It is hard to believe this will be the last half term of the school year! The children have grown and changed so much and over the next months we will gradually begin talking about changes, transition and the future to prepare the class for the move next door. Before that though we will focus on getting all we can out of the remainder of our time in Ladybird Class! We hope you all enjoyed our class assembly in May, thank you for your support with costumes, props and rehearsingto make it possible,
Sarah Moll and Emily Buck.
Reading and targets
Every child takes part in a range of tasks which actively teach and practise reading skills such as decoding, word recognition and discussion of the meaning of text on a daily basis during phonics, stories, ERIC and literacy lessons. In addition to this we aim to read with each child on a focused and individual basis around every three weeks, these times are recorded in the children’s home-school reading records. Regular opportunities to practise and enjoy those reading skills at home really helps. If you feel that your child is ready to move on, whether it is in reading or achieving their individual targets please let us know and we will follow up as quickly as possible.
Several of the children have taken a real sense of ownership of their learning in terms of consciously working towards specific targets and with your encouragement and support this can become really powerful.
As mentioned previously some of our PE sessions take place outside during the summer and this week a large number of children did not have plimsolls and were unable to take part. PE usually falls on a Monday afternoon but could sometimes happen at other times – as a school we usually ask that children have their PE kits available in case.
Thank you to those parents who have already volunteered their time this year. If you or a member of your wider family is interested in volunteering in school then you would need a DBS check and a safeguarding meeting with Miss Cockburn. Not sure if it’s for you? Reading, cooking, admin, gardening, playing, or even just demonstrating a skill of your own such as knitting…
Upcoming Events
EYFS cake sale this Friday 9th June.
Parents online safety session 14th June.
Empty classroom day 16th June.
Maths café 20th June.
Open evening to see current and next class 11th July.
Sports day 29th June.
Forest school afternoon 12th July.