Fellows previously appointed to Dr. Matherne’s training grant revised January 2009
NAME/ CONTACT INFO / TitlesSarah Regan Ford, MD
Sara R. Ford, MD
22 Marshall Way
Rumford, RI02916
Sara R. Ford, MD
The Pediatric Heart Center
The CoroCenter, Suite 304
One Hoppin Street
Providence, RI02903
(401) 444-4612
/ Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, 2005-present
BrownUniversitySchool of Medicine, Providence, Rhode Island
Robert Klein, M.D., Departmental Chair
Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics,2004-presentRhode IslandHospital/ Hasbro Children’s Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island
Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics,
July 2004-present
Women and InfantsHospital, Providence, Rhode Island
Peggy Crawford, MD
All Children’s Hospital
800 6th Street S, CHC 3N
ACH Box #70-7130
St Petersburg, FL, 33701
Phone: (727) 767-3333
Fax: (727) 767-8990
/ Pediatric Cardiology Specialist June 2, 2008 – Present
Director cardiac MRI Program
All Children’s Hospital
Renee Y. Friday MD, MPH
Assistant Prof. of Pediatrics
Pediatric Cardiologist
BaylorCollege of Medicine
Texas Children's Hospital
6621 Fannin Street
WestTower 19th floor
Main Campus: Ms Rachel Rodriguez, Administrative AssistantClearLakeHealthCenter -281-282-1900 /Fax: 281-282-1991 (M, W, Th, F) SugarLandHealthCenter - 281-494-7010/ Fax: 281-494-7807
Pager: 3631
Home Address:
14902 Evergreen Ridge Way
Houston, Texas77062
281-282-1900 / Assistant Prof. of Pediatrics
Pediatric Cardiologist
BaylorCollege of Medicine
Texas Children's Hospital
Sydney Rice, MD
Univ. Phys Health Care
U. Arizona
1501 N Campbell
PO Box 245073
Tucson 85724
520-626-6615 / Faculty Appointment:
Assistant Professor, Developmental Pediatrics,
University of Arizona,
Tucson, AZ
Jill Narron, MD Cardiology
One ChildrensPlaza
Dayton, OH45404
(937) 641-3418
or 641-3405
/ Pediatric Cardiologist
Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics,
WrightStateUniversitySchool of Medicine
Andrew Herman, MD, FAAP
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology,
1000 Blythe Blvd.,
Charlotte, NC28232, (704) 381-4820
Andrew Herman
321 Stanbury Drive
MattewsNC 28104 / Academic Title:
Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Univ. of North Carolina
Richard Salerno Crit. Care
68 Partridge Drive
Essex Junction, Vermont05452
(802) 878-0963
(802) 233-4502 (cell)
Hospital Address
MCHV Campus, PICUMcClure
111 Colchester Avenue
Burlington, Vermont05401
(802) 847-3544
Assistant Professor, Pediatric Critical Care – 2004 – presentVermont Children’s Hospital atFletcher Allen Health Care
Burlington, Vermontalso-
Associate Director of Academic Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Braford McQuilkin, MD Cardiology
7603 Forest Ave
Richmond, VA23229
(804) 285-1611 / Staff physician
Adjunct faculty - Univ of Virginia
Division of Pediatric Cardiology
Matthew Grinsell, MD, PhD
Division of Nephrology and Hypertension
Department of Pediatrics
University of UtahSchool of Medicine
30 North 1900 East Medical Drive
Salt Lake City, UT84132
Office: 801-581-7609
FAX: 801-581-8043
Email: / Clinical Instructor
Univ. of Utah
Christopher Davis, MD
3020 Children's Way
MC 5004
San Diego, CA92123
(858) 966-5855
/ 06/2008 – present: Assistant Clinical Professor (non-salaried), Department of Pediatrics, University of California San Diego
Michael McCulloch, MD
c/o NemoursCardiacCenter
1600 Rockland Road
Phone: (302) 651-6600
Pager: (302) 247-1929
Fax: (302) 651-5345
Home :
3214 Coachman Rd
Wilmington, DE 19803
Home Ph.
(302) 543-4271
/ AI DuPont Hospital for Children
1600 Rockland Road
Wilmington, DE 19803
Phone: (302) 651-6600
Pager: (302) 247-1929
Fax: (302) 651-5345
Bruce Landeck, MDCardiology
The Children's Hospital
13123 East 16th Avenue
Aurora, CO80045
3455 Beeler Ct.
Denver, CO80238
Home phone: 303-321-0555
or / Assistant Professor of Pediatrics,
Division of Pediatric Cardiology
The Children's Hospital (University of Colorado), Aurora, CO
Jonathan Swanson Neonatology
100 Madison Avenue
Morristown, NJ07962
Home Address:
3 Knollwood Trail West
Mendham, NJ 07945
Work Phone:
(973) 971-5488
Home Phone:(973) 543-6049
Cellular Phone:(973) 349-7716
/ Academic Title: Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Role: Neonatologist
Privileges at:
MorristownMemorialHospital, Morristown, NJ
OverlookHospital, Summit, NJ
St. Clare’s Hospital, Denville, NJ
ChiltonHospital, Pompton Plains, NJ
Mt Sinai School of Medicine (pending)
From: Hoke, Tracey R *HS
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 3:52 PM
To: Palmer, Joanne *HS
Cc: Hoke, Tracey R *HS; Williams, Dori R *HS
Subject: Past Fellows from UVA
Joanne - Below is our list of T32 graduates. Please send them the following letter ASAP (please send by email if you have their emails):
Dear UVA Pediatric Cardiovascular Training Grant Graduate,
It is again time to renew our Training Grant, and we need your help. This is the award that directly supported your research training, and we are under a tight deadline to renew it so that future clinician investigators can be trained at UVA. Please send the following before January 1, 2009:
Updated Contact Information
Current Positionand Institution
(please note any academic affiliations/activites)
(all grant support everreceived)
(all peer reviewed)
Thanks so much for your help!
Tracey R. Hoke, M.D., M.Sc.
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Research Director, Pediatric Cardiovascular Training Grant
University of Virginia Children's Hospital
P.O. Box 800386
Charlottesville, VA22908 Office phone: (434) 924 9119 Desk phone: (434) 982 0835 Fax: (434) 924 5656
2. Disadvantaged Definition:
A) What is the definition of disadvantaged? An individual from a disadvantaged background is defined as someone who:
(a) comes from an environment that has inhibited the individual from obtaining the knowledge, skill, and abilities required to enroll in and graduate from a school (environmentally disadvantaged);
(b) comes from a family with an annual income below a level which is based on low-income thresholds according to family size published by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, adjusted annually for changes in the Consumer Price Index, and adjusted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) for adaptation to this program (economically disadvantaged).
B) What are some examples of environmentally disadvantaged?
The Department expects that eligible students who meet these criteria will
(1) Have the abilities needed to succeed in a health career, but come from backgrounds and educational environments that have made it difficult for them to reach and fully demonstrate their academic potential; and
(2) Are more likely than other students to provide care to underserved areas and populations following completion of their degree.
EXAMPLES - schools are not limited to these examples only:
(1) The individual graduated from (or last attended) a high school with low SAT score based on most recent data available:
(2) The individual graduated from (or last attended) a high school from which, based on most recent data available:
(a)low percentage of seniors receive a high school diploma; or
(b)low percentage of graduates go to college during the first year after graduation.
(3) The individual graduated from (or last attended) a high school with low per capita funding.
(4) The individual graduated from (or last attended) a high school at which, based on most recent data available, many of the enrolled students are eligible for free or reduced price lunches.
(5) The individual comes from a family that receives public assistance (e.g., Aid to Families with Dependent Children, food stamps, Medicaid, public housing).
(6) The individual comes from a family that lives in an area that is designated under section 332 of the Act as a health professional shortage area.