Santiago High School Zoology

Mrs. Spivey K101 739-5600 x2815

Course Objectives: To connect the relevancy of zoology to student’s own lives

To prepare students for the college study of zoology

To investigate the principles of animal ecology and evolution

To introduce and explore animal anatomy and physiology

To explore human impact on animal habitats

To explore the interdependency of plants, animals, and people

Dissections are an important factor of this course

Course Requirements: You will need to bring the following items to class every day:

1)  Textbook

2)  Pen or pencil/highlighter

3)  Paper

Participation Participation points are given for the quarter project that each group works on.

Homework: *Homework is given at the beginning of each unit and is due the day of the unit test. Usually 3 week units. Homework consists of notes taken from PowerPoint presentations found on the class website. Students are given an outline to follow and fill in. Any classwork that is not completed is also considered homework.

Classwork: *Zoology is a hands-on activity based class with many classroom activities and laboratory assignments.

*Participation in class activities and work is required to earn full credit.

Semester projects: *There will be one research project due a quarter

*This will include both research and classroom assignments

*Projects will be required to include written reports and visual presentations.

*Projects will be presented to class and library time will be required.

Assessment: *Assessment will be given in the form of tests, quizzes, laboratory tests, oral presentations, group projects, and individual projects. Quizzes will be weekly.

Weekly packets: *All Classwork, laboratory assignments, and text book questions will be turned in at the beginning of each week in the form of weekly packets.

Make up Procedures: *All Classwork can be made up with an excused absence.

(check absent folder!!!) *All laboratory assignments must be made up with alternative assignments of equal value.

*Assessment assignments can be made up with excused absences.

*It is the responsibility of the student to determine the assignments missed during an absence.

*Any student absent on the day an assignment/packet is due is responsible for turning it in on the day he or she returns to class. *Students have one day per absences to make up work. If a student is sick on Monday, the work will be due on Wednesday.

Grading procedure: Packets 30%

Homework/notes 10% Grading Scale 90-100%A

Tests 30% 80-89%B

Projects 25% 70-79%C

Quizzes 15% 60-69%D


Late Work: If the assignment is not turned in at the time collected it will be considered late. Late work is accepted for ½ credit if it is turned in during the week of the original due date or before the other students work is handed back. Usually at the end of each unit ( 3 weeks)

Re-Takes/low scores: Vocabulary quizzes can be retaken if a review assignment is completed.

Attendance: Zoology includes many classroom assignments and requires participation. Daily attendance is very important for maximum learning and to earn full credit.

Tardiness :( must sign in) School hero program will be followed. Must be in seat when bell rings. Door will be locked when bell rings. Students must obtain a hero pass and sign in.

Seating: Students will be required to sit in their assigned seats each day

These seats will allow students to work in groups when necessary

Seats will be changed periodically to create new groupings.

Individual seats may also be changed as necessary

Cell Phones

Cell phones are not allowed out during most class time. If you bring one to class it must be in a “Phone cage”, a plastic box at your table. It is to be kept in the box which will remain at your table, except during designated times (this will be gone over in detail during class—we use cell phones to take online quizzes, play review games, and research—but during lecture and other class times cell phones MUST be in the phone cages). If a cell phone is being used or moved from the “phone cage” outside of a designated time the phone will be taken and placed in a locked drawer “phone jail” until the end of the class period and the student will receive an after school detention. If a phone is out during a test or quiz the student will get a zero on the test or quiz. Santiago High School and its employees are not liable for missing or damaged cell phones--if you are not comfortable placing your phone in the “phone cage” then leave your phone at home.

Class Rules and Behavior expectations:

1)  Be on time. When the bell rings you must be in your seat and ready to work.

2)  Always bring materials and come prepared.

3)  There will be no food drinks or gum in class.

4)  Talking is allowed only when working in groups or when called upon.

5)  Do not use profanity or any offensive language.

6)  Class time is for Zoology only; any other business must be done before or after class.

7)  Stay in your seat until the bell rings. The teacher will excuse you from class if all materials are put away and cleaned up.

8)  Respect must be shown to fellow classmates and the teacher at all times

9)  Do not touch any tanks, terrariums, or classroom pets without permission of the teacher.

10)  No headphones, hats or hoods unless specified by the teacher.

Consequences: 1) Warning/discussion

2) 30 minute detention

3) 1 hour detention

4) Parent contact/referral to assistant principal

Office Hours: Students may retake vocabulary quizzes, make up vocabulary quizzes and get absent work during office hours. Not regular class time. Students must sign up for office hours by the Wednesday of the week they want to attend. A sign- up sheet will be available during class each week office hours is available.

Please Sign here to acknowledge that you and your parent/guardian have read through and understand this info sheet and the course syllabus. By signing you agree to follow the classroom and school rules, including the Cell Phone Policy.

Parent/Guardian signature:______Date:______

Parent e-mail ______

Student’s signature:______Date:______

Print Name: ______

Class title and period: ______