To YOTEL / From YOTEL / Average length of timeMethod of transportation / Price / Tip / Toll / Est. Total / Price / Tip / Toll / Est. Total
Yellow cab/ Taxi / $52.50 / $7 / $6.50 / $66 / $52.50 / $7 / $6.50 / $66 / 45 mins to 1.5 hrs
Private car* / $142 / Included / Included / $142 / $110 / Included / Included / $110 / 45 mins to 1.5 hrs
Shuttle* / $27 / N/A / N/A / $27.00 / $27 / N/A / N/A / $27 / 2 to3 hrs
Public transport / $7.50 / N/A / N/A / $7.50 / $ 7.50 / N/A / N/A / $7.50 / 2 hrs
To YOTEL - Take the JFK-AirTrain from your airline terminal to Jamaica Air Train station, alight here and transfer to Sutphin Blvd- Archer Av subway station. Take the train to World Trade Center. Exit subway at 42nd Street - Port Authority Bus Terminal. Exit to street following the exit signs to 42nd Street and walk to 570 Tenth Avenue (10th Avenue between 41st and 42nd Streets). Approx. 5/10mins walk.
To JFK - Walk on 42nd Street up to 8th Avenue, approximately 5/10 minutes’ walk. Enter the subway line. Take the train line signed to Jamaica Center-Parsons/Archer. Alight at Sutphin Blvd- Archer Av subway station and change to the Jamaica Air Train station and alight at John F Kennedy Airport (at your designated terminal).
You can take the Air Train from your airline terminal at JFK to Jamaica and change onto the LIRR train, which is the overland train, this train comes into Penn station on 34th Street and 8th Avenue. It’s at least a 20 minute walk or a short cab ride to the hotel. Alternatively you can change trains at Penn station and jump on the subway to 42nd St
To YOTEL / From YOTEL / Average length of timeMethod of transportation / Price / Tip / Toll / Est. Total / Price / Tip / Toll / Est. Total
Yellow cab/ Taxi / $44-60 / $5- 10 / $6.50 / $55- 75 / $44-60 / $5- 10 / $6.50 / $40- 65 / 45 mins to 1.5 hrs
Private car* / $121 / Included / Included / $121 / $90 / Included / Included / $90 / 45 mins to 1.5 hrs
Shuttle* / $21 / N/A / N/A / $21 / $21 / N/A / N/A / $21 / 2 to3 hrs
Public transport / $5 / N/A / N/A / $5 / $5 / N/A / N/A / $5 / 2 hrs
To LGA - Walk to Times Square (at 7th Avenue and 42nd Street) and enter the subway to take the line. Take this to 74th Street- Broadway, which is the last stop in Queens. Get off at 74th Street- Broadway and take the Q70 Bus Line to LaGuardia Airport (central terminals).
To YOTEL - Take Q70 Bus Line to 74th Street- Broadway in Queens. Exit here and enter the subway line. Exit subway at 42nd Street- Times Square. Exit to street and walk to 570 Tenth Avenue (10th Avenue between 41st and 42nd Streets).
To YOTEL / From YOTEL / Average length of timeMethod of transport / Price / Tip / Toll / Est. Total / Price / Tip / Toll / Est. Total
Yellow cab/ Taxi / $60- 75 / $7- 15 / $13 / $80- 100 / $50-75 / $7- 15 / $13 / $70- 100 / 45 mins- 1.5 hrs
Private car* / $150 / Included / Included / $150 / $124 / Included / Included / $124 / 45 mins- 1.5 hrs
Shuttle* / $24 / N/A / N/A / $24 / $24 / N/A / N/A / $24 / 2-3 hrs
Public transport / $15 / N/A / N/A / $15 / $15 / N/A / N/A / $15 / 1- 1.5 hrs
To EWR - Walk to Times Square (7th Avenue and 42nd Street) and enter the subway to take the lines downtown one stop to Penn Station (all three of these subway lines will take you there. Exit at Penn Station and head to New Jersey Transit (within Penn Station). Here you will need to purchase a ticket to the AirTrain (approx. $12.50 single). Once you have your ticket take the next train towards Newark Penn Station. These are marked on the board by “EWR” next to the trains’ final destination. Exit at Newark Penn Station and take the AirTrain to Newark Airport (your specific terminal).
To YOTEL - Take the AirTrain to Newark Penn Station. Exit here and take a New Jersey Transit train to Penn Station (Manhattan), last stop. Exit here and enter the subway for the lines. This is located within Penn Station. Take this one stop 42nd Street- Times Square. Exit to street and walk to 570 Tenth Avenue (10th Avenue between 41st and 42nd Streets). Alternatively it’s a 20min walk or a short cab ride to the hotel
A cab is a quick option from Newark due to our location next to the Lincoln tunnel – cost is approx. $85 including tip/tolls. Coming from Newark you’ll be using a New Jersey cab that doesn’t always accept credit/debit card directly. So ideally have enough cash (ATM/ bureau de change inside each terminal) – or collect a credit card voucher from a machine at the rank.
You can book shuttles (or private car service) to and from the airports directly with our concierge ( or call direct 1 646 449 7715). They will drop you off and pick you up right outside YOTEL’s entrance. It’s best to book these at least 24 hours prior to your departure. They take longer and are cheaper because they are shared busses that make a number of stops within the city and terminals within the airport.
Cabs from JFK to Manhattan are a flat rate (currently $52.50 + tip and toll); cab prices from LGA are dependent on the mileage and traffic.
Use only yellow cabs, or legitimate shuttle services at baggage claim. Don’t be tempted by the drivers waiting there; these private car services will charge you double, triple, or even more, than a yellow cab. Follow the signs to the official taxi rank and speak with the marshal there.
Public transport is the cheapest way in and out but neither the subway or the mainline trains are usable unless you don’t have large amounts of luggage. At peak times Public transport can be the quickest way to get to and from JFK, the traffic can be horrendous so leave plenty of time to catch your flight.
Snow, rain, severe cold, or severe heat all affect travel in the city very quickly so plan for a longer journey time. In rain, best idea is to hop on the subway or pre-book car service; everyone in NYC is trying to catch a cab.
If you intend to travel during rush hour, expect the higher end of all estimated travel times. Subways are a quicker option during this time, especially in the summer on a Friday (NY’ers flock to the suburbs to beat the heat). Rush hour tends to last from 7:30am- 9.30am and 4:30pm- 7:30pm (07:30-09:30 and 16:30-19:30).
Always try and use yellow cabs, other cabs, usually black cars that pull over and vie for your business may charge you double. Cabs are city run and city controlled; they are metered and can be paid in cash, credit card or debit card (using the touch screen monitor). Tipping is at your discretion, but usually ranges from 15-20% of total charges.
When you take a cab it’s a good idea to have the cross street address of your location with you. So for YOTEL just saying 570 Tenth Avenue is not always enough for the cabbies, needs to be on Tenth Avenue at W 42nd Street or between 41st and 42nd Streets.
Between 16:00 and 17:00, very conveniently – not! is the cab shift change hour and is very tough to find one available. Cabs also have “OFF DUTY” lights that can easily be confused with the ‘i'm available’ light. This means that they are heading home; they may stop for you but generally will ask if you are heading in their direction before they’ll pick you up.
There is a subway map on the back of your in cabin guide. If you need extra or have any questions, stop by Mission Control or the Concierge desk on FOUR and they’ll be able to help. Below are some pros/cons and advice for using the NYC Subway.
· The subway can get you pretty much anywhere you need to go in Manhattan for $2.75.
· If you plan on using this as a primary means of transportation, purchase an “Unlimited 7-day Pass.” However, note this can only be used by 1 person. There is a timer that prohibits you from swiping your Metrocard twice within an 18-minute period.
· To purchase subway cards, use the automated machine. They are much faster than waiting for the toll booth clerk, instructions are in numerous languages.
· Always note if there is an express train to your destination.
· Pay attention to the subway entrances. Some will say “Uptown” or “Downtown”. These will only take you in that specific direction. If you realize this after you swipe your Metrocard it will result in going back above ground, crossing the street, entering there, and swiping your card for another $2.75. However, if the entrance says neither, go ahead, there will be trains going in both directions.
· In the summer, prepared to sweat while waiting for your train. The cars are air conditioned, but the tracks are not.
· MTA employees behind the ticket booths can be (well mostly) less than friendly. Opt to ask directions from a train conductor or a New Yorker waiting to catch the train in question.
· As in any big city, be aware of your belongings and be smart. Avoid travel by subway late at night. If you must, stay to the middle of the platform.
· Try to avoid rush hour (7:30am- 9.30am and 4:30pm- 7:30pm/ 07:30-09:30 and 16:30-19:30) unless you don’t mind squeezing into a subway car with all of your closest and not-so-closest friends.
Hope that you found this guide useful, some of the information will seem obvious for regular visitors to New York but if it’s you are a first time visitor it might just help! And if you have any feedback or comments/suggestions to add in here then please mail us on .
Enjoy your stay.