bank.

Nancy has information on commercial dishwashers. We are looking into other costs involved.

Heide presented SeedsOfHope program. We're encouraged to share something we are hoping the spring season; something new, blooming, warm, joyful, exciting, loving. It may be about family, beliefs, challenges, relationships, health or anything we want. We were presented with a card containing a package of marigold seeds.

Coming soon: - new CLWR kit lists.

- Mother/Daughter Banquet - May 6/16

- Baling Day - May 10-11/16

Next meeting of Friendship April 2 9:00 am.

Next ELW meeting April 9 10:00am-12:00pm.

“May all those who have bread, hunger for justice.

May all those who hunger, have bread.”

Respectfully submitted by


BC Synod in Convention: Learning Day

Saturday, April 30th 2016 (open to all- please join us!)

The Challenge of Addressing Change:
Thinking Missionally about Ministry in the 21stCentury

Gather 9:15am, Sessions 9:30am-3pm


Craig Van Gelder

Craig Van Gelder is a consultant with The Missional Network and Emeritus Professor of Congreagional Mission, Luther Seminary. Now retired from full-time teaching, he continues to consult with denominations and their congregations in the areas of organizational development and implementing adaptive change processes. He holds a Ph.D. in Missiology (1982) and a Ph.D. in Administration in Urban Affairs (1985) and served as Professor of Congregational Mission at Luther Seminary from 1998-2014, preceded by 10 years as Professor of Domestic Missiology at Calvin Seminary. This discipline utilizes biblical and theological frameworks in developing a missional approach for helping congregations engage their changing contexts. He is ordained in the Christian Reformed Church.

What topics will we be engaging?

Session 1: Historical Perspectives Regarding Denominations and their Congregations—What Has Happened? In this session Dr. Van Gelder will provide leaders across the synod with perspective regarding what is happening to congregations and their denominations in Canada as we move further into the 21st century.

Session 2: Understanding Technical and Adaptive Change in Relation to Congregational Ministry—How Have Churches Responded? Here we will learn to distinguish between “technical” and “adaptive” change and explore its implications for congregations and their leaders in our synod.

Session 3: Turning Presenting Issues into an Adaptive Challenge-Discussion and an opportunity for some work in groups. In this session Dr. Van Gelder will assist leaders in the synod turn “key presenting issues” into an “adaptive challenge statement.”

Cost– $25 (this fee will help pay a portion of the cost for 2 coffee breaks & lunch)

Location – Executive Plaza Hotel, 405 North Road, Coquitlam, BC

Scrapbooking /Stitcherymeets every Tuesday

from 9:00 am –2:00 pm.

Come and work at your own projects and have a chatting good time. Please join us!

Are you expecting a TAX REFUND?

Would you consider

giving a portion of it to your church ?

Your church will give you

a Charitable Tax Receipt for 2016

you can get a refund again next year!

The Way: Faith Forming Faith

Would you like to participate in “The Way?” Beginning in April during the 50 day season of Easter (April 1- May 15), you have the opportunity to join others in participating in a unique form of faith formation entitled, “The Way.”

“The Way” is essentially adult faith formation with a significant difference; there is no emphasis upon dogma, or presenting the right answer rather it is about providing people with the place and opportunity to be heard. This particular way of “Bible study” is concerned with belonging. The sense of belonging revolves around finding a place to ask my questions and for someone to listen to my faith story and my questions and concerns.

There is no curriculum rather the curriculum is the lives and the faith stories of those who gather in small groups to share. In the small groups, those who gather, listen to the reading of the gospel and are given the chance to tell their stories of how the gospel may intersect with their faith experiences. But mostly, it is about listening to those who want to share.

Here is an example of how “The Way” works:

gather (possibly to share some food) The pastor briefly rehashes the theme of Sunday worship and sermon

then we read the gospel for the past Sunday, invite reflection, invite faith story

conclude with prayers for each other the Lord’s Prayer and dismissal

If you are interested in such an undertaking, please email Pastor Roland at or make contact at the church.

A Reminder about your

2016 Offering Envelopes

In a change from previous years, the offering envelopes we have this year have onlytwo lines on them. Offerings recorded on the "Current"line go to pay all operating expenses approved in the budget for the year.

This includes any offering you might choose to give towards the amount St. Paul’s has pledged to support the work of the Synod (which used to be designated Missions on your envelope) as well as for the monthly mortgage payment (formerly for ‘Building’).

Please note - there is no longer any need todesignate these amounts separately as they are paid as part of our current monthly expenses from general offerings. Any special offerings made towards these items are of course included but can just be added to the amount you are giving to ‘Current’ with no special designation necessary.

Including enough in our general offerings for ‘Current’ to cover all of our monthly expenses will prevent the church facing a deficit as we had last year and is very much appreciated by our treasurer and Council.

God bless!