- 1 - / AIS-AIMSG/4-SN/8
/ AIS-AIMSG/4-SN No. 8



Bordeaux, 23 to 27 May 2011

Agenda Item / 3:
3.7: / AIM information and data assembly, exchange, and promulgation


(Presented by Paul Bosman)

This study note provides a list of change proposals following the outcome of the ICAO Aeronautical Chart 1: 500 000 harmonisation activity in ECAC[1] area to be considered for amending the ICAO SARPS – Annex 4 Aeronautical Charts.
The Study Group is invited to review and discuss the contents of the study note and amendment proposals and in coordination with other relevant ICAO bodies consider the content as proposed changes to the ICAO SARPS.


1.1This study note results from the outcome of the EUROCONTROL activity on harmonisation of the ICAO Aeronautical Chart 1: 500 000 performed in the framework of the Stakeholder working arrangements between 2008 and 2010.

1.2It provides a list of the proposed improvements for aeronautical charts production in the attached document to be considered for amending the ICAO Annex 4 — Aeronautical Charts reports on issues raised during the development of the harmonisation proposals.

1.3Also attached to the study note is the “Guidance Materialfor the ICAO Aeronautical Chart1: 500 000 in Europe” that may support the work of the AIS-AIMSG to review and update ICAO Doc 8697 Aeronautical Charts Manual.

2.chart harmonisation proposals development

2.1Development has involved the European AIS Stakeholders through members of the ICAO Chart Harmonisation Focus Group, AI Operations Subgroup, AI Team and EAD.

2.2The EUROCONTROL ICAO Chart Harmonisation Focus Group has developed the chart harmonisation proposals. Thegroup worked in 2008-2010, with representatives from 16EuropeanStates, EUROCONTROL and Jeppesen.

2.3The Focus Group concentrated its work on the depiction of airspace structure and aeronautical information on Aeronautical Charts ICAO 1:500 000. The main objective was to produce guidance material in order to harmonise the Aeronautical Chart ICAO 1:500 000 within Europe, taking into account the existing ICAO requirements specified in ICAO Annex 4, Doc8697, and the findings of the Airspace Infringement Safety Improvement Initiative. As a consequence of the findings of the Focus Group and the elaborated guidance material for the ICAO Aeronautical Chart 1:500 000, a subsequent change proposal for Annex 4 has been developed.


3.1The Focus Group had to analyse various ICAO Charts presently published in Europe considering each single item depicted on the chart. Taking into account the safety action plan of EUROCONTROL’s Airspace Infringement Safety Improvement Initiative, the Focus Group concentrated its main effort on the analyses of the depiction of airspace structure and other aeronautical information. As expected, many differences were found in the way information is displayed on the various ICAO Charts.

3.2The only way to comprehend differences of the various charts, and to find solutions for a harmonised depiction of a specific chart item, was to step into each single detail of the various ICAO Charts in order to find a “common ground” for a European wide standardised and harmonised publication in the future. This harmonisation process has to be in line with the standards and recommendations defined in ICAO Annex 4. Although Annex 4 is explicit in some areas, it is open for various interpretations in some others.

3.3The findings of the analyses were compared with the chart symbols provided in ICAO Annex 4, Appendix 2, realizing that ICAO Annex 4 and Doc 8697 do not provide answers to all arising questions. In particular, Annex and Manual do not cover problems emerging when depicting a complex airspace structure with an overlap of several airspace elements on a chart. In addition, ICAO Annex 4, Appendix 2 does not present adequate distinction between airspace requiring ATC clearance and airspace not requiring any clearance.

3.4Differentiation is considered essential; the Focus Group elaborated minor modifications of the symbols defined by Annex 4, Appendix 2 to be applied on the depiction of different airspace classes. Appendix 2 of Annex 4 contains 180 different symbols to be published illustrating all features necessary to create an aeronautical chart. Since there is a great variety of possible aeronautical charts, it should be recognized that ICAO Annex 4 and in addition the Aeronautical Chart Manual (Doc 8697) cannot cover all essential features and symbols when designing a specific aeronautical chart. Apparently, it is not obvious whether some of the symbols listed apply to the Aeronautical Chart ICAO 1:500 000 at all.

3.5Furthermore, an unmistakable standard has not been established on how to indicate lower and upper level of airspace elements together with airspace text boxes and text lines. A proposal concerning this issue has been compiled as well.

3.6ICAO Annex 4 requires the application of blue colour on all airspace elements (except airspace class A) as well as all other aeronautical information. Yet numerous States depict restricted and danger areas in red colour as an alternative, to emphasize the potential risk to aircraft penetrating these areas. The majority of the participants agreed to apply red colour in the future.


4.1As anticipated, apart from the issues mentioned above, the Focus Group has revealed many differences in the way airspace structure and further navigational information is depicted on the various ICAO Aeronautical Charts. Focus Group analysed more than 30 chart symbols relating to airspace structure and other aeronautical information. All the findings, solutions andproposalsare described and compiled in the so-called “Guidance Material for the use of ICAO Aeronautical Chart 1: 500 000. The Guidance Material has been developed to harmonize and standardize charts within Europe. It contains additional information to ICAO SARPS - Annex 4 and Doc 8697.

4.2One of the outcomes of the work of the ICAO Chart Harmonization Focus Group is the strong motivation of the participants to contribute to the overdue harmonization process in Europe and to immediately start action. The latest issues of ICAO Charts in Europe demonstrate that the harmonization process already is on its way. EUROCONTROL Stakeholders support the application of the Guidance Material for Aeronautical Chart ICAO 1:500 000.

5.Changes to ICAO Annex 4

5.1As a consequence of their work, the FG has developed adraft Amendment proposal to ICAO Annex 4. A subsequent change of Annex 4 is considered as an urgent matter. The growing complexity of the airspace structure in Europe and the different approaches displaying airspace on aeronautical charts, with the effect of an increasing number of airspace infringements, led to the a particular conclusion to see a vital need in the modification of symbols of airspace classifications and airspace restrictions currently published in ICAO Annex 4.

5.2The draft Amendment proposal to ICAO Annex 4, clear and concise,is provided inan easily recognized ICAO format as an attachment to this study note.

6.Changes to ICAO Doc 8697

6.1The symbols to display airspace structure and other aeronautical information are published in Appendix 2 of Annex 4. According to the provision 2.4 (Symbols) of ICAO Annex 4, it is the responsibility of the States to transfer and publish these symbols, which are considered as worldwide standard.

6.2Having reviewed all symbols published in ICAO Annex Appendix 2 in detail, the ICAO Aeronautical Chart Manual Doc 8697 hardly presents any supplementary support concerning the issue. The Manual describes the same symbols as they are published in ICAO Annex 4; in certain instances in a form of textual descriptions only. Because the Manual has not been amended over a long period, it does not reflect today’s needs of designers and users of the aeronautical charts. For instance the manual does not cover problems arising when depicting a complex airspace structure with several overlapping airspace elements on a chart; or the lack of comprehensible statements affecting the utilization of the aeronautical abbreviations like GND, AGL, MSL, AMSL, SFC, etc.


7.1There are still open items regarding the depiction of aeronautical information and the harmonisation of geographical and topographical data displayed on ICAO Charts. For future developments, one possible goal should be harmonisation and standardisation of VFR approach and departure charts for the operation of VFR traffic at and in the vicinity of aerodromes taking into consideration the findings of the ICAO Chart Harmonization Focus Group and the Action Plan of the Airspace Infringement Safety Improvement Initiative.


8.1This study note presents the draft Amendment proposal for ICAO Annex 4. It is recommended that the change proposals are discussed and commented by the Study Group and considered for amending ICAO Annex 4. Guidance material may be used as an iput for review and further development of Doc 8697 for the sake of global harmonisation in charting.

9.ACTION by the group

9.1The AIS-AIMSG is invited to:

a)review and discuss the study note;

b)review and comment on the draft amendment proposal and associated guidance material; and

c)consider to submit to the ICAO secretariat the proposal foramending ICAO Annex 4 and Doc 8697.

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[1]ECAC- European Civil Aviation Conference area – 44 member States: Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Ukraine and United Kingdom.