Associate Dean CIS, BakerCollege, Flint
Web Site:
Office: 810 766-8798Cell Phone: 810 287-0321
DESCRIPTION: / Continues the study of advanced methods of writing object-oriented/event driven (OOED) applications using Visual Basic 6.0. Using realistic case studies, students will exhibit their ability to write code for variables, selection structure, repetition, sequential access files, dialog boxes, error trapping, viewing and manipulating databases, and two dimensional arrays. Students will also demonstrate their ability to work with a team to design, create, test, debug, document, and present an advanced, multi-form Visual Basic application that incorporates concepts learned in CIS310 and CIS311. Prerequisite(s): CIS310
TEXTBOOK(S): / Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic.NET. Diane Zak. Course Technology. 2002. 0-619-01662-0.
(Note: A CD comes with the text.)
ADDITIONAL MATERIAL(S): / zip disk recommended
INSTRUCTOR TUTORING: / See your instructor for recommendations on tutoring, Learning Support Services, and/or other help.
CLASS WEB SITE: / The class web site contains information pertinent to the course. Contact, assignments, slides, and student standing information are available. It is recommended the student download the slides before coming to class. The site is located at:
EMAIL CONTACT: / For Email contact, enter the following in the ‘Subject’ area:
Class, day, name
CIS311, Tuesday, John Doe
QUIZZES: / Points toward a final grade are earned through the media of quizzes. Quizzes cannot be made-up.
EXAMS / Points toward a final grade are earned through the media of exams. Exams can be made-up with prior consent of the instructor.
Any final exam may be picked up at the TechnologyCenter front desk for two weeks following completion of the last class.
LABS: / Points toward a final grade are earned through the media of lab work. Lab work cannot be made-up.
HOMEWORK: / Points toward a final grade are earned through the media of homework. Assignments are worth 100 points when turned in on time, 75 points turned in late, 0 if not turned in.
ASSIGNMENT NAMING CONVENTION: / Any assignment must have the following information at the top of the first page:
Name, UIN, CIS311, Assignment Name, Date
Morris Fulcher, 101-12345, CIS311, Lab 2, 3/31/03
PROJECTS / Projects are worth 100 points. They are to be completed by the designated due-date and will not be accepted late.
GRADING: / Grades are determined by percentage method of total points earned during the quarter. Total points earned divided by total points available give the earned percentage. Points are earned via quizzes, exams, projects, and presentations.
The student’s current grade standing is located on the class web site mentioned in the ‘Instructor’ section mentioned earlier.
90 – 100A
87 – 89B+
80 – 86B
77 – 79C+
70 – 76C
67 – 69D+
60 – 66 D
0 – 59E
For Incompletes (I), Withdraw Passing (WP) see the instructor.
- Eating and/or drinking in class are prohibited.
- Smoking is allowed only in designated smoking areas.
- Children are not allowed in the college buildings. This includes regular class and lab periods. Children may not be left unattended anywhere, especially in the StudentCenter or Library. Children may come into the building, rather than be left unattended in a vehicle, while a parent conducts college business, picks up a check, drops off an assignment, etc.
- Pagers and cell phones must be kept in an inaudible mode in the classroom.
HONOR CODE: / Any student who violates the Honor Code, as defined in the Student Handbook will receive a “F/zero” grade on that work. Further details are available in the Student Handbook.